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  Everyone's little "Steroid Heaven" is going to end real soon if people keep this up.

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Author Topic:   Everyone's little "Steroid Heaven" is going to end real soon if people keep this up.

Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 366
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 23, 2001 07:46 PM

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People keep up the shit they freely talk about on the internet.

I just got done reading the article at

and it isn't pretty. What they are going to do is hang out on the boards and find out exactly how the mail order game works.

Everyone brags about getting the letters in the mail from customs and not busted. Well, keep that shit up and they will probably start knocking on your door.

"Domestic is safer than overseas"... yea, keep that shit up too and the fucking domestic parcels will be exrayed just like the overseas. They WILL kick your fucking door down if it is in the states. It will probably be put in the hands of the Postal Inspectors and local cops.

Thats right, keep bragging about your orders. Keep asking how to smuggle shit back into the states, that will just keep the cops one up on us.

WE are going to be the ones to bring our fun to an end. I guarentee in 5+ years we will be forced to buy from the local guys that sell 10ml deca vials for 200-250 bucks etc etc.

Personally I think there should be a rule on the board to not talk of obtaining anything illegal. Don't just delete the source post, delete the post like "waiting for domestic goods" and "is domestic safer" "Customs letter sent, haha fuck you goverment"


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Never Enough

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From:Somewhere you won't go!
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posted January 23, 2001 07:50 PM

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I read the sdame article earlier and I agree with you 100% BigQuadz. Something needs to be done b4 we fuck up a good thing.

P.S. Love the signature!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 08:04 PM

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I give this post the biggest BUMP since I've been reading the board...mods this should become a policy/rule here, we need to ensure the longevity of this little hobby of ours while making it safer to engage in it...

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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Cool Novice

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posted January 23, 2001 08:14 PM

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i agree everyone needs to keep shit to them selfs if they want a good thing to keep going lets just try to keep this board going good. train,eat,sleep!!

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Stew Meat

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posted January 23, 2001 08:17 PM

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I would have to agree. I was so supprised at how openly people talked about certain subjects. Of course, this board is nothing like other boards; this is in my opinion the highest quality board. But like the bro said above, most people on this board don't order from local guys and if we keep letting the feds so easilly access our ways and means by which we obtain our illegeal goods... it's just a matter of time.
And the media will be a catalyist to that happening. They've already convinced the public that steroids are evil and the people that take them are unknowingly ending their lives prematurely. People are easily convinced by what they hear in the media. These same people will be putting the heat on officials and law enforcement to better regulate this "illegeal activity."
I would have to agree that the purpose of this board would be better served if we didn't deviate from user's education and not go into outward demonstrations of how to obtain it. If you want to talk about your not getting a package, ask a mod for advice. They have been around a long time and they have a lot of experience with just about anything you want to throw at them. That's why they're mods. And they like to help people (all that I've spoken to anyway).
There are also vets that could help people deal with problems.

think that subject matter should be better regulated. That's my main point.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 08:32 PM

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I really wish our government could understand what a public service this board does. Think about it. With or without this board people will use AAS. The board gives people sound advice and proper techniques for responsible use. This war on drugs propaganda is a war on ourselves. I do not morally agree with abusing drugs that do physical damage to your body, however, I believe AAS is the exception. I mean used responsibly they will only improve your quality of life. They do not cause dependency. They are given to AIDS and cancer patients for God's sake. While their is a demand, their will always be someone supply it. (Yes, I did see Traffic.)

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 08:38 PM

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good post bro. everyone should keep their mouths shut and if you have something you need to talk about,email someone

C'MON BABY................ONE MORE REP!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 08:47 PM

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I really think we need to revise our current rules here to stop questions and posts about letters, How we got the shipment, etc. use emails to thank people but dont post it for all to see. We really are bringing heat to each of us that can be incrimminating later if something goes wrong. We need to rethink our goals and outline of this web site.

We need to do this now and not just say we will. This is so important!!!!!!


" That which does not kill me, will make me stronger"

"Catch a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime."

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Francis Drake

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posted January 23, 2001 08:51 PM

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I totally agree! BUMP

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Sulphur La.USA
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posted January 23, 2001 09:19 PM

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I agree bro with some of the statments here I don't see how some people haven't gotten knocks on the door already I feel the feds are gathering info and monitoring these boards because statments saying (I'm back with a load of gear and this is what I have in detail) giving them all the info the need DUH or this is how I got it over the boarder and they didn't catch me haha. Again I totally agree.

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Cool Novice

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From:Baltimore, MD
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posted January 23, 2001 09:37 PM

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how about an automatic bounce off the board for those who post too much info/ask stupid and legally problematic questions??? Mods need to jump on people's asses for dumb shit! I'm for bouncin' em' right outta da front door...after all, complicated questions (borderline permissive) are better posed via encrypted email sites NOT HERE!!!!!!!!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 09:44 PM

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I 100% freakin agree....
This needs to stop NOW!
I for one take all this stuff to email &
then only to a very trusted few.

This is heads up time... please


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 09:46 PM

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I agree 100%. Some things just shouldn't be said and many are also unecessary. New rules should be made for all to follow. Otherwise, another good thing can be ruined by our self-rightous government sooner than you think!

100% Juice........Florida Orange

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Cool Novice

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posted January 23, 2001 09:56 PM

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Yes Sir, Bump it up!!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 23, 2001 10:16 PM

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I am in full agreement with everything that has been said thus far. The carelessness and freedom with which people address certain subjects (sources, crossing the border, mail orders, etc.) is unbelievable. Some matters are best kept to yourself. If you feel the need to post about something that is a bit sketchy, e-mail a mod or a vet first and check out what they have to say. Ultimately, we are responsible for what happens to this board, both it's success and failure. I would advise those who freely speak about these sensitive issues, to substitute the word heroin for AAS, because after all, that's the way the feds see it. If you would not feel confident discussing heroin and sources to obtain heroin, then why the hell should you feel so at ease discussing these very same things as they pertain to AAS. It's common sense. Whether we like it or not, AAS are illegal in the US. By making public knowledge our "tricks of the trade" and such, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. So, next time you feel the need to post something that you think may be borderline, use your head.

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Posts: 1819
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posted January 23, 2001 10:22 PM

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This is an excellent post, and I agree in full.

Two questions though:

1. Would they really kick down your door for personal use possesion of AAS?

2. What priority do you think AAS gets on the DEA 'hit list?'

The threat of getting your door kicked down due to a domestic order is more than enough for me not to ever order domestic.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 10:26 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 10:46 PM

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I have learned so much from this board and made some good cyber friends at the same time. I would hate for all of that to come to an end and jeopardize all the hard work so many have put into this board just because someone wants to brag about how they received their goods, or wants to know if this source is legit, etc.

This board should be strickly for exchanging educational ideas (cycles, training, etc), and the occasional off topic post.

Just my .02


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jersey boy

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posted January 23, 2001 10:49 PM

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Bump, but is this really ever going to happen?

get big or get out

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 10:54 PM

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i concur with you. im sure this board is already being monitored.


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posted January 23, 2001 10:55 PM

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How about a brief reality check?

Most of the stuff around here is pretty transparent. I agree that some things should be handled privately...without question. However, I have also seen alot of very open dialog from people who should know better.

Also, the interest and the manpower to watch people who talk on a board just isn't there.

Be safe, be sane...you will sleep better.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 11:22 PM

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Scary, but true. The mods on here need to start making some more rules regarding this. Definitly something to think about.

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Jay Z

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posted January 23, 2001 11:36 PM

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BigQuadz, post this on every board out there too man. This board is actually a good one. Go see the other ones...scary.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 12:01 AM

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Here is the deal. Right now i don't think anyone has anything to worry about. But it has been clearly stated many of times that the DEA is very fucking aware that the steroid traffic from the net is going on. No right now i don't think they have spent enough time on the net to bust anyone.

But from the article i read and some of the info in certain TV specials, it looks as though they are going to start to monitor the various message boards out there. When they say CHAT ROOMS they don't just me AOL bullshit, they meen message BOARDS mainly.

If we don't make a fucking ass of ourselves and post all this junk that i reffered to above maybe they will leave us the hell alone.

Now as for the other boards, they are fucked. Open soarce posting etc etc. They will screw us all. Give it 5 years and see what happens.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 12:25 AM

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Obviously something to worry about and to be wary of. But child porn and hard narcotics, and others, come first not some guy trying to build 10 lbs of muscle not hurting anyone.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Swamp
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posted January 24, 2001 12:38 AM

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I'll give this a BIG ASS BUMP!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 12:46 AM

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i have to bump. this was an excellent post

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 12:58 AM

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i dont think mods or vets should be so quick to give out a source. they need to know exactly the handle name of the person asking for a source and that person should have to be around here for a while before anyone should give out a source...my .02 cents


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Cool Novice

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posted January 24, 2001 01:09 AM

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BumP! everyone must read and follow

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 01:18 AM

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as for the other boards yes they will screw us for sure they are nowhere near the class as this board.. we should let everyboard know this and have a heads up...


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Posts: 1998
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posted January 24, 2001 01:47 AM

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Good Post...and on certain things I agree.

We would be pretty damn naive to think that steroid use and importation is not at least some form of priority for the DEA and other Agencies.

I dont think its smart at all for people to talk about how to traffic things in cause that in turn does illicit illegal activity and those posts I will start editing.

Now although what we do with this board is not against the law (if that was the case the high times website would be banned) there is a very real need to be careful.

I dont think however that the cops are going to come kicking my door down to bust me for a few bottles of aratest and the like. That would be comparative to them busting some guys door down to nab his quarter bag of weed and trying to shake him for the local dealer.


driven by testosterone
adrenaline and pheromone
crowning glory of creation
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Stew Meat

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posted January 24, 2001 01:54 AM

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I have a friend that has a website on gun freedom and protecting our second amendment rights. He can see every ip that is logged into his website. He braggs about how many are from federal organizations. He can clearly see that through the ip number. I don't know if he has a program to give a location with an ip or if he has some kinda research... but I think that suspecious people should be checked out. If someone has a handle and his ip number is clearly read as a federal server number, I think that the mods should be aware and privately or publicly make others aware. Or at least check out someone through their ip login if they are asking for a source.

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Cool Novice

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From:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 24, 2001 02:42 AM

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I agree with the idea that when you really think about it, it is dumb to discuss things like smuggling methods, mail order issues, and so on on the boards. Unfortunately I could have never learned what I did just emailing people. But being self interested I would say yes it's smart to clamp down.

- As for getting one's door kicked down, that depends. In Canada, with regard to gear, buying, selling, importing, exporting, faking a prescription for, etc. etc. ... are all illegal. However, simple possession IS NOT ILLEGAL. Of course this is stupid, since you cannot HAVE gear without BUYING gear. But whatever.

You show me one person who has ever been convicted in Canada for having gear inside his house. Unless it's a huge stash enough for trafficking purposes, not only is simple possession of gear not a major crime, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL AT ALL.

(There have been very few steroid-related drug busts in Canada. One notable one was actually a steroid SCAM where these dudes from Montreal (even advertising in Sports Illustrated!! to get leads to whom they could send more advertising) made over $100,000 scamming people for money and then not sending any gear. Damn right, that should be illegal. They went to jail.)

I know the situation is different in the US legally speaking, and your "drug war" is at a higher rev than anywhere else. But honestly, the major risk is at the point of accepting the package or opening the package, is it not? Once you've got the stuff in your possession, you really don't have to worry.

I believe they are focused on hard drugs and ecstasy. This must be why all my supplements shipments get opened up. And then all they find is creatine and whey powder.

The police do not want to bother with steroids for the most part. Pro athletes and cops are on the stuff, and everyone knows it. Venus Williams is.

The bottom line is, don't flaunt it, be safe, don't piss them off.

Thanks for a good thread - food for thought, I will be thinking more carefully about what I post in the future.

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Cool Novice

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posted January 24, 2001 03:04 AM

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bump, good one.

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Posts: 1512
From:Austin TX
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 24, 2001 05:15 AM

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yea, keep that shit up too and the fucking domestic parcels will be exrayed just like the overseas.

Although I agree with your post, the odds that the USPS scans millions and millions of packages every day will never happen, this will slow the mail system down at an unbelievable rate, priority will become 7-8 days.

Now that everyone is buying off the internet, domestic packages are being sent at a ridiculous rate and there will only be more with this internet generation.

but yea, people need to keep their mouth shut about a lot of their shit.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 08:05 AM

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They might never scan domestic parcels but they could start to montior certain parts of the states for traffic, like in cali, tx or new york. They could start to set up bust for the real big sources and scare most into even selling on the net.

Jarabbit, i guess you forgot that steroids is a Schedule 3 Narcotic.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 08:06 AM

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On the other hand I've bought from sources that have websites that can be found by searching Yahoo. If I can find these by myself then I'm sure the Feds already know about them. It's difficult for them to do anything about it because most of these open sources are in "free countries" where steroids can be obtained without an RX. There has to be cooperation between US government and the police in the other country which is difficult to do. But it has happened as we have seen by last years raids on Thailand pharmacies. They used to have a good thing going in Thailand but now it's gone. I feel that some suppliers are too open about what they do.

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The Ranger


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posted January 24, 2001 09:23 AM

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Good article, and it does make ya think...I have no problem deleting threads of this nature, but remember....when we(Mods) delete the thread, there's another one asking " Who deleted my thread " No win situation at times....I really don't care....Besides, Ole Ranger never came into this world to win any popularity contests......heh heh heh


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Dark Side
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posted January 24, 2001 09:38 AM

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Reality check, Part II

1) The head of the DEA is on record saying that steroids are not on their priority list. With cocaine and weed coming into the US in record amounts, they have to prioritize.

2) When I got into this game along time ago, I found sources within 4 weeks. How did anyone know I wasn't a federal agent? If you think they don't have a list of every source, then I think you are naive.

3) Many sources overseas sell from countries where it is legal to possess gear. The only way to block them is to have that country's customs be on the lookout for outgoing packages, and it is hard to get many of these countries to spend money on a "USA" problem.

4) About shipping/smuggling methods: COME ON! Three of my friends are cops. They know every hiding place in a house possible. You think customs isn't aware of all the mailing tricks? Or smuggling tricks? Sure, it increases your odds, but they are aware of them. I bet they love when they see posts saying shit like "use carbon paper", since such myths cause people to get careless and think they cannot get caught.

5) If you don't want to post anything that endangers you, we should eliminate the entire "Anabolics" area. For example, I can pick any user. In one post three months ago, he says he is 19. Then in another list called 'Where you bros from', the guy states in California. Then I found out he bounces at a bar in town X. Then the guy lists a cycle that he just got. Gee, looks like a pretty nice trail, doesn't it? You think law enforcement cannot pay three college kids $10/hour to just compile this kind of info?

I'm all for being safe, but every three months or so (and I mean EVERY time), a panic sweeps through the boards. An unlucky bro or two fall, and then things are back to normal. Be careful, but keep things in perspective...

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Cool Novice

Posts: 47
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posted January 24, 2001 09:44 AM

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BUMP for a good post. Whoa! Venus Williams is juicing!? No wonder she's so shredded...

Strong mind in a strong body...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 10:05 AM

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i agree with alot of what is being said however i think it is being blown a bit out of proportion. i think stalker has a few good points though too. remember that the reason this whole "drug war" isnt effective is that compared to the span of the problem, the government has extremely limited resources. and these resources have to be used wisely. i think they are really only interested in sources because if you eliminate the source, that is probably thousands of people who wont be getting their "fix." i dont think the everyday user has to worry much about a drug raid in your home (unless your stupid and run your mouth bragging to all your friends). just trying to use logic.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:USA, Living in Moscow
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 24, 2001 10:12 AM

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Good post. And I agree with Ranger; it is thought-provoking.

I COULD be that in five years all this open source posting is going to look like the "good old days."

But is it going to stop? I don't think so. And it is going to put a hell of a strain on government resources. Just look at how the Internet has grown in the last 2 - 3 years.

My guess. We'll probably see more newsworthy busts of serious players in the biz. But who does the government really want to go after:

1. Pedophiles, narcotics dealers, gun smugglers, etc., or

2. AS users who generally are educated people, who have families and mortgages and take their kids to the soccer games, and who lead generally healthy and productive lifestyles and pay their taxes on time?

a.k.a. Titus Andronicus

Strength and Honor.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Dark Side
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 24, 2001 10:23 AM

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Don't forget that law-enforcement also realizes that many of its own officers use AS as well.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 10:25 AM

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good post BIG, keep the chat only about quality and what is out there and spend a few bucks and make the the flight were the gear is and make your connection there, it is worth the $300.00 to $500.00 for ticket.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:USA, Living in Moscow
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posted January 24, 2001 10:57 AM

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That's a good point, stalker.

It reminds me of when I was in the U.S. Virgin Islands, as part of a contingency mission following Hurricane Hugo.

They let all the prisoners out, because the hurricane was so bad. Then they had to round them all back up again, so they sent in a large team of U.S. Marshalls.

I was all natural then. But, sheesh, I'd never seen such a group of huge guys before in my life!

Now, I understand that they were hardly "all natural."

a.k.a. Titus Andronicus

Strength and Honor.

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Posts: 1678
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 24, 2001 12:00 PM

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I agree to a point, but I don't think people are laughing at the government. The DEA is not going to kick your door in for a few amps, if they suspect something they will start to compile data on you to build a case. If you order a large quantity they will deliver it to you and when you get it they get your ass.

It is not cost effective for them to run down every package that is snagged in customs. And if you think the US mail is going to start to x-ray every package you are high. Do you know what that would do to our mail system? The costs, the manpower, the efficiency. Go to my post office at lunch and see how long you have to wait in line already to get your package. They move millions of packages in this country.


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Posts: 1513
From:Great Britain
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 24, 2001 12:14 PM

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To me the bottom line is if they want you they will get you. As many people have already mentioned it would be ineffective and inefficient to go after everyone. They concentrate on the big guys who feed the small guys.

It would be so easy for any agent to come on here hang around (some already are) make good friends, gain confidence get info and then bust. It doesnt happen like that for reasons. They have much more important things to do than bust some small time user who is in possesion of 30 amps. Do you know how much time that will take them, not to mention the cost involved.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 24, 2001 12:38 PM

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Originally posted by stalker:
Reality check, Part II

"...I can pick any user. In one post three months ago, he says he is 19. Then in another list called 'Where you bros from', the guy states in California. Then I found out he bounces at a bar in town X. Then the guy lists a cycle that he just got. Gee, looks like a pretty nice trail, doesn't it? You think law enforcement cannot pay three college kids $10/hour to just compile this kind of info?

Members should not ignore the importance of the above statement. The concept of culling the archives to "profile" individuals is not uncommon and due to ignorance (and in many cases pure stupidity) is a very simple task. To be honest, I do this occasionally. Not in the context of "nailing" somebody but to validate my suspicion that a poster is simply "full of shit." When I note a username that I believe is lying and/or bullshitting the board I'll spend some time to find an inconsistent posting history to prove my suspicion. Once I prove it to myself I simply mentally add that individual to my "ignore" list. As an aside, it's pretty funny when I know someone is a fraud and I see others jumping on their threads and treating these fucks as legitimate board participants, but that's another thread. What I'm driving at is the archives, combined with carelessness can be "used" very easily.

I'll provide a short version of a lengthy thread I posted about 4-5 months ago on another board to help remind good bros to be cautious (some of you may recall this and I want to stress that enough time has passed that I will not be incriminating anyone).

Awhile back, many people were posting pics of their gear on the board. I noted one person that was being very careless, sure enough they posted a pic with a reasonably large amount of gear and were "bragging" about it etc... Within 5 minutes (no exaggeration) I was able to log on to the server where he hosted the pic (university web server), without much effort log into the "public" student Database and I had the guy's name, number, address, you name it! I sent him a Hushmail with what I had found in the hope's that he would get his head out of his ass and THINK! I did not do this to be an dick or freak the guy out (it did!). I did not want the guy's post sitting in the archives with that kind of trail (he deleted it).

I'm not trying to promote paranoia, I'm just telling you to THINK!

Oh yeah, for you bullshitter's out there, you are easy to ID - heh heh.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 131
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 24, 2001 01:00 PM

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Great Post, I have recently been real concerned with the fact of our sources getting busted. Like someone said I'm sure they are not going to come and kick my door in for a few bottles. They will be just like us and find the sources right? I got hooked up with my source in a month. That was way to easy. I never want to go back to the days of buying from the guy at them gym. Damn his prices are outrageous. Mods keep it clean.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 215
From:Toronto, CA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 24, 2001 01:07 PM

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I agree with what Iron said. But I still think that certain post still need to be edited or deleted. No need to add for fuel to the already existing fire.

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Posts: 9
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 24, 2001 05:45 PM

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for the guy who just got his gear

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