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  I want to use roids and I need advice.

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Author Topic:   I want to use roids and I need advice.


Posts: 2
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 30, 2001 09:22 PM

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Hi there, I'm wanting to give steroids a shot after lifting for about 4 years. What I want to do first is lean out as much as possible, though right now, I'm on a keto diet for that that I just started yesterday. Second, I want to take a mild steroid/s to bulk up of course after that. I also dont want to run into the problems
of hairloss, gyno, limp dick, bloating, acne, my liver falling out of my ass, etc. In other words I want something that will give me results, but not kill me or give me any "real" bad side effects in the process.

I'm 23, 6'4", around 215-220 lbs at about I'd say a 15% bodyfat, somewhere around there. I've found some roid sites online, been doing some research and trying to find a beginners type of program. I read some stories from people at different sites, and they say that some good stacks are Test Cypionate, Primobolan Depot and Anadrol stack, with Nolvadex and Clomid, or Sustanon with Deca, and then I hear that the Dbol is good...but Isn't that supposed to be one of the "worse" roids? Confusing. Now I have no idea what to get when I decide to go on them, and I don't even know what steroid does what, for example, what exactly does the clomid and winstrol do? Heck i don't even know where i could even get any from. I never made any friends at the gym. I'm not too social there. Anyway, I would just like to know what I could use that is right for me.

So, help me out wisemen. What do you reccomend , how long, dosage, etc..(remember i'm a newbie to the steroid thing And I dont want to go on these things that long..few months at
most) what do you recommend?

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Never Enough

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 30, 2001 09:35 PM

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Go to the top of the page and find the search. Type in what it your looking for, and presto there you have it, more info than you'll know what to do with. Once you've done your research and decided on a cycle post it. That makes it alot easier to give advice.

Good Luck!!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 31, 2001 12:01 AM

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In my opinion, if you don't plan to STAY on roids, don't do them. You'll never feel the same about working out again, and no matter what, you're going to lose that "perfect" pump you get the whole time while on them. The best thing you can do is have a killer diet, and NEVER overtrain. That's what messes up 90% of all natural bodybuilders. They do what the magazines tell them, and they do what they see the obviously juicing does at the gym. That's the best advice. BUT if you want the safest gains possible, while still getting some major mass, get yourself a cycle of Deca that will last 8 weeks, for 400mg a week. Take 200mg on Monday, 200mg on Thursday, and repeat. On your last 2 weeks of the cycle take 50mg Clomid a day, then for the next 2 weeks take 50mg TWICE a day, then take 50mg a day again for one week. On average, that makes for 16 2ml vials of Norma Hellas Nandrolone Decanoate, or whatever brand you prefer, and 49 50mg Clomid pills. Most of the time you'll get them by 15 or 30 at a time, so just go ahead and get 60 of the clomid, and you can continue for another week at 50mg a day if you feel your nuts need further therapy. LOL. Anyway, this is the ONLY way I do it, as I'm just as particular about my health as you are. NO side effects EVER except for the first week I was on Deca, I felt a little difficulty breathing, and I felt a little guilty for some reason, like I was a cheater or something. Anyway, I look the way I want to look now, so I doubt I'll ever mingle with them again. I did only ONE cycle this way, and if I wasn't strong willed, I'd do another just because of the way I felt when I was on it. Anyway, I gained a perfect 10lbs lean mass, while melting off about 5lbs fat. All I wanted to be was 185 cut, as I'm only 5'9"(with shoes on...LOL). When you're cut well, 185lbs looks quite nice on my frame, and it's easy to maintain with a good diet. I don't see how some people manage to keep the 320lb ripped look, and I'd hate to see their insides. Anyway, I did it all on a 3000-3500 calorie diet, with virtually no carbs, moderate fat, and high protein, around 300 grams a day. Give or take about 50 grams. Hope this helps, but I recommend unless you have all the time in the world to concentrate on bodybuilding, don't mess with gear. You can achieve a nice physique without the stuff if you eat and live right, you just can't get like Arnold or anyone like that without the gear. If you don't wanna look like them as your ultimate goal, I'd steer clear. Good luck, whatever you choose. Deca and Primo are the safest, the Testosterones are dangerous, and the pills are brutal on the liver. Creatine, protein, and Ripped Fuel can get you the way you probably wanna look, and you really can't make SUPER gains off a cycle without putting your body through hell, or at least that's what I gather from my friends on the gear, as they complain all the time. Of course, they enjoy Sustanon, acne, and the 10lbs of water. I don't care how strong I am, or how big I get, I just want to look good and feel good. It can be done without gear. Later bro.

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Mass Monster

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posted January 31, 2001 12:10 AM

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I am with Sal on this one! You can just do it once, its sorta like eating pringles once you pop you can't stop you can make large gains naturally its all about drive and determination bro!

Mass Monster

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animal B


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posted January 31, 2001 12:17 AM

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just read...there is no only once..the shit is addicting..mentally addicting..when you see the changes..there is no stopping..
I started with only anavar..now Im doing18 shots at leastper week..i lose count...read and learn

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:the armpit of florida
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 31, 2001 12:23 AM

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i agree in the sense that the gains can mentally addictive. that said here is a pretty basic cycle that i am currently having alot of success on. possibly a good choice for you or at least somewhere to start researching.

Week 1-10: 500mg/week sust
Week 1-10: 400mg/week equpoise
Week 1-5 30mg/day dbol

You are going to need Milk Thistle to help your liver. The clomid is for the end of the cycle to help your balls start working again after the overload of test. Hope this helps. If you have any more questions I'll do what I can to help.


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Posts: 6395
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 31, 2001 12:27 AM

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Originally posted by SaleenPimp:
In my opinion, if you don't plan to STAY on roids, don't do them. You'll never feel the same about working out again, and no matter what, you're going to lose that "perfect" pump you get the whole time while on them.

That is not true. The best feeling in training is to make gains while off cycle. Taking 6 months between cycles is a great way to get the best of both worlds. If you can't make gains off cycle then you need to re-evaluate your goals and mental health (because you are verging on addiction).

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Posts: 2
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 31, 2001 01:35 AM

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Thanks for all the info. I will have to do some more research into what are the "better" and worse roids. Do you need to take the clomid with any kind of roid, or just some kinds?

And as for wanting to stay on them, well, that may or may not be true with me. I have a high willpower when it comes to certain things. Like for instance, i have been smoking about one cigarratte a day now for the past i dont know how long, and just yesterday I figured i'd quit just like that. I always looked at it like one a day isn't going to kill me, but i figured I want to see what it's like to be nicotine free for a month at least to see what changes I notice if any..I can even stand in the same room with my buddy who is smoking and not even crave one. So I think I'm ok on the addiction thing. Hell I did heroin a few years back periodically for about a month or 2 and never ever got addicted. It was free, so i did it out of boredom actually, that seems to be why I do most things, out of broedom, or for the just because factor. But if I can run into very very little side effects after doing a cycle of roids, then I don't see why I may not want to do another down the line, it all depends. Oh and one other question, what's the next "safest" roid up from deca? And what side effects might it have?

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:EliteFitness, home of the SUPERFREAKS
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 31, 2001 08:33 AM

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Study your poisons here....
http://www.angelfire.com/pq/profiles/ http://www.angelfire.com/linux/roids/ http://members.nbci.com/ironroom/
http://www.steroidlaw.com/ (Should always know what your getting into)

That should help you out quite a bit! Research your ass off before ever touching any of these substances.

"Knowledge is Powder!"


If that bar ain't bending, your NOT lifting heavy ENOUGH!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted January 31, 2001 12:03 PM

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The addiction is alot different than alchohol, cigarettes, or other drugs. I too have tried cocaine, marijuana, and alchohol. Never thought I had a addictive personality till I used AS. Now I'm planning cycles a year ahead of time. Don't expect to only do one cycle. You'll be eating your words if you do...


The Other Board.

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