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Posts: 8
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 04:10 PM

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Ive been lifting for years off and on.Not as seriously some years as others.But this last year and a half i've been pretty dedicated.Right now im at 8 to 10% bf,245lbs,pushing 6'1",18"arms and a 52"chest.Never been on juice.Ok with that said ill tell you my problem,I cant bench worth a shit.I've had guys tell me I look like could bench a car but the truth is tonight I just about blew an o'ring with 220lbs.Im 27yrs old now and my highest max was 270lbs when I was 22.Ive tried every workout I can to improve strenght over the last year but it seems like im losing instead of gaining.The past 4 months ive been working out with enough wieght to barely get 10 to 12 reps and about 4 to 5 sets.I ussualy do 2 to 3 exercises a body part.I try not to over train,get good sleep and havent hit the bottle for a long time,till tonight.Ive had guys say just be glad your big....f##k that I want a big bench..Anyone have any advise other than juice.Not that im against it,its just that Ive been riped off twice and cant afford it now.Could alot of it be mental cause I can push quit a few sets with 200lbs ???
Frustrated, Willie

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Cool Novice

Posts: 11
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 25, 2001 04:43 PM

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Try finaplix. It's legal and makes you strong as shit.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 25, 2001 04:44 PM

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It could be a mental thing, I sometimes hit plateaus that are barely above the weight of a working set. Do you have a training partner or spotter? I train solo and sometimes find that I don't have the confidence to go for a big bench if I don't have someone to spot for me. Nothing worse than getting stuck under a barbell and having to dump it on the floor, although I've fortunately not had that happen outside of my home gym. You might also abandon the flat barbell bench for awhile and stick to dumbbells and inclines. When you come back, I'll bet that you're hitting higher weights.

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Posts: 1698
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 25, 2001 04:56 PM

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Welcome to my world. I was stuck forever. I actually got fed up with flat and moved on to other lifts. My chest looks good and that is my real goal, but strength is nice too. I finish off my last set with 275.

I have long ass arms, and it does make it real tough. My friend is 5'7" and he reps 360, he is stacked, but he also agrees that short arms help. Juice will get you past the sticking point. maybe your technique sucks. How wide is your grip? Do you bounce the bar or control it?


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Posts: 8
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 05:04 PM

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I'll use the dumbbells more somec,thanks.I usually do work out with a couple others guys but I never max at the gym(you can guess why).My confidence is kinda low I guess.
Hey win_5..have you ever used the finaplix?I just looked it up and please dont tell me you implant the thing behind your ear.How do you use it.any good web sites to get info?
Thanks guys

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Posts: 6226
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 25, 2001 05:08 PM

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Try adjusting your benching style to the powerlifting style.

It has your ass and upper back on the bench (and they do not move) and your lower back arched up (with enough room underneath where you could put your arm through it).

Then lift up your chest and inhale a lot of air to pump up your chest even further.

Take your feet and have them flat in the floor and tuck them in close to you. That way you can use your whole body to push up the bar.

Take your grip and move it out 3-4 inches past shoulder length. This will shorten the distance from your chest (which is full of air and raised) and lock-out.

I inhale and do not exhale untill I get my reps out. I do about 6-12 so you have to practice before trying too many reps (since you might pass-out).

You might also want to try doing only incline dumbells for a few months and really heavy dips.

I do weighted dips for 15 reps with 3-4 45lb plates on the belt. I do not push myself because I want to concentrate on form and not weight so it is possible to do much more although it does not fit on the belt...LOL

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Posts: 8
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 25, 2001 05:13 PM

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MP5..Man ive tried wide grip,close grip,you name it with no luck.I have a buddy thats 5'7" 155lbs and he makes 320 look like my 120.Man he pisses me off.As for the gear....It will be another 6 months before I have the money AGAIN. Ive been F**ked twice and never been on it...Take care man thanks

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Cool Novice

Posts: 41
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 25, 2001 05:22 PM

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Finaplix is a cattle implant. Hillbilly farmers blast cows in the ear with fina pellets to help them grow. You can buy fina legally, but its illegal to use on humans. Each pellet contains 20mg of trenbolone acetate, which is a very potent steroid. It can be taken by humans in many ways by being convert into injectible form, crushed and disolved under the tounge, or with DMSO, a subtance that allows the fina to pass through your skin into the blood stream.

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Posts: 1698
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 25, 2001 05:28 PM

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I think a lot of bench strength is genetic. I have pushed up into the low 300's but I have pretty big arms, shoulders and chest, and I should handle more. I want to rep 315 for like 8. Not yet, maybe a little test and EQ will help me. I have a wide grip, index finger on the rings. My incline is as strong as my flat!

My arms are pretty damn strong, you would think it would carry over to my bench.

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Posts: 6226
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 25, 2001 05:41 PM

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Bench (and most lifts) are more about tendon strength than muscle strength/size.

Amazing strength (and a huge bench) is not a big deal. When I was much lighter, I would have traded my 300+ bench for more size without a second thought.

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