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  What Is DNP??

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 164
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:13 PM

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Never heard of it before.Is it a cutting or bulking anabolic?Just curious!!


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1051
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posted January 10, 2001 11:16 PM

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I really hat to do this. Use the search, it will take 2 minutes and you will get all the info you need. Again sorry

" That which does not kill me, will make me stronger"

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:I am everywhere............
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:16 PM

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The substance; 2, 4-Dinitrophenol has many other brand names such as, 1 Hydroxy-2,4-dinitrophenol, Solfo Black, Nitrophen, Aldifen, and Chemox are just a few and is among many things, a metabolic stimulant. That is it's popularity here in our world, it burns fat like no other. Let me just tell you of it's other uses before I continue. First, it is a toxic dye, chemically related to Trinitrophenol (Picric Acid), second, it is found in insecticides, wood preservatives, herbicides, explosives, and is also a hazardous material. Third, it is used in science to couple or attach to DNA molecules. All of this should tell you that it is not a run-of-the-mill metabolic stimulant, like Clenbuterol or Triacana or Ephedrine or any other for that matter. Here is DNP's tox faq's from the international chemical safety cards to you give an idea of what it is considered to be; Combustible. Gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. Risk of fire and explosion. DO NOT expose to friction or shock. MAY BE ABSORBED! Redness. Roughness. Yellow staining on the skin. PHYSICAL STATE; APPEARANCE: YELLOW CRYSTALS ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, through the skin and by ingestion. PHYSICAL DANGERS: Dust explosion possible if in powder or granular form, mixed with air. INHALATION RISK: Evaporation at 20�C is negligible; a harmful concentration of airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly. CHEMICAL DANGERS: May explosively decompose on shock, friction, or concussion. May explode on heating. Shock-sensitive compounds are formed with alkalis, ammonia and most metals. The substance decomposes on heating producing toxic gases including nitrogen oxides. EFFECT OF SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE: The substance may cause effects on metabolism, resulting in very high body temperature. Exposure may result in death. EFFECTS OF LONG TERM OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The substance may have effects on the peripheral nervous system. The substance may have effects on the eyes, resulting in cataracts. Boiling point: sublimes �C, Melting point: 112�C, Relative density (water = 1): 1.68. Solubility in water, g/100 ml at 54.5�C: 0.14. Relative vapor density (air = 1): 6.36. This product is handled and shipped in a 15% solution of water, making it a paste, so that it will not explode due to shock or friction.

DNP is an uncoupling agent that inhibits the flow of electrons and the pumping of H+ ions for ATP synthesis. Fifty years ago it was used for weight loss, however, in 1938 the FDA removed it from the counter, as it caused cataracts and even sometimes death. If electron transport does not produce ATP, then much more sugar must be metabolized for energy needs. Very low production of ATP would be lethal. In oxidative phosphorylation, the flow of electrons from NADH (the reduced form of NAD+, oxidized from NAD. This enzyme is important in accepting electrons in the course of metabolic reactions. When NAD+ gives up it's electron, it is converted to it's reduced form NADH) and FADH2 (the reduced form of FAD) to oxygen results in the pumping of H+ from the matrix to the inner membrane space of the mitochondria. This gradient of H+ can produce ATP by flowing through ATP synthetase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Dinitrophenol disrupts the H+ gradient reducing ATP synthesis. Under these conditions, much of the food that we eat could not be used for ATP synthesis and we lose weight. However, too much inhibitor and we could make too little ATP for life. The difference between weight loss and death is only a small concentration change in dinitrophenol, making the drug dangerous. Simply put, this means that while eating your normal diet, you will have somewhere between 20% and 40% reduction of calories.

You may now be wondering just what kind of dose would be effective, but not harmful. A dose of 2mg/kg/day (or two mgs per kg of body weight per day) would be an effective dose, causing the loss of about 5 to 10 pounds in a 10 to 14 day period, maybe less. So, a person weighing 200 lbs would weigh about 91 kgs, so 2mgs per kg of body weight would be the equivalent of 182 mgs of DNP per day, but since it typically comes in 200 mg capsules, you would take one cap per day. Since DNP has this inhibiting effect, glycolosis is inhibited as well, causing a diabetic effect due to the conversion of glucose without insulin, so you may have heard that people take insulin with DNP. This will counter act the symptoms of lethargy and lack of energy due to DNP's use.

This is a copy from the Anabolic Review

[This message has been edited by dave1975 (edited January 10, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1051
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posted January 10, 2001 11:28 PM

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WOW!!!!! so much for trying to teach a lesson LOL

" That which does not kill me, will make me stronger"

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Posts: 2177
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:29 PM

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Lawnsaver. . .this should save us more of these posts. www.anabolicreview.com


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 164
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:38 PM

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:48 PM

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Actually, why not just shut the board down and turn it into a search board, just about every topic has been discussed at one time or another.......alot of guys get fed up with having to answer the same questions over and over, hmmmmm, maybe those people should realize that YOU DONT HAVE TO ANSWER EVERY POST ! Let one of our many monitors do their job and delete what they feel necessary, hell, I remember a time we used to be able to have an "off topic" post, but seems some guys are quick to hit the delete post button.....

C'mon fellas, this is a great board, actually the best, if your getting all tied in knots cause a "newbie" is asking a redundant question, pass it by, let someone else answer it.....just keep the "newbie" thread bumped so the newbies will eventually learn how to use search....

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