posted June 11, 2000 05:22 PM
I have been reading a lot of posts from people with a lot of Q's regarding this...
what to do if you are doing it, what to do if something goes wrong.... there was even a post about a guy ( cannot remember who)who said a cop or someone came to his house & told him not to mail order sauce....
here is some advice to some faq's( some are more common sense then others)....
-----Do not ever handwrite out orders & send
them.... it is evidence in your own script....
-----Another common sense one....NEVER EVER use your own name....especially if you are using your home address....there is no room for denial if the package has your name on it....
-----To lower your risk of getting caught use another address if possible...there is such a thing as an anonymous mail drop....for this info call Eden Press at 800-338-8484....( mail drops are advertised in Soldier of Fortune Mag)
-----Never EVER use a credit card or personal should even avoid $ orders....some if sent internationally can take weeks to confirm...also dont western union $ with your rel name....BEST OPTION IS TO MAIL CASH....roll it up in a lot of paper in a card, to avoid theft....however keep in mind that sending more then 750.00 in cash oversees is also illegal
-----Keep orders small-you have the best chance of going through customs if your pkg. is less then 1 lb.----you can ask your source to break up your order....the extra $ pd. by you in shipping is worth the lessened risk.
-----Use US mail.....they move about 600 million pieces of mail a day ----more then Fed X & UPS mail per year---COMBINED----that means a lesser chance of your mail getting checked....Keep in mind first class mail cannot be opened or searched without a search warrent when travelling within the US....however all overseas mail may be inspected....however, it must be determined to look suspicious, set off an electronic scanner, or get sniffed out by a dog to be opened, or to match a known hot address....or if the pkg. slip lists contents which must have duty paid on it....
2nd, 3rd, & 4th class have less strict rules re:searching & therefore are more likely to be checked....
-----Never sign for anything-if you use regular mail, you shouldnt have to anyway. If a delivery person tries to make you sign for something, tell them they got the wrong person---noone by that name resides there.
-----Dont open a pkg. when you get soon as you get it, put return to sender on the name( make sure its not yours)....This is a safeguard in case anyone shows up with a warrent, knowing you mail ordered sauce. If a pkg. was searched prior to its delivery & found to contain something it shouldnt, it may be delivered to you in order to get evidence of possession. Usually if a search will take place it will be within 24-72 hours after after 3 days, you are good to go....
-----If you get a seizure notice from the US treasury that an oversees delivery has been held up, it will usually give you a chance to claim the will usually say if you dont claim it it will be will usually get a 2nd letter b4 they actually do it....if that happens, you arent in trouble, but you lost your $....your name( or the fake name you hopefully gave) & address will be put on file, so dont use either or again.....
-----You can geet a hot list of supplirs currently being looked for by customs from the FDA...
Finally, there is a loophole in the import law for people with aids, cancer, & other check it out go to
[This message has been edited by FitnessChick (edited June 11, 2000).]