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  First cycle...comments welcomed

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Author Topic:   First cycle...comments welcomed


Posts: 1
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 16, 2001 02:46 AM

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First, a little background info on myself. I am 21 yrs old. I weigh between 200-205lbs. I am 5'10". My bodyfat is around 12-14%. I have been working out consistently for a little more than 2 years although I have been lifting off and on ever since highschool. My diet is good. I eat about 6 small meals a day. I get 4500-5000 calories a day and my protein intake is between 350-400 as well. I am looking to add mass and plenty of it. (25+ solid keepable pounds) I have done years of research and I have already came up with my first cycle. I am just wanting to get opinions on it so any comments are welcome and appreciated.

week aratest deca dbol
1500mgs/week 300mgs/week 30mgs ed/week
2500mgs 300mgs 25mgs
3500mgs 300mgs 25mgs
4500mgs 300mgs 20mgs
5500mgs 300mgs
6500mgs 300mgs
7500mgs 300mgs
8500mgs 300mgs
9500mgs 300mgs
10500mgs 300mgs
12 clomid 50mgs ed
13 clomid 100mgs ed
14 clomid 50 mgs ed

I will have nolvadex on hand just in case. Well, how does that sound? What type gains would ya'll think someone could possibly get out of this cycle given that I am eating right, sleeping enough, and training enough?? Any comments appreciated. I look to the experts (people with first hand experience) for there guidance. Thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 109
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 16, 2001 03:28 AM

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Jesus... When I first read that my head registered: 1500mgs of test, then 2500, then 3500... Like you were pyramiding up to 10 grams a week or something! LOL! It's late and I'm tired... hehe...

Anyway, that cycle is a pretty standard one... I'm getting ready to start my first cycle as well and almost settled on something really similar. In the end though, I decided to save a cycle in this dosage range for a second or third time around, in case I'm in this thing long term. I'm going with EQ at 400 for 8 weeks, with Dbol at 30/day for the first 4. (with a mini-taper during the fifth week)

I'll definitely make good gains on that, and it leaves me open for moderate dosages in the future... Maybe I'll do 400mg/week of enanthate with some primo for a second cycle, then 400 of some test plus deca and dbol... then... then... Who knows -- I have no idea how long I will end up being involved with AS, so I'm going to keep it moderate for the time being.

If I'm still doing cycles 10 years from now, I don't want to have to take 2 grams of test plus a bunch of other stuff in order to gain anything... If I can keep dosages (relatively) low now and increase them slowly, I might only have to use, I dunno, *pulls figure out of ass* a gram and change at that point, saving myself a bunch of hassle as far as sides. (Not that there's necessarily anything intrinsicly wrong with 2 grams a week of test plus accessories, plenty of people do fine on that; I just don't personally want to deal with it)

That's just me though. If you decide to go with what you posted, you'll make great gains, and assuming you've got the appropriate anti-e's on hand, you shouldn't see much in the way of sides.

BTW, I'm in almost your exact situation... 20 yrs old, 215lb, 6'1", 12%bf, training (and eating) SERIOUSLY for 3 years...

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 165
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 16, 2001 03:31 AM

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now where does the clomid come in this?


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Posts: 2
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 16, 2001 03:44 AM

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I remember my first cycle about 9 yrs ago.

400 - 600 mg steris cyp till i ran out
2 - 3 anadrol a day till i couldnt afford anymore

I think this cycle lasted about 12 weeks.

My bench went from 335/5 to 405/3.
I gained about 30 pounds.

Upon coming off, I got a major stomach flu, lost ALL the weight and my bench was at 315/5. I almost quit lifting for good

But alas... you are doing the right thing. Starting nice and slow and without a heavy androgen like anadrol.

You will be hooked and laughing at how small the dosage was 5 yrs from now as your loading up another 5cc needle.

haha... good luck

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