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  New Drug Law will hurt alot..

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 285
From:eastern us
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 28, 2001 08:57 AM

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Posted on another board.

Call your congressman now. If this bill passes the House of Rep., the government can search and seize items in your house, including stuff on your computer hard drive; without notifying you And they don't have to tell you what they took.then all obtained evidence will be used against you to lock you up to 10 years for merely passing any steroid info,all steroid sites will be banned and prosecuted to max extent of the law, This is clearly against the 1rst and 4th amendment to the constitution. =============================================== URGENT ACTION ITEM! FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY =============================================== Watergate Office Building 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222 E-mail: [email protected] For information about the party: (800) ELECT-US Website: www.LP.org =============================================== June 6 , 2000 =============================================== Anti-Drug Bill Would Allow Secret Searches, Create New Crime: "Illegal Distribution of Information"

Immediate action required: Stop the "Methamphetamine Anti- Proliferation Act" now!

A bill that has passed the Senate unanimously and is now rapidly moving through the House poses a grave threat to your constitutional rights. This legislation -- HR 2987, also known as the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act -- would:

* Expand the government's power to conduct so-called "sneak-and- peek searches." Police could search your house and not notify you for up to six months.

* Make it a federal crime to write about any Internet site that provides drug paraphernalia.

* Allow the government to prosecute Americans who teach others how to grow medical marijuana plants.

Despite the fact that this legislation is a flagrant assault on your First and Fourth Amendment rights, it sailed through the Senate on November 19 without a single vote against it.

Now we need your help urgently to stop HR 2987 before the House approves it as well! HR 2987 is *overdue* for a vote: It was originally scheduled to be considered by the Judiciary Committee before the Memorial Day recess, but that action was postponed.

Now that the House has reconvened, a vote could be scheduled any day. (The legislation is also being considered by the House Commerce Committee.)

We are asking you to act now to kill this bill before it gets out of committee. This "action item" contains:

* Background on HR 2987 and a link to the bill so you can read it for yourself.

* The names of the politicians on the two House committees considering this bill, Judiciary and Commerce.

* Information on how to contact them and on what to say.

BACKGROUND: The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act was introduced in July, 1999, by Senators Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, and Orrin Hatch, R-UT. On November 19, the bill passed the Senate by "unanimous consent" with no recorded opposition.

Hatch and Feinstein claim their bill merely targets labs that produce methamphetamine, a form of speed. But the bill goes far beyond that and gives the federal government sweeping new powers. Specifically:

* It would allow federal agents to conduct so-called "sneak and peek" searches without having to notify you for six months -- if ever. Current law requires that, if police want to search your home, they must produce a warrant, and if you're not home, they have to immediately notify you about the search and give you an inventory of confiscated items.

But in vague, seemingly innocuous language in the section of HR 2987 entitled "Notice of Issuance," the legislation says that "any notice required" to be given for a search "may be delayed pursuant to the standards, terms, and conditions set forth in section 2705" of federal law.

That section, according to legal experts, lets police delay notification for up to 180 days. That means police could conduct a "black bag" job on your house, search through your belongings -- and not even inform you they were there for a full six months.

* It would allow federal agents to secretly copy your computer files and financial documents, and even take photographs of your belongings without ever notifying you. How did this happen? Lobbyists for the FBI quietly inserted the word "tangible" before the word "property" in the following sentence of the bill: "Subdivision (d) of such rule, as in effect on this date, is amended by inserting 'tangible' before 'property' each place it occurs."

Since copies of your computer's hard drive -- and photographs of your personal belongings -- technically are not "tangible property," FBI and DEA agents would not have to notify you.

The "sneak and peek" provision is such a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment that it even caught the attention of Republican Rep. Bob Barr -- normally a vociferous supporter of the government's War on Drugs. Barr called the underhanded maneuver "typical behavior from the Justice Department and the FBI. That's certainly not the way to conduct business when you're dealing with people's liberties."

HR 2987 also attacks your First Amendment freedoms by creating several "communication crimes." It:

* Creates a federal felony -- punishable by a 10-year prison term -- called "Illegal distribution of information." Section 421 of the bill says it shall be unlawful to "teach or demonstrate to any person the manufacture of a controlled substance."

Lawyers say this provision could be used to prosecute, for example, an individual who told a suffering AIDS or cancer victim how to grow medical marijuana.

* Makes it illegal to advertise -- even indirectly -- drug paraphernalia. Section 5 of the bill says it shall be illegal for any "communications facility" to "post, publicize, transmit, publish, link to, broadcast or otherwise advertise" any sort of "drug paraphernalia" or "controlled substances."

So, "if you had links on your web site to sites like High Times magazine, you could be threatened with a count of indirect advertising," according to Keith Stroup, executive director of NORML.

Thanks to HR 2987, the War on Drugs has become a War on Words!

That's why your help is urgently needed. We're asking you to help us kill this unconstitutional, un-American legislation before it gets out of the House. Please take the action below, then forward this item to a friend.


Look at the attached list of the members of the two House committees that are considering this bill, Judiciary and Commerce. (Because these two panels are so large -- with a collective total of 90 members -- there's a good chance that your representative is on one of them.) Then take the following action:

(1) Call the TOLL FREE number for the Congressional switchboard: (888) 449-3511. Then ask to speak to the office of your representative. If that number is busy, try (202) 225-3121 or (202) 224-3121. The switchboard is open 24 hours, and most congressional offices have voice mail, so please make the call as soon as you get this message.


(1) Identify yourself and let them know you are a voter in their district. Leave your name, address, complete with ZIP code, and phone number. Please be brief, especially if you are leaving a message.

(2) Tell them to vote AGAINST the so-called Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act, HR 2987. (If your representative sits on the Judiciary Committee, let them know the bill may come up for a vote within days. If your representative sits on the Commerce Committee, let them know that this bill was referred to their committee last September, and is expected to come up for a vote in June.)

Tell them that this bill contains so many attacks on your liberty that it can't possibly be amended or improved, it must be killed immediately!

Let them know you are *angry* that Congress has written a bill that would give federal agents the power to sneak into your home.

Inform them that you're *appalled* that they're even considering a law that bans the "criminal distribution of information."

(3) Ask them to confirm their position on HR 2987, since you'll want to show their letter to all of your friends and relatives -- who are also registered voters in their district.

(4) Finally, E-mail this "action item" to a friend, and ask them to call their representative, too, if his or her name is on the list.

Thank you for your help!


Steve Dasbach National Director Libertarian Party

PS: To verify any of the information above, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ then type in H.R. 2987 in the box that says "search by bill number."

Members of the House Judiciary Committee:

Alabama Spencer Bachus Arkansas Asa Hutchinson California Howard Berman Mary Bono Elton Gallegly Zoe Lofgren Ed Rogan Maxine Waters Florida Charles Canady Bill McCollum Joe Scarborough Bob Wexler Georgia Bob Barr Illinois Henry Hyde (Chairman) Indiana Ed Pease Louisiana David Vitter Massachusetts William Delahunt Barney Frank Martin Meehan Michigan John Conyers New Jersey Steven Rothman New York Jerrold Nadler Anthony Weiner North Carolina Steve Chabot Howard Coble Melvin Watt Pennsylvania George Gekas South Carolina Lindsey Graham Tennessee William Jenkins Texas Sheila Jackson Lee Lamar Smith Utah Chris Cannon Virginia Rick Boucher Robert Goodlatte Bobby Scott Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin James Sensenbrenner

Members of the House Commerce Committee:

Arizona John B. Shadegg California Brian P. Bilbray Lois Capps Christopher Cox Anna G. Eshoo James E. Rogan Henry A. Waxman Colorado Diana DeGette Florida Michael Bilirakis Peter Deutsch Cliff Stearns Georgia Nathan Deal Charlie Norwood Illinois Bobby L. Rush John Shimkus Iowa Greg Ganske Kentucky Ed Whitfield Louisiana Billy Tauzin Maryland Robert Ehrlich Albert Wynn Massachusetts Edward J. Markey Michigan John D. Dingell Bart Stupak Fred Upton Minnesota Bill Luther Mississippi Charles Pickering Missouri Roy Blunt Karen McCarthy New Jersey Frank Pallone New Mexico Heather Wilson New York Eliot Engel Vito Fossella Rick Lazio Edolphus Towns North Carolina Richard Burr Ohio Sherrod Brown Paul E. Gillmor Michael G. Oxley Tom Sawyer Ted Strickland Oklahoma Tom A. Coburn Steve Largent Pennsylvania James C. Greenwood Ron Klink Tennessee Ed Bryant Bart Gordon Texas Joe Barton Gene Green Ralph M. Hall Virginia Tom Bliley (Chairman) Rick Boucher Wisconsin Thomas M. Barrett Wyoming Barbara Cubin

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 09:01 AM

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It wont happen bro...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 09:12 AM

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Wait until it goes to court....the evidence will be ruled unconstitutional regardless of what the law says. The Constitution is the guidelines that all judges follow....especially if a lawyer with half a brain can point it out to them.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 09:16 AM

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Does the American Civil Liberties Union know about this! I'm telling you guys the government stormtroopers need to be stopped.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:eastern us
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posted January 28, 2001 09:22 AM

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Originally posted by ryker77:

A bill that has passed the Senate unanimously and is now rapidly moving through the House poses a grave threat to your constitutional rights.

Despite the fact that this legislation is a flagrant assault on your First and Fourth Amendment rights, it sailed through the Senate on November 19 without a single vote against it.

Without a single vote against it!!!!! That means the people YOU voted for just voted against your freedom.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 285
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posted January 28, 2001 09:25 AM

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Originally posted by ryker77:

A bill that has passed the Senate unanimously and is now rapidly moving through the House poses a grave threat to your constitutional rights.

Despite the fact that this legislation is a flagrant assault on your First and Fourth Amendment rights, it sailed through the Senate on November 19 without a single vote against it.

Without a single vote against it!!!!! That means the people YOU voted for just voted against your freedom.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 09:29 AM

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Wow! Scary shit none-the-less.

I am glad I live in UK. Steriods have only been illegal for 4 years!

Truth and Justice
shall triumph over
Bullshit and Bureaucracy.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 10:48 AM

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I'm not surpirsed that bitch Feinstein is behind this....

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 12:22 PM

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Is this truly where our government is heading? Can you imagine what our country woudl look like if we had to deal with 4 to 8 years of Gore and team?!?!? This must be stopped early. I agree any decent lawyer would have this crap thrown out in 2 minutes. When will they (the government) learn the war on drugs has not and will never work? WHEN?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 12:48 PM

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You know, this really blows...I know it's unconstitutional, and should get shot down, but who would defend us? Who cares? At least the gun owners have the NRA...we have no one.
If the civil Liberties Union does what it's supposed to do, it will fight against this. After all, it's about freedom of speech...Not steroids...So actually we have someone on our side...The Civil Liberties Union...At least we should have them on our side.


[This message has been edited by Hoss (edited January 28, 2001).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 12:57 PM

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Time to move to South America, need a roomate Animal B?

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 02:51 PM

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Originally posted by ryker77:
Posted on another board.

A bill that has passed the Senate unanimously and is now rapidly moving through the House
write about any Internet site that provides drug paraphernalia.


This type of posts about outrageoulsy laws are just another internet hoax...like that bullshit one about the USPS charging 2 cents for every email that people send. They even pulled this shit at the Lazio(spelling) Clinton debates for New York Senate. I'm serious here guys. Read the post carefully. How can a bill be "passed in the Senate and the work its way through the house"!!! It's the other way around. Bills are approved in the House, and then go to the Senate for final voting. Common people....don't fall for this shit. LOL....it was kinda funny though. Realistically... "the illegal distribution of information" that is totally laughable.

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Mass Monster

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posted January 28, 2001 02:58 PM

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What Bullshit!

Mass Monster

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 03:00 PM

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You can also click on this link to read the actual bill in its present form. It is a bill on increasing the penalities for meth distributors and manufacturers....nothing out of the normal. Read it for yourself.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 03:03 PM

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i don't think this is a hoax i know i have heard of the meth act they are referring to, will have to check it out.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 03:07 PM

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I'm 100% certain its a hoax bro. Stuff like this floats throught the net ALL THE TIME...usually under the guise of a legitimate bill. Whoever started this is against the real "Meth" act, and just wants to start some trouble. Those poor secretaries at your senator's office will be swamped with bogus calls.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 03:17 PM

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Scary ass Hoax,i hope thats what it is,sbaset good job on letting us now it was a hoax.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 03:20 PM

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yeah we'll see who gets hurt when they seize my fina. hehe

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 04:51 PM

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I searched the ACLU site and there was no reference to HR 2987. I saw a hoax last year about an internet/E-mail tax. The senator who supposedly drafted the bill didn't even exist.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 05:01 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 08:32 PM

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I still think the government stormtroopers are against freedom of any kind! Just like in SC where they had random "drug stops" where cops were searching cars at random for drugs. The constitution has been run through a paper shredder!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 08:39 PM

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He He! That's funny RRECIEVER!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 28, 2001 10:50 PM

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hoax or not.........everyone should be using some sort of encryptions such as PGP for your personal files and a secure means to communice via email...........FBI's Carnivore is still roaming the realms of the net........

also......if you dont already use blackice or another firewall

go to www.zonealarm.com and download a free firewall that is idiot proof and is a well made prog...............


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 936
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posted January 29, 2001 12:02 AM

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I'm also a little hesitant to believe this
one; but never-the-less - everyone here needs
to be cautious. Keep the board clean, use
your heads, and for God's sake get PGP or
at least hushmail.

I'll quit the juice....when Amy Fadhli asks me out.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 29, 2001 12:12 AM

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i was incarcerated and have studied law while in the pen and here are some things being done now
A)under "federal"conspiracy laws to simply imply that you will buy,take or sell a drug is the same as BUYING,TAKING AND SELLING

B)many people are in federal prison because a fellow defendent has simply stated they did the above act.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:El Cajon CA USA
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posted January 29, 2001 01:33 AM

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Thats just stupid --steriods are medication and will always be--In the future, their use will be on the rise--more and more people will be benefiting from them. What this is saying is that if I talk about meds on line that I will be arrested-----please

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 29, 2001 01:58 AM

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who the hell comes up with these laws and whydrug are not bothering anyone else i cant belive , people who do steriods or any other this shit

also i cant belive the gov't waste time,energy and money on creating shitty laws like this when they could be using that time,energy,and money on keeping us safe,lower our taxs, and other shit that matters

[This message has been edited by chillin408 (edited January 29, 2001).]

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Cool Novice

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posted January 29, 2001 04:50 PM

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Harry Browne! That is the name of the person who should be President! Vote Libertarian and get Free!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Orlando,FL, USA
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posted January 29, 2001 06:09 PM

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But it must still be ok to learn how to make bombs out of kitchen supplies, or to send away for the ebola virus, what bullshit country do we live in? Any bros interested in starting our own militia?

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