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  CRASH READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Author Topic:   CRASH READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 1995
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 25, 2001 07:19 AM

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Originally posted by Crash:
Aren't you supposed to be dead, gone from the board? Or was that just an attempt to get attention? It's funny, everyone that says that they're through with the board returns within a week or two...

Actually Crash, not that I should have to explain myself to someone as spiteful and arrogant as yourself but the 'dead' thing was to let everyone know I was out of business. Too many people found out due to people like yourseleves spreading 'shit' so I decided out. Cleaned out and am now retired.

So before you start accusing these people of trying to seek attention get your facts right. You could have e-mailed me to find out what the reasons where before trying to start something of which you know nothing about. The reason I am in fact back is because many people have e-mailed me and asked me to come back. You want names then ask me?

I supposse when you say what your reasons are for why everyone has decided to leave then you should take it up with these individuals you are reffering to such as Big Jay, Ulter, Animal and all the others, personally rather than posting such ignorant posts.

For what you cannot make a positive contribution too, then make no contribution at all. If you were in fact a 'man' you would have asked me personally via e-mail or asked me to contact you. Now stop trying to gain 'attention' by posting such redundant posts. Perhaps consider taking an active role in the chat board rather than the anabolic discussion if you cant make any contribution.

As Big Jay has said over and over he is not here to learn because of all the redundant posts (such as yours) about drinking winny, what is clomid, are steroids dangerous and so on. Anyone with half a brain knows how to use the search button yet no one bothers? If you did in fact do a search you would have already seen my post where I came back and stated the reasons.


[This message has been edited by The_Iron_Game (edited February 25, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 604
Registered: Aug 2000

posted February 25, 2001 08:59 AM

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Up for the I_G

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white boy

Cool Novice

Posts: 44
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 25, 2001 09:24 AM

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originaly posted by The-Iron-Game

Anabolic Steroid Info
Paul McNamara / [email protected]

As you probably realise, steroids have many benefits, however, also carry many side-affects (the most severe are those with a high androgenic component, and/or are 17-alpha alkylated related). To give you a quick overview, steroids are often termed as "anabolics' as they increase the rate at which the protein is metabolised/synthesised and absorbed into the cell - this is due to the positive nitrogen balance that they have on the body. However, interestingly, a steroid can not have a high anabolic component without having a high 'androgenic' component. This is basically the side effect component of the androgen. It is possible to have a steroid that is highly androgenic, whilst still having a small anabolic component, but the reverse is not possible (only a rare few are possible of this ie Equipoise).

Not one single steroid is the same as the other either. Some give massive strength gains and muscle mass, some give a solid high qualitative strength gain, while others are used for competition purposes. (It depends on what you are after). It is worth noting that the MASS gain ones cause considerable water retention, which is somewhat lost after discontinuation, along with strength and muscle gains (they are also the ones with the largest androgenic/anabolic effect). That is unless you know how to taper off properly. I will show you how, so that any losses will be minimised.

It is worth noting that androgens should NOT be administered to adolescents as it will prematurely close their growth plates, but if you are over the age of 20/21yrs old, there is no risk of this.

It is important to use androgens in short cycles, ie 5-7 weeks, depending on the type of steroid. This is due to the steroid receptors becoming saturated after this time, and any additional gains made will be marginal. It is important never to completely saturated the steroid receptors as it will take a long time for their normal values to return. Mass gaining steroids, saturate the receptors the fastes, thus short cycles are prefered, whilst slow qualitative muscle accumulating steroids can be used for longer periods, ie 8 weeks. Never stay on any compound for longer than two months, as it will take an extremely long time for your normal liver, and testosterone values to resume to normal. In short cycles, all values return to normal after discontinuation, and depending on the amount of your own body's suppressed hormone levels, may need an exogenous testosterone stimulnt such as HCG or Clomid, or Proviron. The first two are quite powerful and are only needed whenhigh dosages, and/or strong androgens have been administered. Proviron stimulates the testosterone level slightly, but it's main function is as an anti-estogen, thus inhibiting the buildup of estrogen around the receptor cites, thus eliminating the possibility of gynecomastia ('bitch tits') and undesirable fat deposits.

Another reason why athletes take testosterone stimulants is to balance the accompaying catabolic phase that follows the steroid treatment, thus minimising losses ect. This process is much more complex however, but for simplicity, I won't go into detail. I can however, if you wish me to in my next contribution

Many athletes take Clenbuterol, which is an anticatabolic agent, and allows the athlete to acheive high quality gains over prolonged periods, as it is not a hormone or steroid, thus does NOT influence the endogenous testosterone production.



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Posts: 1995
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 25, 2001 04:08 PM

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White Boy I posted that in another post so why not keep it in there? As you know I did not write than and posted my reasons for posting it in the other post so why not actually read that. While I agree it is not the most accurate info but much of it is logical and can help a few people. As I mentioned in there about the length span of cycles as well and the clen part. I should not have to justify why I make a post to you or anyone else! This is an anabolic discussion board and if you dont like a post state you disagree with it in a professional manner and why you dont, "Discusion" No?

Bump for Crash

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