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Cool Novice

Posts: 32
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 03:16 AM

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A week ago I was reading an article on hormone replacement therapy, in the article it stated that women you are going through menopause or on estrogen replacement should not smoke since nicotine lowers estrogen levels. From reading this I decided to try to find out more about its anti estrogenic effects. From searching the web I found a whole slew of positive effects of nicotine. Most of the info I am writing comes from the Hippo, Hippo II and Fate of nicotine in the body reports. These are studies done on nicotine in the late 70�s.

Nicotine as an Anti-estrogen/Anti-aromatase

Nicotine works in two ways to lower estrogen levels. First it is an anti-aromatase like arimadex. Nicotine has been shown to inhibit the conversion of androstenedione and testosterone into estrogen in a study by the University of Utah School of medicine. Also unlike novadex or clomid nicotine is a true anti estrogen and not just an estrogen blocker. By this I mean that nicotine actually speeds up the degradation of blood estrogen levels. So nicotine causes a reduction in estrogen production and also decreases existing estrogen levels.

Regulation of hormone levels

When Nicotine is used on a daily basis it stabilizes the Adrenal hormones by acting on the Hypothalamus, which affects the pituitaries release of regulating hormones and increases GH release. This keeps various hormone levels stable during times of depression, or stress. That is why a smoker can have a cigarette in the morning to wake up and one at night to help relax.

When you stop using nicotine your whole endocrine system gets f_cked up. Your cortisone, and adrenaline levels take a nose dive until your natural hormone regulation takes control again. Fortunately nicotine does not seem to have a negative effect on GH release upon cessation.

Getting your natural hormone levels back in order takes about two weeks. As body builders we can use this to our advantage. When you stop a cycle you can start using nicotine. This will quickly reduce the high cortisone levels to a normal level. After coming off nicotine you can start a new cycle and take advantage of the low cortisone levels for the first two weeks

Nicotine as a smart drug
Nicotine is a cholinergic agonist and mimics the effects of acetylcholine. It also has been shown to increase levels of neurotransmitters dopamine, nor-epinephrine, and serotonin. Dopaminergic neurons are linked to reward pathways and pleasure while serotonergic neurons are associated with anti-anxiety.
This effect may explain the addicting property of nicotine. But they also seem to have some nootropic benefits. Studies have shown that mice perform better on mentally strenuous tasks after being given Nicotine. Nicotine also causes a release of vassopresin. This hormone is the hormone that helps imprint thoughts into long-term memory.
Help with PGF2a

In one study nicotine was able to reduce the side effects of the prostaglandin PGF2a. In isolated canine retinal arteries partially contracted with PGF2� nicotine was added and resulted in the relaxation of those arteries without affecting the other effects of PGF2a. So in theory nicotine can be added to a PGF2a cycle to decrease intestinal discomfort.

Nicotine also seems to cause a release of prostaglandins, which favors the good prostaglandins like PGF2a.

Fat loss properties:

One study stated that Nicotine was possibly the most effective anti obesity drug available at the time that the study was performed (late 70�s). Nicotine has various properties that help in weight reduction while sparing muscle.

Reduced appetite:
Nicotine inhibits food intake via three mechanisms, first it elevated Adrenalin and Nor-adrenalin levels which reduces appetite. Next Nicotine itself has been shown to reduce the craving for carbohydrates. Great addition to a ketogenic diet.

Thermogenic effects:
The release of Adrenalin and Nor-adrenalin also cause a thermogenic effect similar to that of ECA.

Actual fat reduction:
Nicotine stimulates a very rapid mobilization of fatty deposits. This happens as quickly as 10 minutes after administration. The lipids are mobilized and free fatty acids are released in the blood stream in great amounts. The free fatty acids diminish quickly due to an unknown action of nicotine. Nicotine seems to help the body use the FFA�s for energy in an accelerated fashion.

To recap Nicotine has an eight-fold weight loss effect on the system.

1.Reduction of overall appetite
2.Reduced craving for carbs
3.Thermogenic effect
4.Fatty deposit mobilization
5.Stimulation of FFA degradation
6.Estrogen reduction
7.Prostaglandin release
8.Growth hormone release
Negative aspects of Nicotine:
I have talked about all the good things that nicotine does but what are the negative effects? Well I know everyone is thinking cancer right? Wrong, nicotine is not the cancer-causing agent in cigarettes. It is just the addictive chemical that makes you intake the 2000 or so carcinogens in tobacco. I am not talking about smoking here; use the gum or the patches. Nicotine does have some negative effects though:
Negative effects of Nicotine:
1.Decreased Vit. C
2.Decreased Vit. E
3.Increased VLDL
4.Decreased HDL
5.Addictive properties
6.And all the typical sides of stimulants
So to counteract these just make sure you take extra vitamin C and E and watch your saturated fat intake. As for the addictive properties well that�s up to you.


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the truth

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 07, 2001 03:33 AM

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Good post.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 32
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 03:36 AM

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how ironic

"The "Truth"" Thought that was funny the adds on television that are against "big tobacco"

Oh well

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 107
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 07, 2001 03:39 AM

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There's alot with that article I really don't agree with. Nicotine might very well be an estrogen reducer, but smoking is also a testosterone reducer. As far as fat loss, all it does is make you to sick to eat. It curbs your appetite. So, there go your gains out the window from your cycle anyway. You don't want nicotine in your system. I wouldn't advise anyone popping a nicotine patch or taking up smoking to try to lower their estrogen count. I could go on about this for a while, but It's 3am, and my brain is asleep.

Bodybuilding and sex...the only two places where size does matter.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 32
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 03:43 AM

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I agree but the curbing of the appetite is self choosen.

Many things are it all depends on the person
And no I really don't advise this just some info.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 107
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 07, 2001 03:48 AM

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Definately interesting though. Good post. I like articles like that one that makes you have to sit and think about.

Bodybuilding and sex...the only two places where size does matter.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 604
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 07, 2001 04:06 AM

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Although I didn't see it mentioned in your article, nicotine really brings the vascularity as well.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 210
From:NSW, Australia
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 07, 2001 09:17 AM

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i read this on itstherock.com...thought provoking stuff!

now, how could you get a fix of nicotine without the hazards of smoking?


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 210
From:NSW, Australia
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 07, 2001 09:33 AM

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fuck i'm dumb - "gum or patches"
what a maroon

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted February 07, 2001 03:44 PM

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Well, I think I have good experience on this subject since I'm a smoker. Been smoking since I was fifteen and I'm 28 years old. I know quite a few bros who are a lot bigger than me who smoke.

Smoking has never suppressed my appetite and I smoke about 1 pack a day of Marlboro menthol lights. Been lifting since high school, I'm not huge but I've gotten good gains on cycles on not. I certainly wouldn't advise anybody to start smoking to lower estrogen or to increase loss of bodyfat.

If a bro smokes, so be it. I also occasionally smoke weed on the weekends and I love it. It gets me to eat more and more on my recovery days as well as helping me to sleep 8-10 hours in deep REM mode.

To each his own.....

"It feels good to lead the pack."

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Verbal Gorilla

Cool Novice

Posts: 21
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 07, 2001 09:48 PM

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If you have been smoking a pack a day since you were fifteen, how would you know if it supressed your appetite? Appetite is relative....

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