Topic: Andriol questions
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 03:35 PM |
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Has anyone used Andriol? I considered adding it to the first 4 weeks of my Sust cycle so I could have gains from the get go. Could someone tell me how much gains can be expected from it and the dosages taken? It's one of the safest orals out there. Could someone give me some info?
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 03:39 PM |
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The reason I picked Dbol over Andriol is because of availability and the fact that I can get it pretty cheap. Could someone please help me?
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 162 From:United States / By the Border Registered: Feb 2000
posted February 01, 2001 03:42 PM |
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Andriol is worthless! That is why it is cheapGo with some test or Dbol. ------------------
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 03:48 PM |
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I can't get any Anavar. Sold out. I really don't want Dbol because of the major side effects it gives. The Sustanon is enough androgenic to begin with. Dbol causes too much water retention, aromatization, liver problems, and GI tract problems. I want an oral a little more safe than Dbol. Since I can't get Anavar, I considered Andriol. Anyone know of any other orals that would be about as effective as Dbol without as many sides?
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 234 From:Toronto, CA Registered: Jul 2000
posted February 01, 2001 04:05 PM |
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Testo undecanoate is crap. Do not use it. It's not cost effective. You need to take a shit load of pills, while other roids pill form I.E Abombs, db can diliver waayyyy better gains at a considerable lower dosage
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 04:16 PM |
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I'm just worried about the sides of Dbol. I still might try to get some. I'd like an alternative though if it was at all possible. If I do eventually do Dbol with my 2 Sustanon shots per week, I was going to just use it for 4 weeks since the Sust usually kicks in by week 5 pretty well. I had plans on doing about: 35mg of Dbol per day the first week 30mg per day second 30mg per day third 20mg per day fourth week. I might even do a little less. I don't want to even worry about aromatization. I will be taking 2 to 3 Proviron tabs per day each week during the entire 8 week cycle just for extra hardness, less aromatization, and less water retention. I also planned on taking: 1 Proviron tab per day in week 9 100mg of Clomid per day week 10 50mg of Clomid per day week 11 That's what I planned anyway. Since it will only be my second cycle, I should be able to put on 25 pounds if I add Dbol to it. I just want to be covered well against estrogen conversion. I hope these precautions are enough to combat it.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 04:18 PM |
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Could we bump this up some more? I'd really like some more info if possible. I plan on starting this cycle in about 2 weeks. Thanks.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 01, 2001 04:40 PM |
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Come on. I know someone else has something to say about this.
Posts: 1776 From:Great Britain Registered: Oct 2000
posted February 01, 2001 05:55 PM |
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I did a lot of research on andriol some months back. Unless you are using it as a bridge, and at fairly high doses at that, then it will not be cost effective at all. It must be kept cool or the little caps spoil, it has a shelf life of about 30-40 days in normal temps. Stick with something else. It is good you are aware that dbol is damaging but if used correctly it could be much more beneficial and sides will be next to nothing, if you dont have any medical conditions.Peace
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1266 From:San Diego, CA, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted February 01, 2001 06:02 PM |
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Andriol is testosterone undecanoate. It was developed many, many years ago by Organon as one of the very first oral steroids. The theory was that the long ester would protect the hormone in the digestion process. Though moderately effective, it didn't work as well as planned. 80 to 85% of the hormone is destroyed either in the stomach, digestive system, or the liver.For our purposes, as an oral, it's useless. One would have to take a very large quantity of the substance to see any substantial results rendering the product very cost ineffective. If it were to be made as an injectible, then that's a different story... ------------------ What do you get when you take the crap out of an anabolic discussion board? The other, better board...
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 236 From:Mt. Olympus Registered: Jun 2000
posted February 01, 2001 08:23 PM |
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Guys, I doubt anybody who answered Crash's post has actual hands on experience regarding andriol. They're just ignorant, and therefore just re-inforce the misinformed status quo. I've personally used andriol in 9 cycles(over 3 years), and the results were quite good. Crash, Andriol is Testosterone Undecanoate. It comes in 40mg gel caps, usually in packs of 40. It is designed to pass through the portal vein in your intestine, therefore it is NOT, I repeat NOT degraded by the liver at its first pass. Andriol is in the middle range of my oral steroid effectiveness chart. It does not possess the 17-aa's steroids ability to not be degraded by the liver, but it is rather a close second. This is why Dbol is more effective, at the cost of sides of course. A normal dosage for a person of my mass(I weigh 87.0Kg), would be 6 40mg capsules daily, spread out throughout the day, for a minimum of 6-8 weeks.
[This message has been edited by Fonz (edited February 01, 2001).]
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 02, 2001 02:33 AM |
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Thanks alot Fonz. That was all I wanted. I just wanted someone's opinion on it that had actually used it, and how well they liked it. Like I said, I am doing Sustanon and Proviron in my next cycle. I just wanted to get some early gains the first 4 weeks since it takes a while for the Sust to kick in. I just wanted a little extra help. Since Sust is a strong androgen, I really didn't feel the need for another one. Andriol is more anabolic and alot more safe than Dbol. I don't want to be a big bloated goat. Otherwise, I would stack Dbol with the Sustanon instead. Thanks again Fonz for the info.
Cool Novice

Posts: 13 From:ussr Registered: Sep 2000
posted February 02, 2001 02:45 AM |
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Andriol is a waste of time and money.If you do not want to use d-ball use this ral winstrol or oxandrolone(anavar) or oral primo.
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1218 From:San Diego,CA Registered: May 2000
posted February 02, 2001 03:07 AM |
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Crash you can use test and dbol just use ARIMADEX it will cut the H2O retention way down and will be many times more effective the prevention of gyno than Nolvadex. Andriol is USELESS. It just doesnt work.------------------ Your_Moms_Kneepads: Contributing to the moral decay of America since 1971.
Posts: 1776 From:Great Britain Registered: Oct 2000
posted February 02, 2001 05:33 AM |
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quote: Originally posted by Fonz: Guys, I doubt anybody who answered Crash's post has actual hands on experience regarding andriol. They're just ignorant
Just a second there, Ignorant? Just say for arguments sake we all are ignorant, at least we all have manners, what a shame friend. Crash, here is some information on andriol, in most cases it is worthless as everyone has said. Except for certain circumstances as mentioned in my original post. Andriol & the bodybuilder Introduction There are two issues in relation to Andriol. First, there exists a mythology that Andriol is totally useless. Second, many who purchase Andriol have been grossly misled. This article debunks the myth and offers some solace to the misled. Many condemn Andriol through lack of knowledge without considering that, since WAR and others, including the medical community in most countries, regard Andriol as effective, then perhaps it has its uses. This misguided condemnation leads those who should be considering Andriol to ignore it. On the other hand, the over-enthusiastic words of some writers in respect of Andriol have misled many novice Body Builders (BB) to purchase Andriol when in fact it is unlikely to be the most appropriate Anabolic Steroid (AS) for them. Unthinking condemnation is particularly unwarranted given that the principal agent in the ever popular Sustanon 250 (ie 100mg testosterone decanoate) is chemically identical to the Testosterone Undecanoate (TU) in Andriol. Indeed, chemically and mathematically, 1 bottle of Andriol is equivalent to 24 Sustanon, but in practical application and effectiveness they are poles apart. However, there are a variety of problems associated with the use of Andriol, not least of which is the fact that many capsules purchased by BB are probably inert by the time they are purchased. The problems associated with Andriol and its potential for use by BB are examined below. Description Andriol (also know as Restandol, Undestor, Virigen, Androxon and Panteston) is an oral testosterone androgen compound whose prime agent is testosterone undecanoate (TU). Andriol is supplied, by its sole manufacturer Organon, as an oval, reddish-brown, soft gelatine capsule, marked "ORG" and "D3V", containing 40mg of TU in oleic acid. The capsule's non-medicinal ingredients are: gelatine, glycerol, iron oxide red (E172), karion 83, sodium ethyl hydroxybenzoate, sodium propyl hydroxybenzoate and titanium dioxide. Andriol is supplied in of bottles of 28, 56, 60 and 100 capsules dependent upon country of manufacture. It is also supplied in foil strips in Brazil and Thailand. Pharmacology (per Rxmed) Testosterone Undecanoate, an orally active testosterone preparation, is a fatty acid ester of the natural androgen testosterone. Unlike other oral testosterone preparations, TU is able to by-pass the liver via the lymphatic system and is therefore orally bioavailable. Therapy with Andriol increases plasma levels of testosterone and its active metabolites, leading to a regular therapeutic effect. In eugonadal men, peak testosterone levels are reached in approximately 4 to 5 hours after ingestion returning to basal levels after about 10 hours. In volunteers and hypogonadal (ie. low natural testosterone) men, 77 to 93% of an orally administered dose of TU was excreted in the urine and faeces within 3 to 4 days. Storage is Critical It is probably true to say that some of the Andriol available on the Black Market is useless and serves no purpose other than as a laxative. The reason is that, unless refrigerated, Andriol will become inert after 3 months storage at room temperature (ie up to 30 degrees C). Indeed, some claim that, at room temperature, it will become inert after 2 months. Prolonged storage at higher than room temperatures will clearly shorten this period. Exposure to high temperatures will also cause the capsules to become misshapen and even to melt. The capsules should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature between 2 - 8 degrees C. Ideally, the bottle of capsules should be removed from the refrigerator about 24 hrs before use, and once in use, the bottle should not be returned to the refrigerator ie it should only be ingested when fully thawed out. The Problem The problem with Andriol is that it is very idiosyncratic. It does nothing for some, but for others it works for a variety of purposes. This idiosyncratic feature reflects both Andriol's delivery method and the nature of individual metabolisms. Research has shown that, for some people, only 3% - 4% of the Andriol ingested survives to perform a useful function - for others the percentage is higher, but never 100%. It is possible that, for most people, less than 10% of the TU ingested survives to become bioavailable. Another problem associated with Andriol has been outlined by Dan Duchaine, who has suggested that, of the small percentage of Andriol that survives its journey through the gut to reach the lymphatic system, 70% is converted into DHT. The potential ramifications of DHT in the context of hair loss and prostate are well known to all BB. However, the amount of DHT arising from normal doses of Andriol is unlikely to be significant, given the small percentage that survives ingestion. Nevertheless this may account for the anecdotal, but unsubstantiated, claims of Andriol encouraging male-pattern baldness. Even for those for whom Andriol does work, it takes trial and error over time to establish a viable dose amount & schedule. This dosage methodology is time consuming and expensive, and although feasible in the medical environment, it is less so in BB. The variability of Andriol's effectiveness partly explains why 'Animal' on Varix states that Andriol works and points to the overwhelming medical research supporting it, while Human..saurus-rex on Anabolex says to forget the medical evidence and that it does not work for BB. Both are correct: statistically, medically, chemically, scientifically, etc, Andriol does work, but often not in a manner that is useful for young, healthy BB. Its Strong Points Andriol's real strong point is in medical applications. For instance, the efficacy of Andriol for use in androgen replacement has been established in so many studies that it is beyond dispute. Similarly Andriol's lack of toxicity and safety in long term use (up to 10 yrs) has also been clearly established. Andriol is perhaps best suited for those BB who: 1. have a definite medical need e.g. liver function problems, depression, thyroid problems, low natural testosterone, other hormonal imbalances, osteoporosis; infertility or 2. are aged over (say) 35 and thus have declining natural testosterone levels. There are those who advocate that the majority of men over 40 should adopt a regular androgen supplementation regime using a mild form of testosterone such as Andriol; and possibly for 3. 'hobby' BB who are more concerned with extreme safety and are less concerned with quick results and expense. Except for the above, Andriol is simply not cost-effective relative to the other relatively safe options available e.g. primobolan-depot. There does appear to be a correlation between Andriol's anecdotal effectiveness and age - older BB consider it more useful than younger BB. This reflects the natural age-related decline in testosterone. This decline is, at its extreme, represented by the medical condition of hypogonadism, for which one of the popular treatments outside the USA is Andriol. For age-related male testosterone deficiency which has not fallen to the level of hypogonadism, namely the "viropause" or "andropause", again Andriol, or alternatively the testosterone patch, is the treatment of choice of endocrinologists in many countries. In this area of low normal and sub-normal natural testosterone levels, Andriol is especially useful for the older BB. Testosterone Undecanoate in injectable form, although not generally available, is far less idiosyncratic than the capsules. Indeed there is strong evidence to show that injected TU is far superior to, for example, testosterone enanthate. TU cream also has its uses, for example, it has been shown to stimulate the growth of female pubic hair. It has also been shown Andriol, taken in conjunction with Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) can significantly improve male fertility. One of the most interesting things about TU (in either form) is that it causes a significant decrease in the level of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which for most males (incl. BB) is to the good. For example, in one well-known study SHBG was reduced from 73.9 nmol/L to 35.1 at 3 months and to 29.2 at 6 months. Since SHBG interferes with the bioavailability of testosterone (ie it reduces "free T") and, perhaps, other steroids, this leads to the speculation that perhaps TU could be used in combination with other more anabolic steroids as a synergist. It is debatable whether Andriol is a useful general treatment in relation to AIDS, but this reflects the multi-faceted nature of AIDS rather an adverse comment on Andriol. There are some indications that Andriol may be useful in assisting to normalise the testosterone levels of AIDS sufferers. Current medical guidelines for the normalisation of serum testosterone in HIV suffers recommends 3 - 4 capsules (ie 120 - 160mg) per day as an alternative to treatment with 200 - 400mg of testosterone enanthate every 4 weeks. How To Use It If You're Stuck With It The foregoing does not assist the typical healthy BB who might already have purchased Andriol. In such a situation, 5 options appear open: 1. Use for Depression Depression is an area where the average BB might find Andriol useful. It has been shown from the work done on hypogonadal men that (subject to dose) Andriol relieves, and indeed can eliminate, the depression induced by low serum T levels. Given that many BB suffer, among other things, from depression and low natural testosterone level when coming off a heavy AS cycle, Andriol could have a role as a heavy cycle taper. There are also indications that Andriol relieves depression in males with normal testosterone levels. Of course, Andriol is an expensive anti-depressant; St. John's Wort works for many just as well and is cheaper. 2. Use for Taper Even those who do not suffer from cycle termination depression would find Andriol an effective, but expensive, taper. For example, taper out of Sustanon with primobo-depot and Andriol; reducing the primobo-d at a rate such that the final taper element is low Andriol at low dosage. 3. Use for Bridge Another use for Andriol is as a 'bridge' between cycles. In this respect it is perhaps more useful than 50mg deca-durabolin, and certainly safer than testosterone enanthate. However, in a bridging role Andriol (in common with other AS) will not allow the recovery of the natural testosterone production nor allow receptor recovery if taken at high doses. 4. Use for Stack Andriol can also be used as part of a stack of, for example, deca-durabolin + primobo-depot and/or Anavar. But in such cases Andriol should be viewed as a supplement to, and not as the backbone of, the stack. Here one would be seeking to benefit from the SHBG suppression and synergistic effects referred to above. Andriol can be stacked with any AS. WAR for example suggests: Oxandrolone (p40, 225), deca-durabolin (p41, 84), oral-turinabol (p217), and primobolan-depot (p240). 5. Use for Pre-Training It is also suggested by some that Andriol should be used as a pre-training supplement and, although there is no consensus as to dose, it is often suggested that the Andriol be taken 1 hour before a workout. There is no clear evidence to support Andriol's role in this regard. Given the nature of Andriol, it is doubtful whether ingestion one hour prior to training would serve any useful purpose. More Effective Application? Various suggestions have been made as to how Andriol might be more effectively applied. These include (a) extracting the TU from the capsule and injecting it, (b) extracting the content of the capsules and applying it topically with the aid of DMSO, (c) extracting the content of the capsules and taking it in conjunction with Vitamin E, (d) taking it with Saw Palmetto or Proscar, and (e) taking it with grapefruit juice. There is no evidence to show that any of these methods increases the effectiveness of Andriol, but methods (d) and (e) do have some logic to support them and may do some good. Indeed for those BB concerned about their prostate and/or potential hair loss, it is sensible to supplement any AS cycle (Andriol or other) with Saw Palmetto. The proven benefits of Saw Palmetto, especially for the older BB, far outweigh the alleged marginal loss of 'gains' that might arise from its use. Cost The current mail-order cost of Andriol from Europe varies from $50 - $80 for 60 capsules. The pharmacy price of Andriol in Europe varies from $14 for 60 capsules to $42 for 56 capsules. Andriol is not currently available from pharmacies in the US. Cautions Although, Andriol is generally considered an almost benign AS at low to moderate doses, caution is necessary when taking it at high doses. Given the very idiosyncratic nature of Andriol, it is impossible to be precise as to what dose constitutes "high". WAR implies that high is in the area of 240 - 280 mg/day (ie 6 - 7 capsules/day). At high doses, particularly if sustained for an extended period, the normal BB using Andriol will be exposed to the usual risks associated with AS including suppression of the HPT axis, excess estrogen problems, skin changes, hair loss, prostate problems, etc. The effectiveness of Andriol may be decreased even further than outlined above, when some medicines are taken in conjunction with it. The manufacturers specify the following in this regard: antibiotics such as rifampicin and anti-epileptic drugs such as barbitrates, carbamazepine, dichloralphenazone, phenylbutazone, phenytoin and primidone. Andriol will also potentiate the effects of any anti-coagulants. Those with allergies should know that Andriol contains a form of sorbitol concentrate. Anyone contemplating the use of Andriol should read the excellent WAR section relating to it, and should also consult the Rxmed website. Conclusion Andriol is a useful AS for the cautious BB, the older BB, and the BB with medical problems. For the average BB it is not cost effective, but if needs must, it can also be utilised in an effective manner. It is perhaps appropriate to point out that all BB will at some point in their lives be older and/or cautious and/or medically challenged. Thus all BB can, at some point in their lives, utilise Andriol effectively. ------------------
Cool Novice

Posts: 12 From: Registered: Jan 2001
posted February 02, 2001 09:36 AM |
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MUSCLEBEAR are you kidding ORAL PRIMO, god I would sell my soul to the devil for some of that stuff, hear they dont make it anymore is this true? Also hear that almost all is fake.Let me know. Thanks
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 60 From: Registered: Dec 2000
posted February 02, 2001 01:31 PM |
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Iron Game, you always seem to be an encyclopaedia of knowledge. lol Thanks for the info. The DHT conversion of course is a concern, and I do know that Andriol is a bit weak. I've already decided against using it. Dbol, as far as I know, does some major DHT conversion itself...
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1266 From:San Diego, CA, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted February 02, 2001 01:41 PM |
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quote: Originally posted by Fonz: They're just ignorant, and therefore just re-inforce the misinformed status quo. ... Andriol is in the middle range of my oral steroid effectiveness chart. It does not possess the 17-aa's steroids ability to not be degraded by the liver, but it is rather a close second.
I'm quite offended by these comments. As a chemist, I understand the pharmacology and theory behind the drug. Andriol is a minimally effective oral steroid -- good for minor hormone replacement therapy, but that is about it. It's just not cost effective for bodybuilders to use it. Andriol is a simple testosterone ester -- it just happens to have a very long ester attached to it. Even with this ester, much of the hormone is destroyed before ever reaching the bloodstream. Therefore, it is no where close to the effectiveness of an oral 17-alpha alkylated steroid. ------------------ What do you get when you take the crap out of an anabolic discussion board? The other, better board...