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  !!!Proper Way to Use Insulin!!!

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Posts: 5193
From:LIFT UNTIL YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Registered: Jan 2000

posted February 19, 2001 01:05 AM

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Taken from a good board

Insulin is not a drug to fool around with if you don't know what your doing. It's not like mega dosing ster*ids or smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, which you could get away with for years and years before noticing any negative side effects. Use insulin incorrectly and you could be dead within minutes. Many top bodybuilders have almost gone to the big gym in the sky because they took too much insulin. You've got to give insulin respect or it'll diss you big time
I personally recommend very small doses but others have their own opinions. The Late Dan Duchaine says that the safe amount of insulin for the majority of people is no more than one international unit (IU) for every 15 pounds of body weight. A 200 pond BB would, therefore, take 13 units of insulin. You want fast acting insulin, so use Humilin R. Anabolics want fast acting insulin, and so use the Humulin R.
Anabolic ster*ids strengthen the action of insulin, which is why so many bodybuilders respond extra well to the stuff. If you take ster*ids when using insulin, you can take less insulin and still get very good results, but you may as well stick with Duchaines guidelines until experience tells otherwise. The Key is t take enough carbohydrates with the insulin, if you don't you could get into alot of trouble. You will know if you going into insulin shock if you begin to experience symptoms such a your heart racing, sudden sweats and tremors, light headedness, headaches, mental confusion, an inability to think clearly, weakness, loss of coordination, hunger, blurry vision, and anxiety. Your speech may become Impaired and you will feel drunk. If left untreated, you can potentially go into a dead coma.
So whats the proper amount of carbs to take with insulin? Dan suggests 30grams of high glycimic carbo's for every IU of slin. The carbs should be ingested over a four-hour period (which is roughly how long Humulin R stays active in the body). Getting back to our 200 pound Bodybuilder, this means he would ingest 390 grams of carbs during a four hour period after injecting 13 IU's. Roughly 100grm's of carbs an hour. Foods like Gatorade, Rice Cakes, and Glucose Polymers any foods that rate high on the glycimic scale. If you eat the right amount of carbs, the insulin will shuttle larger amounts of glycogen and nutrients like creatine and other amino acids into the muscle cells for accelerated recovery and growth. But remember, you've got to take the right amount of carbs. You'll know if your not, even the slight undertaking could bring on sweats and shakes.
So then, when's the best time to take Insulin? Well, there are two times a day when insulin sensativity is the highest. The first thing in the morning when you wake up. The second is immediately after you workout, (which for the majority is in the evening). This means you can take the insulin twice a day, as long as two four-hour periods don't overlap. This shouldn't be a problem if you inject once in the morning and again in the night. Just remember, that right after injecting, you have to ingest all the carbs over a four-hour period.
I would suggest injecting once a day and see how your body responds. If your extra caution, as I advise you o be, start with half the amount of insulin suggested by Dan Duchaine. You can then gauge your response and go up or down in the amount injected over the following days. Also limit your insulin use to one week to 10 days, with a long break (One Month) before the next use. You're trying to take advantage of the insulin, not make your body dependent on slin for LIFE. Having said all that, I don't think that just because you take insulin as suggested by Dan Duchaine that you'll not run into troubles. By injecting insulin, you could suppress the body's own ability to produce its own in the pancreas. This could cause Diabetes


Prospice tibi - ut Gallia, tu quoque in tres partes dividaris.


Until You Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 19, 2001 01:28 AM

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Good article! I think that good amount to start is no more then 4iu.Also,the amount of carbs it advices,is gonna make a person fat.Everyone needs to find his own balance,were he can stand sweat and shakes,but not get fat.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 19, 2001 03:27 AM

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10 days on then one month off seems like a short period of time to use insulin. Most people I know go one month on one month off.


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Hugh Gellatts

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posted February 19, 2001 10:23 AM

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I don't quite get how once a day dosing of short-acting slin could cause pancreatic shutdown that fast.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Atlanta, GA
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posted February 19, 2001 09:45 PM

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Thanks BigJay. That's good advice for those who have yet to wade into slin use.

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jersey boy

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posted February 19, 2001 11:53 PM

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I usually will use at a bodyweight of 265-270 or so, around 10-12 iu's on training days only. So far so good.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Deep within the Ttokkyo Labs
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posted February 20, 2001 12:03 AM

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Thanks BigJay, that was a very interesting article. It wasn't like most of the other slin articles that spoke about all kinds of chemistry crap that I didn't understand. This one was obviously written for people like the average Joe who is just now taking A & P in college. Call it Slin for Dummies

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Pharm Animal

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Honolulu, HI
Registered: Aug 2000

posted February 20, 2001 12:09 AM

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great post bro.....this is something extremely useful for people thinking about the proper use of this stuff. i tried to use it a few years back and it almost knocked my rock off! thanks for looking out bro


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 20, 2001 12:21 AM

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Definitly a post that is moving me in the "insulin" direction. Keep bringing these kind of posts, and i will be convinced, and have to add it to my GH stack in May. Good job Jay.

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