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  The learning curve associated with Pump N Pose type products...

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Author Topic:   The learning curve associated with Pump N Pose type products...


Posts: 9
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 23, 2001 01:51 AM

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Well, it seems there are fellows here that have decided to make the personal choice to enhance their appearance through the partial use of my Pump N Pose type product. While I am glad to hear this (so I can cover my initial costs of materials at least), I thought of some general idea's to help you synthol newbie's along.

1) The trick to effectively using a PNP type product is too learn how deeply to inject. Too shallow and you may get a lumpy or blurred appearance, too deep, and the oil may travel to a space you don't want to increase the size of (like your armpit!).

2) Start slow! It hurts, there is no question, it will hurt for the first 3-4 weeks, 1-2 being really bad. For this reason you very slightly increase your dosages to get the desired results. Here was what I typically recommend:
Weeks 1-2:
1cc per muscle group every 4 days
Weeks 3-4:
2 ccs per muscle group every 3 days
Weeks 5-6:
3cc's per muscle group every 3 days
Weeks 7-8 off
Repeat, or increase dosages more...

3) Get a tan! An excellent product if you are unable to tan is Tan Perfect, use it. Or get a natural tan. PNP type products can cuase brusing and small dark spots if injecting improperly. They don't look bad, but to help cover them, dark skin does wonders, as well as makes you look much more defined.

4) ALWAYS ASPERATE! You should always asperate when injecting, but this is of great importance when injecting into muscle group literally PACKED with nerves, and blood vessels. Every time you stick a needle in yourself, you run a very small chance of hurting yourself, but if you asperate, you can almost totally eliminate this from happening, which is the idea....GET BIG, not dead. Mind you, it's not just a PNP type product that will do this, any injectable product, out side of blood materials, holds the potential to cause damage.

I'm always avaliable at [email protected] if you have further questions, or want to purchase my PNP type product at a sensable price...one that's not bloated for profit!

I'm sure MeanOne would be more than willing to lend his helping hand as well.

Retailer of the best Synthol type product avaliable. Why pay more than you have to, particularly if the cheaper stuff is better (mostly because I pay for no advertising, and I'm not trying to get rich or anything.)

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Posts: 5344
From:LIFT UNTIL YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Registered: Jan 2000

posted February 23, 2001 01:57 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Good info I have been passing your addy along to a few people.
I might even give it a try so I can't put it down until you try it,


Prospice tibi - ut Gallia, tu quoque in tres partes dividaris.
Until You Die!!!!!!!!

For Information on Injections and Syringes:
Great Information on Injections and Syringes

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 629
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 23, 2001 03:24 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Good Post!!!

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Posts: 4
Registered: Jan 2000

posted February 25, 2001 06:55 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

bump this good info up

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