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  Body temp, test and other deep thoughts

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Author Topic:   Body temp, test and other deep thoughts


Posts: 1925
Registered: Feb 2000

posted February 12, 2001 10:08 AM

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I thought that I would throw this thought back out.

I have often wondered if there was a connection between natural test production and body temp but have never had the desire to attempt to research it.

My thoughts would be this. In women, they have an elevated temp during ovulation, this is also the time in which their estrogen levels are the lowest, does this also mean that test levels are the highest ?

WOuld it not be feasable that men have the same type of internal clock ?

I also know that when I am hot, I train better and get a better pump. I live in FL so I never really experience cold weather but when its cold outside, I hate to train. I feel better wearing a sweatshirt in the gym than I do wearing a tank top.

I also notice a increase in sex drive after our weak winters are over and summer rolls along.

Anyone have any thoughts ?


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 417
Registered: Mar 2000

posted February 12, 2001 10:30 AM

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Interesting thought.I also get an increase in sex drive,as winter rolls into spring.I'm sure it is the internal clock,adjusting to the change of seasons.

But...It just might have to do with the fact,that you know what lies around the corner,in terms of more outdoor activities.Since you've been basically indoors for the better part of winter.

But that's easy for me to realize,and it's probably a more dramatic effect for me,than it is for you,simply because we have extreme winters in Chicago(especially this one temperature wise),more so than you do in Florida.

You could probably spend a good 4-6 months training in a sweatshirt.But that's one of the reasons I love living here.When you get your first warm weather of the year,it's very invigorating.

You feel like a kid on christmas morning.Then the sweatshirts come off,the gym doors open,and the sun shines in.You just feel renewed.


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 419
From:Mt. Olympus
Registered: Jun 2000

posted February 12, 2001 02:06 PM

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I'm going to have to dispute this thread.
I'm hypotetically assuming no exogeneous
steroids or thermogenics.(or drugs at all)

In the morning:
1. Cortisol is high
2. Temperature is low
3. Insulin is low
4. Test is highest now

At night:

1. Insulin levels are higher
2. Temperature peaks
3. Cortisol levels are lower
4. Test is lower

Now, from this one can discern that there is
a direct relationship between cortisol and
Insulin levels. One goes up and the other goes
down. This has already been proven.

From the same rhetoric we can conclude that
the higher the temperature the lower the
testosterone. This is an incredibly complicated
issue. Thyroid levels and to some extent CNS
neuro-transmitters govern body temperature.
Two examples, while on steroids and using
any test.elevating substances T3 levels WILL
decrease. This should cause a temp.drop, but it
doesn't because adrenaline levels increase. And
it gets worse. When using thermogenics, T3 levels
and adrenaline levels increase, inreasing temp. but
test. is seemingly unnafected if calories are kept
at maintenance.

So, in conclusion. I believe that body temp and
test.levels in the absence of drugs, are ultimately
governed by our choice of macronutrients and dietary
calorific levels. Gives diet a wole new meaning
doesn't it. Diet is 70% part of the game if you ask me.


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Posts: 1925
Registered: Feb 2000

posted February 12, 2001 02:41 PM

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Good reply fonz. I have not a shred of scientific findings behind my idea. I do know that atleast judging by my sexual drive, my test levels suck in the morning.

Your theroy might not hold true if diet was manipulated.

WHo knows, I could be imagining the whole effect. Just a thought.


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