Topic: Need info on slin
Posts: 2 From:Calgary Registered: Jan 2001
posted January 30, 2001 06:21 AM |
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I have never used any gear, only otc supplements like creatine and glutamine. At 6 feet 3 inches and 270, what would be the best recommended: slin dosage duration dietary recommendations
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 498 From: Registered: Dec 1999
posted January 30, 2001 06:26 AM |
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#1..u have no business doing insulin without taking some time and read up..Its not like juice where any asshole with a pin can get off using with minimal side effects...another thing is although I have used insulin without gear, I dont recommend it, not for you and are getting ahead yourself, little bro
Posts: 2 From:Calgary Registered: Jan 2001
posted January 30, 2001 06:44 AM |
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Les:What kind of side effects Why is it not recommended Where is the best place to find info
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 449 From:Pittsburgh PA Registered: Sep 2000
posted January 30, 2001 06:47 AM |
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#1 side effect to concern yourself with: death.I tried slin a couple months ago, knowing full well how to do it. I gave up after a couple days cause I couldn't keep up with the timing it takes to use it responsibly. Buy yourself some gear and forget the slin for awhile.
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 498 From: Registered: Dec 1999
posted January 30, 2001 07:37 AM |
Use Only: IP: Logged | the web at google, here under the "search" buttonsides: sweating, itching , loss of conc., unaware of surroundings..oh my favorite..death can get it here in the states without a script at any drugstore..
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 314 From:the armpit of florida Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 30, 2001 07:46 AM |
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this is a thread that Monster posted a while ago. it is very helpful but should by no means be your only source of info. do a search on this site and you will come up with a ton of stuff.Insulin isnt hard to use, but it must be used right. Humalin R will hit you in about 1/2 hour and will peak at 4 hours (by sub-q). The general concensus has always been 10g of carbs per I.U., though this is actually far more than is needed. For beginners, 10g is a good way to go, till you understand better what is happeneing with it. Ive used insulin for years, and have never had any near-death experiances... but you MUST do it right. Start out with no more than 5 I.U. right after your workout, and at no other time. This way you get a feel for it. Right after the shot, take in 50g of carbs, mostly simple, but a little complex is good (that is a topic for another day ). BE VERY AWARE OF THE TIME! At the 4 hour post injection point, the "R" will peak, meaning it will be at its strongest potency. At this point, a mixed meal of carbs and protien is the best thing for you. 25g of carbs sh! ould be a minimmum, but will more would be good too. Heres a little insight into how insulin makes so many people fat. Insulin is a partitioning agent. It takes the nutrients you eat, and sends them where they should go. Carbs get sent to the glycogen stores (brain, liver, muscles. in that order). Protien gets sent to be assimilated for tissue repair, and heres the kicker... fat gets sent to fat stores! Yep, any fat you eat during that 4 hours will be partitioned into fat stores! This is why I will only use Humalog insuiln. It hits in 15 minutes, and peaks at 1 hour, then it clears your system. So its a 1 hour window of "food caution" as opposed to 4. Once you get a feel for insulin, bump this post and we can discuss glucogen overcompensation. (or anyone else who is interested for that matter) ------------------
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 211 From:Greece Registered: Apr 2000
posted January 30, 2001 10:43 AM |
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BUMB I just got my humalog today..
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 596 From:Dallas, Texas, USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted January 30, 2001 01:35 PM |
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I thought humilin-r peaked at two hours and was out of the body at 4:00... I am taking 10iu post workout... So should i stay off the fat for 4 hours, or do i need to go longer