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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 139
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:01 PM

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I've been on this board for a small while and have noticed some wierd shit. How can some of these guys posting pics be considered ELITE,FREAK etc.. I've seen pics of some novices and amateur guys who are in much better shape. Additionally, I've heard advice from many novice and amateurs that are far more informative than these guys with 1000-2000 posts. My point simply is that just because there are those within these boards with the "FREAK" or "PRO" labels there advice is not always the gospel. The biggest help to me are the pics. Why should I take advice from those far less developed than myself. The Cairman of a large corporation once told me,
"Never take financial advice from those with less money than you have"!!!

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Posts: 4251
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:09 PM

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You have been here since October and you just learned that now?

Post # has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge. It isn't hard to tell who knows what they are talking about and who is full of sh*t. The little label underneath your name along with the # of posts you have don't mean anything.

- If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. -

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Yet another fine board: Steriod World

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Cool Novice

Posts: 44
From:Home of Santa
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:12 PM

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I think you tell who has the and who doesn't
have the Knowledge by reading their post, then then you can decide who you should consider wise and trustworthy....

Only one star...?

[email protected]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 10, 2001 03:12 PM

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Bro the number of posts a member has to his name is not the important thing here. No one has said that someone with a small yellow star is not more knowledgeable than someone with 2 green, 3 red, 4 purple or 5 blue starts.

Seconldy what you are saying is someone with a degree in medicine is less knowlegable than someone with 2 blue stars because the guy with the stars has a better looking body? Many of the members on this board are natural or starting to think about start use of anabolic androgenic steroids. But let me tell you this, some of them are bloody clever and knowledgable members. What I am saying is a body is reprsentative of knowledge. Everyone is unique and to me all you have done is insult someones knowledge. And we both know who I'm talking about. Don't bother comparing everyones knowledge because of the number of posts they have made. Instead post some useful topics for us all to discuss

If Dorian Yates joined tomorrow and started discussing things on the board, do you think we would all assume he has no knowledge because of the number of his posts or the stars that he flies.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 10, 2001 03:13 PM

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This point has been brought up several times in the past and I agree. Sometimes you will see guys giving advice like they have juiced for YEARS. Then you see them posting that they are finally ready to start their first cycle. What the fuck--they haven't even used one drop of gear yet and they are trying to tell other people what they should expect from, lets say, a DBol/Deca stack, and what proper doses are and what sides come with such a stack. You have to realize that alot of people on theses boards repeat what they have heard/read somewhere and are not always speaking from experience. I do give some of them respect for researching before they start their cycle, and some do quite a bit of research, but some speak as if that research is experience. Just keep this in mind and don't take everything as being FACT. Later.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Apr 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:21 PM

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Size is not an indicator of how much knowledge someone posseses. If it were, then people like Duchaine, Bill Roberts, Bruce Kneller, Pat Arnold, and Dharkam would never be heard of. And we all know the contributions (both good and bad) these guys have had on bodybuilding.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 139
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:35 PM

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My final point is this. I have read many a post by those who give the aura of being very experienced only to find that their pic is that of a young person with muscles just developing and obviously few years in the gym. I know the old saying " buyer beware" but there are young people who come on to these boards thinking that "GURU", "FREAK" correlate with a professional BB. This is far from the truth as many of us have seen by some of the pics posted. This is not a flame guys but simple fact. A picture speaks a thousand words!!!

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Posts: 5119
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:36 PM

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Mr.BMJ beat me to the punch.Some of the most ignorant bro's I've ever met in the area of pharmacology are huge bodybuilders...Some of these guys were clueless as to what drug had what response in your system,they just took boatloads of anything they could get their hands on,and ate everything in site.Did it work for them?Certainly.Does that make them knowledgable?Certainly not.Mr.Duchaine had no physique to speak of,and spent quite a number of years drug-free(due to legal ramifications).Is their a person out there who doubts he didn't possess amazing knowledge,and was extremely helpfull to thousands of us?I think not,and I could care less about what he looked like.The bottom line is what he knew,and shared with us all...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 56
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posted January 10, 2001 03:39 PM

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Well said PUNCH....HEY BOARD....TELL YOU WHAT....I'LL SHOW YOU A "FREAK" IN AUGUST...hehehehehehe.....QUAD

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 340
From:from the underground
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:42 PM

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Huck is right bro..plus it dosent matter on the post you have and yes some of these guy are small but not all of them.and yes they might have some very very shitty bodies and might be very weak in the gym too.and some of them talk about doing all these cycles and when you look at there pics its funny.-later bro

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 224
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posted January 10, 2001 03:47 PM

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Labels dont mean anything....after awhile you will see who knows there shit and who doesn't

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 329
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:51 PM

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Originally posted by MR. BMJ:
Size is not an indicator of how much knowledge someone posseses. If it were, then people like Duchaine, Bill Roberts, Bruce Kneller, Pat Arnold, and Dharkam would never be heard of. And we all know the contributions (both good and bad) these guys have had on bodybuilding.

Think the same!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 139
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 10, 2001 04:01 PM

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So what some of you are saying is that you would take training advice from a Pat Arnold or Duchaine. How do you take advice from someone who has never been in the trenches. Would you take advice on how to survive in a war from a historian, or a soldier who has been in the shit!!! Lets get real guys, this is black and white, no grey areas.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Dark Side
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 10, 2001 04:40 PM

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Punch, it's far from black and white. There are always people knowledgable about a subject without being in the trenches. Sure, a soldier goes through the real shit, but he might not be able to tell you how he survived, or how to apply it to a different situation. While a historian can see what worked for many different soldiers in many different wars, and be able to tell you exactly what to do.

I personally prefer people with advanced bio degrees that can tell me half lives and devise awesome theories for me to try, to a guy who says, "Dude, take 50mg dbol and 750 sust and you'll blow up like I did".

Of course experience counts too. My point is that in my opinion, the world is very much gray.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 258
From: Iowa USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 10, 2001 08:30 PM

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Its called common sense!!!!!
Read the posts for awhile and fiugre out who really knows what they are talking about.
Not to hard huh.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 78
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 10, 2001 08:53 PM

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Are there any legit doctors on here? If not it might be interesting to see what a real physician would hypothetically prescribe for weight training athlete.

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Posts: 4251
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 10, 2001 09:07 PM

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knowledge is knowledg period. It doesnt always come in a 300 pound package and it doesnt always come in a 150 pound package. There are knowledgable bros and ignorant ones among all physiques. The same with # of posts or anything, everyone who is knowledgable don't all act the same, knowledge is unique and comes from all sorts of different people.

- If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. -

For a good time click here: Search and Profiles (300Kleens Board)
Yet another fine board: Steriod World

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 224
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 10, 2001 09:50 PM

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Got to bump this cause I am trying to get my pro card. j/k hehehe

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 81
From:Gotham City
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:28 PM

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Most of the big guys I know are FREAKIN' idiots. Most of these guys dont know the difference between an ester and a horse.
Size doesnt mean shit. You can get big using most any steroids in any combination as long as the doses are high enough. All it takes is money, genetics, and determination. Notice that a brain is not required.

i mean, look at some of the major league baseball managers. These guys look like slobs. But do they know their shit? If they didnt they wouldnt be there.

I would hire someone with a Ph.D in biochemistry ANY DAY over a pro bodybuilder as a consultant.


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Posts: 2187
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 10, 2001 11:49 PM

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Andy13, be careful when you call big guys idiots. . .I live in Gothom city too. . .heheheheh.
"Respect is earned". . .if you stay around long enough you don't look at the number of posts under a bro's name, you know by his handle if he's knowledgable or just posting to kill time between meals.


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Posts: 1634
From:Gilbert, Az.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 11, 2001 12:26 AM

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I'm a freak because I like to ask a lot of questions and have a lot of time on my hands. Title has nothing to do with body composition. Best thing to do is worry about your stats and goals and not worry about everyone else's post count. LAter, Green

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Gotham City
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 11, 2001 12:37 AM

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i didnt mean that ALL big guys are idiots. I'm a pretty big guy and i dont think i'm an idiot.

The point I was tying to make is that just because someone is big doesnt mean they know shit. Like i said, you can get big without a brain


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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 11, 2001 12:50 AM

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Good subject, one guy with lots of stars didnt know what strip sets were but probably can give you cycle advise

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 11, 2001 12:56 AM

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Another example is Lyle Mcdonald. He is the man when it comes to ketogenic diets but for whatever reason, he couldn't get lean with them. Go figure...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 139
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posted January 11, 2001 09:02 AM

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I'm having a hard time believing a lot of you and I'll tell you why. Lets say you have a choice between a pro BB in his late 20's early 30's that has experimented with various AS cycles and products and who also has been training for 10+ years, or a PHD, Scientist with little training experience and no experience taking any AS products. Do you guys honestly think this PHD is going to give you better advice. Bodybuilding experience comensurates with experimentation. By this I mean that applied science is more accurate than theoretical science. We have learned volumes from our Iron Bros of the past, Arnold, Lou, Columbo etc...We listen to them because they achieved something we all want and aspire to have. They have went through training cycles, AS cycles for decades that we can learn from which no puny F**king PHD or underdeveloped novice could provide. For all of you who have posted pics, I thank you. I am not crapping on anyone. However, thanks to these picks and correlated posts I can now see who I will personally listen to and those which I will tune out.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 11, 2001 09:08 AM

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the number of posts has nothing to do with knowleage that one has.


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Curious George

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 11, 2001 09:16 AM

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The thing I like about this board is that I learn stuff that most people don't teach. I can look at any magazine to read training articles, look at any magazine to learn about nutrition, but where can I find the knowledge I find here?

Most of you have experimented with gear one way or the other. Most Doctors have not. There are a lot of extrememly intelligent people here who have opinions AND practical knowledge of anabolics.

I would like to think I know something about training and nutrition, but some of the people on this board blow me away on their knowledge of anabolics. I don't post on the anabolic board much, but man do I sure do try and read it everyday to learn something new.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Apr 2000

posted January 11, 2001 03:11 PM

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Man guy, you can not possibly be serious? Obviously, you do not know a thing about Duchaine because if you did, then you would know that he had been in the "trenches" about as far as anyone could possibly go. I would take the advice of him any day over any pro there is/ever has been. Duchaine was not a good bodybuilder, and he even acknowledged this, but his brain and critical thinking to solve problems, and to come up with solutions to help people out was unmatched to date in my mind. Hell, I would take my knowledge over most pro's in the bodybuilding community. I'm not even joking about that.

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Curious George

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 11, 2001 04:20 PM

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Duchaine was the man. I trusted him over anybody. I had a chance to talk to his best friend a couple of times and she told me a couple of cool stories about him. I respected him over all. I asked Lyle McDonald who I should listen to now that Dan has passed and he couldn't really say. I know Dan and Will Brink interacted quite a bit as did he and Dharkham. I really miss that man.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Atlanta, GA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 11, 2001 10:36 PM

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BUMP for Slopain. He said it first and he said it best.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 12, 2001 02:39 AM

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Originally posted by The_Iron_Game:

If Dorian Yates joined tomorrow and started discussing things on the board, do you think we would all assume he has no knowledge because of the number of his posts or the stars that he flies.


"hello, i'm dorian yates, this is my first post. my question is "do you guys really drink winny in america?"



..after using A-suck-tabolan and Muscle tech, Greg transfered his physique overnight!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 100
From:The Dark Side
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 12, 2001 09:30 AM

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How much you wanna bet that half the guys on this board would say something stupid like that. Especially the ones that got 400 of their 420 posts from chat topics.

That's rich: "Shut up Yates, you stupid newbie!! Can't you see I've got 300 posts and been around since Dec 2000??!?" LMAO!!!!

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