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  post-cycle catabolic phase/estrogen overload!!!

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Author Topic:   post-cycle catabolic phase/estrogen overload!!!

Cool Novice

Posts: 35
From:Baltimore, MD
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 25, 2001 07:14 PM

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any way to combat this? I mean, I know about the anti-estrogen (nolva, provir, clomid) but one would have to stay on one of these anti-estrogen for over a month while coming off cycle (if the cycle was a long acting test that will remain active for a while)...right??? also, how to combat the totally catabolic phase post-cycle? I've heard of clen for this but any other suggestions? This is what I was thinking. My cycle is going to be sust 250 for 8 weeks and about week 3/4 start the primo depot to solidify gains. After the LAST pop of sust I'm gonna start the clomid. I'm thinking that the clomid will be beneficial in TWO ways...1st (and most importantly) it will boost my natural test back up, 2nd (added bonus) it acts as a mild anti-estrogen...what do you guys think? I don't think I will need to invest in nolva, hcg, etc. because my dosages of sust is only gonna go as high as 500mg/wk and that's only for 3 weeks...I'm hoping that the clomid will boost my own test back up and won't need the hcg...........??????????


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Cool Novice

Posts: 48
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 07:16 PM

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I don't think you'll shut down your natural test(hypothalamus) connection at 250mgs for 8 weeks.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 164
Registered: May 2000

posted January 25, 2001 07:26 PM

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Just to throw in some personal experiences with this, I did a 10 week sus cycle @500mg/week and I popped 50mg of Clomid EOD and did 100mg ED after my last shot for 1 week, and 50mg ED for the subsequent 3 weeks. I still noticed a lag in my sex drive, and I broke out somethin' fierce all over my chest, shoulders and back. I attribute the acne to either the Clomid, the post-cycle hormonal swing, or maybe both. It took about 1 1/2 months for the acne to go away, and my sex drive got in check in a couple of weeks. Because of these symptoms, I can definitely say that there was still a post-cycle hormonal slump -- in spite of Clomid therapy. On the plus side, my strength gains continued for about a month after my last shot, and all my lifts are still significantly heavier than when I first started the cycle! I don't know what to tell you about the catabolism -- because my strength stayed true, I'll assume it wasn't much of an issue for me. That said, maybe you're on the right track with the clen thing...never tried that. Peace,

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