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  ttokkyo injectables giving infection???

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Author Topic:   ttokkyo injectables giving infection???

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 141
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 17, 2001 03:39 PM

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I heard that some people are getting infections from injectables is this true or bullsh*t any experiance will help... I will be doin some deca soon


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Posts: 4398
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 17, 2001 03:44 PM

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heard is the word. You wont ever have any real occurences it will always be heard. You wont get any more infections than denkall gear and human grade stuff as well.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 04:17 PM

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Been taking 600mg of the Ttokkyo Deca now, for the past couple of weeks, and have had no problems. Even injected 1cc in each bicep the first week.
The only thing that is even remotely close to being an infection, is a little red mark around where the injection took place on my quad. I have never had this come up. Not big, only about 1/4" circle. Doesnt look infected, and doesn't hurt. Dont know really what it is. ?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 04:28 PM

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All my friends have switched to Ttokkyo and they love it.No problems yet.The Sus250 is a painful shot!!


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Posts: 1687
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted January 17, 2001 04:38 PM

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Ttokyo gives infections. Denkall gives them. Brovel gives them. Reforvit-B gives you horrors. RWR Winny sucks.
Why do i get infections?
Why is my gear underdosed?
Why is there something else in it?
Why do i get clogges in my Winny and do i need a 21 gauge to shoot it?
Why is there only 9 cc in a 10 cc bottle.

That's the difference with human grade gear and vet gear. Gymratsd are you there?

And if someone gets infections with human grade gear, then that one must look in the mirror.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 04:39 PM

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Get em' boy! GRR!! HAHA!
Jeff, man, you crack me up!

"If you believe in yourself & have dedication & pride, and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards."
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Posts: 4398
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 17, 2001 04:55 PM

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Jeff, if you get an infection with ttokkyo, tornell, or denkall the one who is responsible is the one in the mirror.

If I didn't know better, I'd say this is more of a personal issue with you Jeff.
Why do i get infections? you dont if you do its your own faulty injection technique

Why is my gear underdosed? almost all gear is somewhat underdosed - brovell has a bad reputation for this - whether thats true or not I don't know I don't use the shit.

Why is there something else in it? Never heard that one, ever! And if someone actually said that (who wasn't an ignorant newbie) its called a counterfeit which isn't a vet problem but all anabolics are targets for counterfeits. Is parabolan human grade? Well every time someone says thats fake you dont hear anyone bash the whole human grade pharm's.

Why do i get clogges in my Winny and do i need a 21 gauge to shoot it? Again I got no idea about this? If you have real winny Stanazolic its micronized hence no cloggin, and if you have unmicronized winny then it may clog - whats that have to do with infections?

Why is there only 9 cc in a 10 cc bottle. I have heard this one often and is the only one I see to be true with SOME products (brovell imparticuliar), with all due respect though - people are dumb sometimes and think the products should be filled to the brim otherwise they are "under-filled" which isnt true. I have taken t200 (specifically cause its so cheap, and drawn out 9.5 to 10 cc's 3 times. Im thinking of doing it on net cam so you guys have some proof other than what slopain said.

I am not flaming you Jeff, but you seem to be gaining some thing out of trashing vet gear. Don't come at me with injecting ref-b (thats stupid) or brovel sucks.

Jeff if you dont mind me asking, can I know YOUR EXPERIENCE with vet gear? You seem to speak witha uthority on it, so Im asking you what kind of gear have you used, and how many infections did you get with it. Now please be honest.

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Posts: 1687
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted January 17, 2001 04:56 PM

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No Hardcore, i know that i am right (and hate being wrong, hate doing something wrong), but that's my nature. That doesn't mean someone has to agree with me.


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Posts: 1687
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posted January 17, 2001 05:58 PM

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First of all Slopain, i have NOTHING against vet gear, but then again he who is using is should not complain about it.
Everything i stated was mentionned here on the board at least once or more. Those words are not mine, are from others that i repeat.
As for what i ever used: organic Lutalyse from Upjohn, syntetic Lutalyse from Sintyal. Human Deca, Primo, Winny and that's it.
I never had infections from anything.
My first mail order was from "BECOMEBIG" and they seem to be on every scammer list.
I ordered Deca Organon (10 amps) and got them. But after injecting sometimes it felt different. I am very sure the substance of every amp was NOT the same.
As for the comparison of Human grade to vet grade gear i will ONCE AGAIN quote Captain Dbol (former supplier of Aussie vet gear) and very informed also: "THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN HUMAN GRADE GEAR AND VET GRADE GEAR WHEN IT COMES TO HAVE A STERILE AND CLEAN PRODUCT". And if he was lying, then i cannot help that. But i believed him and still do. I will not change my mind. Will i use vet gear again? Yes i will.
Do i know everything, no i don't.
If i have the choice, i go for the human grade (more secure), if not for the vet stuff.
Two weeks ago i stated something like this and got the wind in front from our friend G. I know i am right, that's why i am pissed, nothing more then that. But a lot of guys here on the board say " Zambon wins hands down". What more can i say ? (This is just an example).
And no i am no source.
Sorry for having upset you. But saying you can get infected by human gear just as easy as from vet gear, come on....get real.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 06:13 PM

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I have nothing to add.

Why bother?

Jeff_rys obviously has his narrow mind made, and nothing said will change that.

I'll continued to line my coffers with the cash I save by using vet gear. If you want to blow your dough on "human" gear for sake of confidence, go right ahead.

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Posts: 4398
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 17, 2001 06:24 PM

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Everything i stated was mentionned here on the board at least once or more. Those words are not mine, are from others that i repeat.

Lots of things have been mentioned on this board from dbol in your eyelids, to shots in your buthole and your sack. I know these are outlandish, but so much false information is thrown around on this board everyday, it shouldn't be taken as gospel.

I ordered Deca Organon (10 amps) and got them. But after injecting sometimes it felt different. I am very sure the substance of every amp was NOT the same.

Im not sure what your saying here, I think your agreeing with my point on counterfeits being anabolic wide and not just vet/human gear related. ??

Captain Dbol?? Other than hearing some call him a scammer and go by different names (wont mention its not the topic) I really don't know a whole lot about him - he must be pretty trustworthy for you to believe what you believe purely on his words.

I know i am right, that's why i am pissed, nothing more then that.

Dont be pissed, after all were discussing anabolics! Its not life or death, unless your names ronnie coleman

Sorry for having upset you. But saying you can get infected by human gear just as easy as from vet gear, come on....get real.

Oh you didn't upset me at all, we are discussing; we happen to disagree no personal issues are involved - just a discrepency of facts. And thats EXACTLY what I'm saying - NO MORE infections with vet gear than pharm gear (do I have to disclaim ref-b and brovel everytime lol).

No hard feelings - I just am trying to understand where your coming from.

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[This message has been edited by Slopain (edited January 17, 2001).]

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Damian Borleone

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posted January 17, 2001 08:09 PM

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Someone actually quoted Captain Dbol???? Now that's funny!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 08:26 PM

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So far no infections from their products


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Damian Borleone

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posted January 17, 2001 08:50 PM

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Here are some of Captain Dbol's other famous quotes:

"Norandren 200 10ml is relabled Norandren 50"

"there is no such thing as a norandren 200 50ml"

"Norandren 200 50ml is relabled norandren 50"

"all 10ml vials of reforvit and equigan in mexico are fake"

"all 20ml vials of testosterona 50 are fake, brovel only makes them in 10ml vials"

"I am not Mike Barr, but he is a friend"

"all of denkall's gear comes from australia"

"decanandrolen200 is made in australia for our racehorses"

"ultragan is superior to all other EQ's because it is made in australia in a human-grade lab"

If I posted all of the handles Captain Dbol/Mike Barr has used I doubt anyone would believe me. He is 100% scum and this "industry" would be a much better place without him.

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jersey boy

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posted January 18, 2001 12:41 AM

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All I can say is, I hope not cuz that's the way I want to go for my next cycle.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 12:49 AM

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Captain dbol????


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 12:57 AM

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if your gettig an infection from everything you aren't doin it right!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 09:27 AM

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As we have all learned on this board there are alot of comments made that have absolutely ZERO basis. The Capt. D-bol
thread is one of them. Damian is the biggest one calling him a scammer. I have requested the name of one(not 100,not 50,not 20) but
one person he scammed. As you can guess noone
answered the call. If someone scams me I will be all over the boards. Wouldn't you?

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Posts: 1687
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted January 18, 2001 04:26 PM

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I didn't mention Capt Dbol for him to be called a scammer. just referring to him for his knowledge.
And no Slopain i do not agree on anything.
You agree more by saying "Yeah, Brovel, Reforvit-b and then others say Denkall, Ttokyo. I never hear something about human grade gear THAT YOU GET IN A LEGAL (EUROPEAN OR NORTH AMERICAN) PHARMACIE. Maybe now i put it right.
Sorry for replying again, but it must be my narrow mind.
As for my 10 amps fromm Becomebig, that wheren't counterfeits, that where fakes. I never said NOT human grade, how would i know?


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posted January 18, 2001 06:33 PM

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Vet vs. Human gear is along the same lines as politics and religion.... can't convert 'em so don't even try.

And we are talking about Mike Barr (Capt Dbol), that fucker as a number of folks who would like to meet him in a dark ally.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 08:53 PM

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I used the decca in my last cycle, didnt experience anything resembling an infection. All I experienced was great gains. I love how potent that stuff is.

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Damian Borleone

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posted January 19, 2001 12:28 AM

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Originally posted by THESAINT:
As we have all learned on this board there are alot of comments made that have absolutely ZERO basis. The Capt. D-bol
thread is one of them. Damian is the biggest one calling him a scammer. I have requested the name of one(not 100,not 50,not 20) but
one person he scammed. As you can guess noone
answered the call. If someone scams me I will be all over the boards. Wouldn't you?

Saint, this really isn't something that needs to be argued. If you claim that Mike Barr aka Captain Dbol is a good guy than obviously you haven't been around the boards long enough to know how most "vets" feel about him. He is a piece of shit. But if you really need to verify this contact: Tazzy, CE, Bytor, Bjorn, Raver, MikeS, Leighton, Flex, or any of the other monitors/vets from the other boards and ask them what their opinion is of Mike Barr/Captain Dbol.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 12:45 AM

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I don't know about infections,but there's a difference in vet and human grade gear.I found this interesting thread in Archives,and I think that only really close minded people wouldn't agree with Italy.
But,as GymRatSD well pointed out,vet gear is much less expensive in most cases,so it evens the scales in the way. https://www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum1/12-2000/040466.html

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Posts: 1687
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted January 19, 2001 05:44 AM

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well Panerai, that is some good info you put there.
I must also say thanks to Italy, who isn't around much anymore.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 11:44 AM

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I have contacted some of them Damian. Not one of them was scammed by him. As a matter of fact they said they got alot of information from you. You are correct about one thing,
this doesn't need to be argued. It's a fact by your own admition you have personal
contacts(friends)at Ttokkyo therefore you have a vested interest in making other company representatives look bad. It is also a fact according to my friends in San Diego
that you were busted with a large amount of gear and alot of people are having to cover thier tracks. Notice brothers, Damian didn't use the name of one momitor on this board.
Why? Because they don't talk about contacts and sources so it doesn't do Ttokkyo any good to cut them deals on gear to promote thier
products. As far as not being around the boards long enough. I've been around as long or longer than you and I've offered help on a variety of bbing subjects. Not just Ttokkyo
or some scammer bullshit. Renegade is not
a credible board to use as a reference Damian. Some monitors were partners with Masster Millenium and when he fucked everyone
on thier own board they deleted any posts that talked bad about him to cover it up.
He's still not on thier scammer list as far as I know. If you want credible advice from monitors, stick with the monitors on this board brothers!!!!!

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