Topic: whats everyones favorite protein powder!
NPCPRO Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 72)
posted January 28, 2000 12:55 AM
mine is designer protein, great shake i drink 3-4 a day along with 4 cups of whole milk and just chug a lug lug lug! great source of protein!IP: Logged |
2Thick Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 78)
posted January 28, 2000 12:59 AM
For taste, Designer is the best, but I just buy in bulk from protein factory. I would (and have tried) drinking tuna shakes, so taste is not as important as nutritional value. Plus, I get to put some L-Glut in my protein and choose the flavor. Not to mention its much cheaper than Designer.Jon
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tray renfro Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 45)
posted January 28, 2000 01:05 AM
i love designer, just toss in a banana and its much better then it plan. i can all my supplements at a vitamin/health food store and they sell it for 20-30% cheaper then any gnc.IP: Logged |
HARDBALL Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 25)
posted January 28, 2000 01:20 AM
I got this protein fro my's called American Whey. Ever hear of it? anyway, 2 scoops of this whey and about a cup of either orange drink or strawberry drink and it's the best think since sliced bread...i had designer protein before, but it was pretty clumpy...guess i should invest in a blender huh?!?!?GET HUGE AND DROP BOMBS IP: Logged |
macrophage69alpha Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 156)
posted January 28, 2000 01:24 AM
choc. designer 2 scoops (70)cc choc. champion heavy weight 900 1 scoop (70 cc) cup and a half of milk 2 scoops of chocolate vanilla swirl dreyers fat free frozen yogurt. yummy 56g of protein------------------ MP IP: Logged |
WCP Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 27)
posted January 28, 2000 01:54 AM
Designer Protein is great stuff, but I buy in bulk also, and I usually go through Maxmuscle but Supplement Direct has been running protein at 5$ a lb. Its really nasty but like stated above, I dont care about the taste, its the protein Im after, plus if you mix it with milk you really cant taste it anyway.IP: Logged |
madbomber31 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 69)
posted January 28, 2000 02:10 AM
you guys have no idea what your missing... designer tastes like cardboard compared to cytopro... hands down the best protein i have had... also a good one is xap human muscle protein, its a mrp but still counts. cytopro tastes like strawberry quick... with water too!!!IP: Logged |
ArnoldWannaBe Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 3)
posted January 28, 2000 10:50 AM
My favorite is 100% Whey from Optimum Nutrition. Mix it with skim milk with a spoon and it tastes like chocolate milk. No lumping, 5 lbs. for $38.00, two scoops gives you 40 grams of protein and 8 grams of glutamine. For taste, cost, ease of mixing, protein availability I feel it can't be beat.IP: Logged |
brians Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 17)
posted January 28, 2000 11:03 AM
My fav. is also 100%whey from optimum, however I get 5 lbs. for $23 from my local health food store. Hell of a deal!IP: Logged |
shaonuff Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 32)
posted January 28, 2000 11:30 AM
the power store has a good deal on whey protein. i think they had an abbundance of strawberry flavored whey.....they're selling 3lbs. for 11$.they call it internet whey. i bought four of them....12lbs of whey for 44$ can't beat that. tastes like strawberry quick. IP: Logged |
Dino Strong Moderator (Total posts: 67)
posted January 28, 2000 11:45 AM
You guys should try Soy Protein. It has a real place in bodybuilding because of its fat burning properties and anti-estrogen effect. Please read this excerpt from the EF newsletter on the benefits of Soy protein. Soy Protein Isolate benefits for Bodybuilders Animal research suggests some great advantages of using soy protein isolate as a bodybuilding supplement. Research has shown that the isoflavone daidzein found in soy-protein isolate might have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Lab animals experienced testosterone and growth hormone excretion as well as muscle growth in males, while the female animals experienced a decrease in these hormones and fat loss. Daidzein, which is concentrated in Mass Quantities Chrysin Deluxe, is also found in Mass Quantities Soy Isolate Deluxe. Daidzein is a key isoflavone found in soy that acts as a potent phyto-estrogen. It is structurally a very weak "pseudo-estrogen" (about 1000 times weaker than the body's primary estrogen estradiol). This is good news to the bodybuilder because weak estrogens like daidzein will compete with stronger estrogens like estradiol for available receptor sites to "bind" to. By binding to the receptor sites daidzein then "blocks" the stronger estrogens from binding to and activating receptor sites. With the daidzein isolflavone attached, estrogen receptor sites remain inactive. This inactivity further minimizes the negative effects of estrogen in the body. Many researchers believe this effect is the reason soy protein is linked to a reduction in the risk for many forms of breast, endometrial, and prostate cancer. This mechanism works similarly to the prescription drug Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate)--an anti-estrogen staple in the bodybuilding community.
This research also indicates that the soy-protein isolates may reduce nitrogen loss and keep you in a positive nitrogen balance to better facilitate muscle growth. The human body can only repair and build muscles when it has a positive nitrogen balance.
Of particular interest to the bodybuilder is Soy Isolates high concentration of the amino acids glutamine and arginine. These two aminos are extremely important to a body builder for their ability to release growth hormone, aid in immune system functions, and for their ability to speed muscle cell recovery. Table 1. Glutamine (per 100g)
Soy 10.5g Milk Protein 8.8g Whey 4.9g
Many bodybuilders understand the importance of the essential amino acid L- glutamine to their muscle building supplementation. What many bodybuilders don't know is that soy protein isolate has the highest concentration of glutamine among protein sources-over twice that of whey protein! (7) Glutamine has been used for years in hospitals to speed muscle cell recovery and improve maintenance of muscle mass during periods of starvation, infection, and exercise trauma. (8) Glutamine supplementation has been shown to promote muscle glycogen accumulation, which has been linked to an increase in muscle protein synthesis. (10) Glutamine has also shown the ability to increase muscle cell volume through the process of cellular hydration. (11) Glutamine supplementation in as little as 2 grams per day has been shown to increase plasma growth hormone levels. This increase in growth hormone has been shown to help shift the fuel for muscle from glucose to fatty acids. (9) Research has suggested that a bodybuilder should consume between 8 - 15 grams of glutamine each day. Supplementing 3-5 grams of glutamine 3 times per day has been shown to elicit a positive response without stimulating the excretion of glutamine in the urine.
Table 2. Arginine (per 100g)
Soy 7.6g Beef 6.3g Egg 5.8g Cassein 3.7g Whey 2.9g
L-Arginine is another important amino acid with respects to body building. Arginine plays several roles in the body such as fighting mental and physical fatigue, but its main job is to assist with growth. This amino acid promotes the release of two highly anabolic hormones, insulin and growth hormone. Arginine promotes gains further by assisting in recovery from post workout muscle trauma through its ability to speed tissue healing. This amino acid aids in the detoxification of the liver by removing ammonium from the body. Arginine has also shown the ability to lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Arginine is used in the medical treatment of angina, congestive heart failure, male infertility and wound healing. Soy isolate protein contains higher amounts of this important amino acid than any other protein source.
As a hard training bodybuilder, your body needs protein every 2 -2 1/2 hours even if you may not think you need it. The human body does not store protein long term as it does for fat and carbohydrates. Instead, your body holds amino acids in three pools that provide the body's necessary protein for fuel. These pools are constantly in a state of flux and are replenished either from dietary protein or the breakdown of muscle. It is extremely important to keep these amino acid pools topped off through the feeding of protein every 2 - 2 1/2 hours. When feeding stops, there is a fall in protein synthesis and a rise in protein breakdown. This translates into a loss of lean body mass after extended periods without protein.
Soy Protein Isolate for Dieters
For years, bodybuilding gurus have recommended the use of soy protein for pre-contest bodybuilders who need to shed body fat while keeping as much lean muscle as possible. Normally when the body is forced into a low calorie diet program, it reacts by slowing down your metabolic rate. This will make it increasingly more difficult to lose body fat. Soy-protein isolate helps lessen this effect through several different pathways. First, soy-protein isolate has been found to enhance endogenous production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxin (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroxin is the main player in the regulation of your metabolic rate. The more thyroxin you have the faster your metabolism will be. A faster metabolism insures that more of the food you eat will be used as fuel and less will be stored as fat, an important advantage to any dieter.
Another way soy accelerates fat loss is with its unique concentration of amino acids. Soy-protein isolate has the highest concentration of amino acids in what is called the "critical cluster". This cluster of amino acids contains the three branch chain amino acids (BCAA's) and two essential aminos - glutamine and arginine. These critical amino acids help a bodybuilder spare muscle while losing body fat during a pre-contest diet. Any time you diet, your body tries to break down muscle glycogen in an effort to provide the body with more calories. In fact, your body will often try to use broken down muscle for fuel before it uses stored body fat. This is called muscle catabolism or muscle breakdown. These three branch chain amino acids are the first amino acids that are used for fuel when your body begins muscle catabolism. If you have a high amount of these branch chain amino acids in your diet, your body will first use these for fuel before it breaks down your stored muscle.
The Health Benefits of Soy Isolate
Now that we know that soy is a quality protein source, what health benefits can soy protein bring to its consumer? The intake of soyfoods has long been associated with a reduced risk for certain cancers. Research has suggested that phytic acid and protease inhibitors, two of the nonnutritive compounds in soybeans, contribute to the observed anticarcinogenic effects of consuming soy. (1) Residents of the United States and the United Kingdom, as a whole, consume the smallest amounts of soyfoods but have the highest instances of breast and prostate cancer. Japanese residents in comparison are the largest consumers of soyfoods and have the lowest instances of these cancers. (3) Researchers point to the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, which are found exclusively in soy and soy protein isolate, as the major components behind soy's anti- carcinogenic effects. (2)
Soy protein isolate has shown the ability to promote bone health, which in turn aids in the prevention of Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a chronic disease characterized by a decrease in bone density, which results in abnormally porous and fragile bones. It has been suggested that a high protein diet may increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, which can lead to this health condition. Studies have shown that not all proteins have the same effect on calcium excretion. Compared with animal protein, soy does not result in an increased loss of calcium in the urine thus promoting a more optimal calcium balance. (4) In addition, the isoflavones in soy protein have been shown to increase both bone mineral content and bone mineral density which will improve the health of abnormally porous bones. (5)
Soy protein isolate has shown the ability to effectively lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Experts agree that these cholesterol-lowering effects can be achieved through the consumption of as little as 25 grams of soy isolate protein each day. The experts point to the high levels of the amino acid arginine for this lipid lowering effect. (6) LDL cholesterol is one of the primary factors behind progressive atherosclerosis. This medical condition is caused by the progressive build up of plaque that clogs blood flow in the arteries.
Soy protein has also shown the ability to improve kidney function. While scientists agree that the high protein intake of bodybuilders is necessary for proper muscle building and repair, they also agree that this diet will place additional stress on the kidneys. Studies of both humans and animals have shown that soy proteins filter more easily in the kidneys thereby reducing their workload. In 1993, a study was performed on the Romanian Olympic swimming and rowing teams. In this study, the athletes were supplemented with 1.5 grams per kg of bodyweight of soy protein along with their dietary protein (2 grams per kg of bodyweight) per day. This additional protein showed no detrimental effects on kidney function and actually showed from 5 to 46 percent improvement in kidney function.
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MR 250 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 15)
posted January 28, 2000 12:47 PM
OKIE Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 40)
posted January 28, 2000 01:12 PM
I don't mind Designer Protein, but I like BodyLean Protein made by Advocare. It's pretty much mail order only, but my trainer made me a distributor and now I get 30% off. It's definitely the best tasting protein I've ever had.------------------ OKIE IP: Logged |
Les Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 104)
posted January 28, 2000 01:29 PM
they all taste like ca-caIP: Logged |
w8liftr Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36)
posted January 28, 2000 07:50 PM
Protein factory is the whey (HA HA) to go. You pick types of protein, carbs, or fat, you pick flavor, you pick sweetner! Prices are great and you know what you are getting!IP: Logged |
mr bod Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 26)
posted January 28, 2000 08:29 PM
andrebrazil Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 4)
posted January 28, 2000 09:31 PM
My favorite on is RX Fuel from twinlabthe taste is so smoth that you can mix it with anything yogurt, fruits, milk and it won't alter the taste that much. This way you don't get tired of taking it. Andr� IP: Logged |
flexed1 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 63)
posted January 28, 2000 09:45 PM
Hands down the best is ISO PURE Chocolate.There protein mix has no carbs and 50 grams whey. There meal replacement low carbs, 50 grams whey. This stuff ROCKS. IP: Logged |
macrophage69alpha Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 156)
posted January 28, 2000 09:48 PM
I like Isopure also but for some reason it is not widely availableIt mixes real good PB and CHOC is very tasty I dont really like orange creamsicle though ------------------ MP IP: Logged |
vdevil Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 19)
posted January 28, 2000 09:56 PM
I wunder y none has chosen precision protein? Their chocalate tastes fuking awsome. Its expensive as hell, but my friend works at G.N.C and flows me tubs of it every couple of monthsIP: Logged |
scourge Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 34)
posted January 28, 2000 09:57 PM
Sci-Fit makes a line of protein that is awesome. I'm a big fan of the Banana flavor.IP: Logged |
ASAP Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 44)
posted January 28, 2000 10:49 PM
My favorite is Pro-Performance from GNC. Okay Okay - just kidding. Get off my back Macro. I just couldn't resist! IP: Logged |
carlos7 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 15)
posted January 28, 2000 10:53 PM
I used to have Ultimate Protein, I change it for Whey Tocotriene, so far so good carlosIP: Logged |
Mr. Everyday @ The Gym Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 16)
posted January 28, 2000 11:09 PM
N-Large2 and Actisyn. I really like Actisyn because it only requires 8 / 10 oz - and I only drink my shakes with water so taste is important.------------------ [email protected] IP: Logged |
SICKBOY1974 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 9)
posted January 28, 2000 11:46 PM
madbomber31 Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 69)
posted January 28, 2000 11:55 PM
actisyn is fuckin sick!!!! i have had all the proteins, and that is the worst i have tried... i do like sci fit stuff.. i think they make a great product... underrated though by many.IP: Logged |
ASAP Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 44)
posted January 29, 2000 12:12 AM
act-is-sin is sick tasteing and it made me sick to take it. It sounds good on paper but what can you mix it with to mask the taste? Gas? IP: Logged |
Jumpmaster Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 2)
posted January 29, 2000 03:30 AM
Another vote for Protein Factory. I haven't found any other protein that comes anywhere near the quality. You can add as much hydrolyzed whey as your taste buds can stand and then mix in isolate. Many of the other brands mostly use concentrate which has a lower bioavailability value.IP: Logged |
Big Tex Levi Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 32)
posted January 29, 2000 03:39 AM
Please dont throw rocks at me but i actually like myoplex, ooooouch quit hitting me!!! and i also buy isopure....Has anybody ever heard of DNC...we now have one in Austin Texas and 20 pacs of isopure are only 32.95..not bad...Dnc has beaten every price i have ever been quoted on anything..look for them in the future...leviIP: Logged |
Mr. Everyday @ The Gym Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 16)
posted January 29, 2000 07:29 PM
You guys are pussies, Actisyn doesn't taste the best - the after taste. If you chug it down and follow it with water it's not bad at all. I really think (don't we all) I can notice a difference between that and when I used to order from the Pro. Factory - growth.Just remember this, use 8 / 10 oz with Actisyn. No more (God, I won't want to drink anymore than I have to) and no less (God, I don't want it to be think also!) Off season I drink N-Large for the calories. It tastes far better then anything else I've tried. ------------------ [email protected] IP: Logged |
quenepo Amature Bodybuilder (Total posts: 54)
posted January 29, 2000 07:50 PM
I'm using pro complex(opt nutri) but after read the large post from Dino I'think the next time try soy protein. quenepo
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