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   Strange Bad reaction(no joke)...Any ideas why ?

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Author Topic:   Strange Bad reaction(no joke)...Any ideas why ?


Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 08:45 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

I have recently had a horrible reaction on Tuesaday and Wednesday to the testosterone I have been using. Here is what happened....On Sunday I injected 300mg test enanthate. (I also took 1mg of Arimidex which I have been taking daily since last Friday and continue to take.) I wanted to add more test but I didn't have enough ennathate to spare so I used some androgel I had got a hold of. Each androgel packet contains 50mg of testosterone but only 5mg of this is supposed to be absorbed through the skin if it is applied to the stomach and or upper arms and shoulders. However, absorption is supposed to increase dramatically if it is applied to the scortal skin and to a lesser extent the face, neck or wrists. On Monday I used 6 packets to my arms, legs, and stomach but none to the high absorption areas. I felt very good so on Tuesday I used 8 packets, 3 of which I specifically used on my face, neck, wirsts and genitals. Here is where things went bad. About 30 minutes to an hour after this application I developed the worst headache I have ever had in my entire life along with a stiff neck. My vision bvecame blurry, I got an intense spaced out feeling and my energy levels dropped to nothing. I fell asleep at 2 AM , woke up to my alram clock at 7 AM, shut it off and slept till 6:45 PM. Its now thursday and I still feel off, my vision is also still a little blury everynow and then as well. SO Anybody have any idea why this happened. Anywasys if anyone ever considers using androgel in the smae way I did in order to try and increase its absorption I highly don't recommend it. Also, if anyone has ever had similar side effect form using shoirt acting testosterone like test suspension or any high dose oral synthetics Id like to hear about it and also know if you felt it caused any lasting problems.

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 08:51 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

....My idea on what happened is that soemthing like 50-100mg of free test entered my sytem in a very short period of time s and that is why I asked the question about wether or not anyone ever had experiences like mine with high dose short acting androgens

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