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Author Topic:   I GOT SOLD OUT!!!!

Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 03:15 PM

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Some of you may remember a while back when I posted that I had asked my uncle who is a doctor about oxandrolone in hopes of getting some and he had givin me the hour long lecture on why not to do steroids. Anyway, I assumed that he would keep it to himself to respect my privacy but I guess not. He told my aunt, who told my grandma, who told my mom that I wanted to do steroids. Now my grandmother and my mom are calling me up bugging the shit outta me. My grandma is all "that actor Arnold whatshisname is on dialysis now because of all that stuff" Yes she means the great arnold s who we all look up to. I wonder how they would all react if I was all "Actually I am injecting 4 different kinds of testosterones into my body as we speak". My point though is, isn't that against a doctors code of professionalism or ethics or anything. I am pretty pissed off right now.


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posted January 21, 2001 03:20 PM

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Did you pay him for a consultation?If so,then he just broke the law by breaking Dr./patient confidentiality,to the best of my knowledge...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 03:21 PM

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You uncle definatley violated his doctor/patient confidentiality rule. That rules is set in stone. Of course, you could sue him...but since he is your uncle, I doubt that is an option. You should, however, give him a call and politely discuss why what he did was wrong...and that are very disaaapointed in him...and that you can never trust him again with private medical information. He'll probably feel like shit. Hope that helps.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 03:24 PM

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yeah, I was thinking about calling him and discussing it with him. No I didn't pay him and it was a phone consultation since he live a couple states away... does that make a difference?


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 05:31 PM

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my fiance and parents know i do it and i'm lucky cause my fiance loves the way it makes me look,and my parents respect my judgment enough to trust that i know what i'm doing.if someone did that to my i'd be in for a long drive and an uncle rat ass whoopin' just my .02

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 05:46 PM

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by EVIL:
if someone did that to my i'd be in for a long drive and an uncle rat ass whoopin' just my .02

LOL, yeah that would realy help his case, grandma would be on the phone, with the whole family "the steroids made him do it, he had a roid rage"

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 05:49 PM

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Since you didn't pay for his services I don't think you'd have a case in court.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 05:50 PM

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Haha hambone... you know my family better than you think. Krusher, I wouldnt take him to court, up until now they have been good family I just would like to confront him knowing that what he did was illegal.


[This message has been edited by E (edited January 21, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 06:00 PM

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Listen up, fellas, because this is extremely important: THERE IS NO DOCTOR-PATIENT PRIVELEGE UNDER THE LAW. Your doctor is not obligated to keep anything you tell him confidential. In fact, in some states, doctor's are required to report certain types of injuries (tthose resulting from assult, rape, etc.) If you discuss steroid use with your doc and he puts it in our chart, that information is available to insurance agencies, potential employers, etc. It doesn't matter if you pay him or not.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 06:08 PM

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Is Arnold really on dialysis?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 06:30 PM

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E..what he did was wrong, but not illegal. You certainly have the right to express the fact that he broke your trust and he's doing you more harm than good by not helping you..good luck bro.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 06:47 PM

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Thanks for the help bros... It gave me a chance to vent a little and i guess i'm just gonna confront him.

B.S. smooth, i dont know bro... good question.


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posted January 21, 2001 07:04 PM

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Originally posted by latona:
Listen up, fellas, because this is extremely important: THERE IS NO DOCTOR-PATIENT PRIVELEGE UNDER THE LAW. Your doctor is not obligated to keep anything you tell him confidential. In fact, in some states, doctor's are required to report certain types of injuries (tthose resulting from assult, rape, etc.) If you discuss steroid use with your doc and he puts it in our chart, that information is available to insurance agencies, potential employers, etc. It doesn't matter if you pay him or not.

You are correct in certain parts of your reply.....A rape of course, But think of this to clear the air the your Doc have the right to devulge a patient having HIV or AIDS NO he can not patient privacy..There are doctors practiceing medicine with HIV...If I were to tell my doctor that I was on gear unless a job interview required it He can not release that info in that case by me takeing the exam and following through with the examination I would be telling on my self.....

If you are over 18 and carry your own insurance He can report your buisness to know one.....This is my field I know this!!



GET BIG GUY'S!!!!!!!!!

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Posts: 770
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posted January 21, 2001 07:35 PM

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Originally posted by latona:
Listen up, fellas, because this is extremely important: THERE IS NO DOCTOR-PATIENT PRIVELEGE UNDER THE LAW. Your doctor is not obligated to keep anything you tell him confidential. In fact, in some states, doctor's are required to report certain types of injuries (tthose resulting from assult, rape, etc.) If you discuss steroid use with your doc and he puts it in our chart, that information is available to insurance agencies, potential employers, etc. It doesn't matter if you pay him or not.

You are correct in certain parts of your reply.....A rape of course, But think of this to clear the air the your Doc have the right to devulge a patient having HIV or AIDS NO he can not patient privacy..There are doctors practiceing medicine with HIV...If I were to tell my doctor that I was on gear unless a job interview required it He can not release that info in that case by me takeing the exam and following through with the examination I would be telling on my self.....

If you are over 18 and carry your own insurance He can report your buisness to know one.....This is my field I know this!!



GET BIG GUY'S!!!!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 07:54 PM

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actually, your doctor can report your AIDS or HIV status. (When I say "report" I mean that this information is included in your medical records - which are accessible to insurance and employers). *I can only speak about the law in my home state, it might be different elsewhere, but it is precisely for this reason that most clinics also offer _anonymous_ testing.

As far as steroids go,I agree that if you just go and tell your doc that you are using steroids, that probably won't go in your chart. However, if you go for blood tests which rereveal high liver enzymes and you state explicitly that you are concerned because of steroid use -- in that case, steroid use becomes a part of your medical history.

[This message has been edited by latona (edited January 21, 2001).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 10:52 PM

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No offense Latona...but you are almost entirely wrong in your statement regarding doctor/patient privacy rights. You are correct in one aspect of it. A doctor is requried to notify the authorities only in instances of rape, assault, etc...or if the doctor believes that someone is in clear and imminent danger....for example...if a patient makes a threat to another person...or seems mentaly unstable. The medical history in your chart is accessible to insurance companies...obnviously...but they CANNOT disclose it to authorities or outside parties without a court order. I am certain of that. And without a doubt....your doctor cannot go around telling your family, or anyone else about your medical condition, or history...that would be insane if that were legal. If my doctor told my employer or parents about my alleged AS use...I would sue him instantly. But to answer the orginal post, you really should discuss this with him, and let him know that you feel like your privacy has been violated by him disclosing this info. Don't threaten him...just let him know that you can never trust him again with personal medical info.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 11:02 PM

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sbaset, I never said that a doctor could legally disclose your health with friends or relatives without your consent. I did say that anything he puts in your chart may be accessible to employers and insurance. I know this wasn't exactly what he was talking about, but I was responding to the others who referred to "patient-dr privelege as set in stone". I merely wanted to make clear that the doctor-patient relationship is not held to the same standards of legal confidentiality as some other types of professional relationships.

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Juice Junkie

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posted January 21, 2001 11:13 PM

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Medical records "ARE NOT" obtainable by anyone without your written consent.. They are not obtainable by a potential employer that is insane. They might be obtainable by insurance if you file for treatment I guess dont know about that one but not employers. Medical records are "YOUR" private property and are not allowed to be released without your consent. Dont mean to piss anyone off just my 2c.

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posted January 21, 2001 11:33 PM

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good point....to give Latona some credit...I'm sure that these type of illegal disclosure do occur from time to time. So it's best to inform your doctor BEFORE disclosing anything questionable...that you DO NOT want a written record of the discussion in your file. By the way, you have a right to look at your file ANYTIME you damn well please. So double check that nothing was mentioend. For example, if you're asking for a blood test...just tell him you are feeling fatigued....I've done this several times before. Regardless of the cause...your AS use...he is still obligated to provide treatment, diagnose and evaluation. By the way, if your doc seems like a total ingnoramous [spelling] regarding AS, find another doctor. You may consider looking through your insurance company's provider directory, and conducting a "phone interview" of a few potential docs. Sometimes you can't speak directly to them right away...but leave messages, requesting that the doctor call you. As a potential new patient, they'll usually call back. And obviously, a good lesson was learned...do not talk to your doctor about this shit when he is related to you....all bets are off....to tell you the truth, I don't blame him for snitching. He is just as ignorant as most docs about AS, and he THOUGHT he was only trying to save you from yourself....pathetic.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 12:15 AM

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true... true. Good response to this post bros, thanks


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jersey boy

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posted January 22, 2001 12:24 AM

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I still think what he did sucks the big one.

get big or get out

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 12:58 AM

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yeah, n odoubt about that one.


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Steak Helmet

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posted January 22, 2001 03:11 AM

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The FUCK...


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 03:21 AM

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E, are you a regular patient of your uncle? Is he your regular Dr.? Because you said he lived a couple of states away. I'm not a Dr. nor do I understand the legal issues associated with that field, but it sounded more like you were talking to him like: nephew to uncle rather than patient to Dr. I know that the legal issues don't really mean that much to you because he is your uncle. But I'm just saying to everyone who said you could sue him, could that even be a case because it sounds more like that E's uncle is a Dr. and E tried brushing the subject of oxandrolone to see if his uncle would be cool about it, or to see what kind of a response he'd give, by talking to him man to man instead of Dr. to patient.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 07:28 AM

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Nice uncle bro... confront him first, then beat the shit out of him or get him back just the same!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 22, 2001 11:51 AM

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Originally posted by Busy_Mind:
confront him first, then beat the shit out of him or get him back just the same!

What would that solve?
That wouldn't do anything except cause more problems for the E.
Give him a call, and tell him how he betrayed your trust and how you feel about it. Fighting or threatening to kick his ass won't do anything except make people think worst of you and blame it on "Roid Rage" as another poster said.

Keep the peace, violence isn't Needed at all.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 01:12 PM

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Crash, i'm not a reqular patient of his but when I approached him I told him that it was a a doctor, not a relative and that I wanted a doctor opinion.


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Posts: 1771
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posted January 22, 2001 01:30 PM

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Violence will only give us a bigger black eye in eyes of the community. If you think violence towards a family member is acceptable you need to drop your test dosage. I'd just call him and let him know you're disappointed in his judgment not to keep your conversation between you confidential. Tell him you thought you could trust him enough to ask him personal medical questions and now you know you were wrong. Just make him feel like shit and I bet he wont do it again. Good luck, Green



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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 01:35 PM

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I'm not going to beat him up:
#1 I would kill him
#2 I would be disowned.
I'm just gonna talk to him and tell him off


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 02:51 PM

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sbaset and juice junky are correct. There are slight variations in this law from state to state but they share most of the same restrictions. BTW I am a doctor and every patient needs to sign a waiver to even release any records to insurance companies, let alone to employers.

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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