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  why use roids at all??

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special ed

Cool Novice

Posts: 24
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 31, 2001 07:06 PM

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I'm starting to get a little pissed at the level of hypocrisy on this board by some of the more experienced people. It seems that every time someone asks about what to take to lose weight, the old pros go into this "anti-pill" mode and talk about proper diet and exercise to EARN your physique. What kind of absolute BS is this??? I think most people know that they have to eat differently to lose weight and maintain the loss, but there are people out there like me who would like to lose it a little quicker than diet and exercise alone.
Now, my question is why don't you say the same thing to people asking about roids to boost size and strength? Why isn't the automatic response "proper diet and exercise will help you EARN your gains"? If this board was truly about EARNING your physique, then why ask or answer anything dealing with pharmaceutical aids?

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special ed

Cool Novice

Posts: 24
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 31, 2001 07:10 PM

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And by the way...I DO know that taking a pill or a poke will not make you big, you have to engage in resistance training to benefit from steroids. It helps you gain faster. Weight loss pharms help you lose faster. This is my only gripe...treat them equally.

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Posts: 6425
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 31, 2001 07:10 PM

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I understand what you are saying but I hope you realize that only elite athletes and people at the peak of their physical conditioning should be using gear.

Also, gear should be used be used to get over natural humps. If you are not training (and gaining) naturally for at least 6 months per year then you need to re-evaluate your goals and mental health.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 31, 2001 07:10 PM

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If you want to go the easy route there's alway's Liposuction


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 31, 2001 07:13 PM

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You seem to have misunderstood. When people say proper diet and exercise techniques to lose weight, it isn't meant to be the only way. it is just a reminder to make sure these things are in check before changing your biochem\metabolism. It doesnt make sense to pop clen after eating a gallon of ice cream, its self defeating. It is simply a reminder to make sure the priorities are in order and things are lined up. as far as earning your physique, many on here feel you shouldn't touch steroids until you reach your genetic peak. While i don't plan to follow this ideaoligy, i still abide by the prioritizing. i.e. Diet and training technique. And there you have it.

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special ed

Cool Novice

Posts: 24
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 31, 2001 07:23 PM

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I understand that there are alot of people who want a magic pill that will give them an instant advantage over even the biggest cheeseburger. But I am not one of those people. I have decided that I have allowed too much fat in my diet and have paid the price of gaining unwanted pounds. I also have gone back to the gym for weight lifting and cardio. Instead of 3 double cheeseburgers for lunch, I have a 6-inch roasted chicken breast sub, small bag of baked ruffles, and medium diet pepsi from Subway. I am currently taking EAS Ultra Betatrim or Betalean, whichever one it is, and taking multi-vitamins and extra anti-oxidants.
I am simply looking for octane boost for better performance, not for someone to give me a Porsche.
BTW, this thread was not intended to flame the old pros, even though as I read it again, it certainly looks that way...just merely to point out what appears to be a major contradiction.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 1999

posted January 31, 2001 10:25 PM

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Why use roids? Because my natural testosterone level is normal for a woman. This is a real big problem because I'm a man!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 31, 2001 10:29 PM

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If your natural test production is low there is an enormous difference between going on replacement and "using roids' meaning your taking huge dosages and taking synthetics and antiestrogens and all the rest.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 01, 2001 01:04 AM

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if you are looking for a small boost. go with a herbal drink or something(extremely mild), then a step up to coffee, up again to maybe some ripped fuel(take half the recomended dose), etc,.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 01, 2001 11:31 AM

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Think of it this way. I really don't know if you have, but it seems like you've never used any AS or prescription fat loss meds. Your eating habits are what got you where you are and you should look there first for your solution. Almost no one here started AS and weight training at the very same time. You progress and go thru stages. If you read up on exersice and proper nutrition you can be amazed on how much fat you can lose. Before I ever thought about using AS I read alot and researched for years. I could have easily started when I was 17-18. I waited till I had 6 years of natural training and was fairly sure that I wasn't going to get much further without the help of AS. To even consider using some of the pharmaceutical fat loss aids such as clen/t3/dnp you would have to do alot of research and thinking and would also have to have a ton of discipline. They all if misused have the potential to cause serious side effects and in some cases even death...


The Other Board.

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Posts: 8
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 01, 2001 12:07 PM

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Don't know what kind of lifestyle you have but a few years ago I was workin three jobs and to give me an energy boost I was taking Ripped Fuel and down them with a Mountain Dew just to keep me goin and I was droppin pounds. And yes, I was eating. It just sped up my metabolism a ton, even though I wasn't taking them for weight loss......"Quote the Raven"

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted February 01, 2001 12:26 PM

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2-Thick nailed it. I always tell people to go natural for as long as possible. Most people can make very good gains if everything is done properly without AS. For those guys who reach a peak and can't cross it, and wish to be bigger, that's when you take AS.

Myself, I don't like to be too reliant on AS. My last cycle was around 3-4 months ago and right now I'm cutting with just Xenadrine. If I do decide to bulk again within this year, it'll only be if I lose too much lbm while cutting and can't get it back naturally. More than likely I'll get most of it back. Then if I hit another peak I'll go back on AS. That's how I do it. Now, for those guys out there who compete either in sports or bb or whatever, some of these guys cannot come off for any good length of time.

Either way, most experienced AS users have a goal or ulterior motive in mind. It's the rookies who have no clear set goal in mind who shouldn't be using AS until they figure out what they are trying to do. That's how these guys get burned out. They go on AS when the first start BB and then burn out within their first year or less, become fat and lazy and then condemn AS.

"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

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