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  Tren dosages....

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Author Topic:   Tren dosages....

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1295
From:New Jersey
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:00 PM

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I was thinking about adding Tren to my next cycle. My man has it in 100mg strength. How much would you do?? I was thinking 100 EOD for eight weeks. Is that too long?? I am currently 210@5'11. I have done gear before. Of course I would be also stacking with others like Omna, Eq, D-bol or Halo and maybe Stanazolic.

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Thick dog


Posts: 2660
Registered: May 2000

posted January 10, 2001 03:06 PM

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I am going to do 75 mg EOD in my next cycle, along with 500mg of Test Propionate, 400mg of EQ for 8-10 weeks.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 628
From:New Jersey
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 10, 2001 04:19 PM

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Dahmer, I'm no expert on this, but I understand that tren is so kidney-toxic that it's risky to extend a cycle of it beyond 5 or 6 weeks. Mr. H says you can go twice that long, but I've heard of guys having wine-colored pee after that (I did a big search on this, and got a few guys emailing me about it). Probably has something to do with your overall health and state of kidney functioning.

I've also heard that you should stack tren with winny, if at all possible, since tren aromatizes to a progesterone clone, and winny helps block that.

Good luck with it, man. Let me know how you do with it, since I'm considering some for a Spring cycle.


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1040
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 10, 2001 04:28 PM

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I know every report says fina is toxic to the kidneys, but I have yet to hear anyone saying they have any pain in their kidneys. I have read people staying on for 2 and 3 months with no kidney pain. I would say 8 to 10 weeks tops, but who knows. Just take cranberry extract and milk thistle. I'm getting ready to do a prop/fina/eq for 10 weeks, but I think I'm only doing 6 weeks, but I might do 8

" That which does not kill me, will make me stronger"

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 628
From:New Jersey
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 10, 2001 05:00 PM

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Lawnsaver, I don't think pain is the first indicator of kidney damage. These little vessicles in the kidneys can get fucked up and start leaking blood and proteins well in advance of any feeling of discomfort. Don't be fooled by that. A change in urine color is the first sign, and, like I say, I've had a couple of guys tell me that they've seen that in just 5 or 6 weeks of tren use.

I don't feel we - the BB community - knows enough about tren yet to push the envelope too much. My own $.02, for what its worth.


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