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  Week 3 update (I feel like a fatass!!!)

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Author Topic:   Week 3 update (I feel like a fatass!!!)

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 239
Registered: May 2000

posted January 06, 2001 02:14 PM

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500mg Sust 1-8
2cc Ref-B 1-2
taper to 1.5 wk3

Start: 236lbs. bf 12% (estimate)
Today: 268lbs. bf ??? (too much, whatever it is)

So, I'm +32 lbs in just three weeks. The first time in my life I tried to get up to 270 for football, it took over a year! After I stopped playing, I droped back to 230-235 in a few months. I feel like I could be playing again.

Should be able to hit 315 for 8,8,8 today on bench.

Honestly, I feel WAY too fat, though. This is my first true bulking cycle, so I didn't know what to expect. I mean, what do you guys do when you feel this way during a bulking cycle? Do you cut your calories some? Start some cardio? All I know is, I'm bigger and stronger, but I look WORSE.

Btw... i'm running primo at 200mg/wk for four weeks after the last sust shot. Also have Clen and proviron on hand. Should I just suck it up for now, and cut during those four weeks? Or would that cost me too much of my gains?

"Show me a good and gracious loser... and I'll show you a failure." -- Knute Rockne

[This message has been edited by StoneColdGold (edited January 06, 2001).]

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The Man Child

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posted January 06, 2001 02:21 PM

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Go to GNC or some other health food store and pick yourself up some Dandielion root -sp. sorry. Or some Taraxatone. You will shed a little of that water retention and you'll feel much better. I did it on my last bulking cycle and I was gaining weight fast the way you are. It works beautifully. Don't start adding cardio yet, you've probably gained a lot of muscle already but I doubt your ready for reduced calories or cardio.

By the way, awesome gains!!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 06, 2001 02:21 PM

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I'm interested in the replies you get too. I'm in the 6th week of my first cycle, and I feel like a fat pig! People tell me to not worry and just keep eating, but I really feel fat. Too many carbs over the holidays? Anyway, you are making some awesome gains! But I'm not used to the modest 16lbs I've gained, so I can immagine how you must feel. Good luck, I hope you get some great advice (you probably will!).

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 02:23 PM

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Forgot to mention... These gains came while using Nolva at 20mg ED. Either my tamoxifen is fake (its not actually nolva, but a generic tamoxifen), or I'm still somehow retaining lots of water even with it.

"Show me a good and gracious loser... and I'll show you a failure." -- Knute Rockne

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 02:30 PM

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 04:19 PM

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Some people are genetically prone to hold unreal amounts of water(me). This could be you. Sounds like a lot of water retention. What are you eating? How many calories? Nolvadex does nothing for my water retention problems but clomid dries me up like a desert...Go figure.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 07, 2001 12:30 AM

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I haven't been doing much calorie counting, honestly. I just make sure to get enough protein every three hours, then just eat other shit until I feel like I'm going to explode. I'd say about 4500 cal/day.

"Show me a good and gracious loser... and I'll show you a failure." -- Knute Rockne

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Posts: 1557
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posted January 07, 2001 07:32 AM

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To be honest, you are bulking...what did you expect.

You will put on fat, water, muscle..then you cut up or diet and drop the water and fat

This is the life we live

deal with the extra chub it will be worth it

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Cool Novice

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posted January 07, 2001 09:28 AM

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You could use some arimidex if you can afford it. It is expecsive but should get rid of that bloating.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 07, 2001 04:15 PM

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You gained to many pounds in 3 weeks, you need more of a plan. Just by listening to you, I can tell the extra fat on you is a problem. My first sugg. is to try to keep your sodium count under 2000mg. and try to drink aleast 1 1/2 to 2 gals of water a day. I understand their are people out there that only care about the scale, but they are just misleading you. You are on pace to gain 50 pounds in 8 weeks. Off of what you are taking, that shouldnt happen. You are eating to much shit food. The only thing that will happen after you are done this cycle is you are going to be fat. Then everyone will be telling you to go on a cutting diet. You will be lucky to gain 5 pounds when you are done. Dont be one of these guys who say that (hey I used to be 300 pounds)Live for today not yesterday NO OFFENSE TO ANY ON WHO IS INTO THE SCALE but most of the people I see who put on more then 30 pounds in a short period, look like shit- have a plan in your diet and your body will respond and will benefit. My advise is to stay away from the scale and mod. your body through the mirror.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 07, 2001 06:27 PM

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I'd say stay with what you're doing, keep the cal's up (maybe eat a little cleaner if you want).

Looks like you're done with the DBol so you should shed alot of the water in the coming week(s), especially if you drink tons of water and take a natural diuretic like Dandelion root.

I've put on 10 lbs in the last week on a similar cycle and my pants are getting tight and I can see the bloat in my face.. it kinda sucks but I love the pump and kickstart from DBol and I know I can cut up after the cycle.

So I'd say enjoy being the large mother fucker you're sure to be during and after the cycle and cut up later...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 07, 2001 08:50 PM

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a friend of mine did 750mg sos/week and the same dosage of reffy as you-his cheeks looked like a chipmunk, he was bloated as all hell, and his stomach stuck out about 3 inches from his back-a week after he stopped the reffy-he looked ten times better-something about liquid d-bol has that effect-I bet you notice a huge difference after the reffy-b.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 12:40 AM

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Thanks for the input. It is much appreciated.

I think I'll stick with what I'm doing for through at least week 5. I'm loving the feeling of being huge and strong. Its like my muscles don't fatigue when on Ref-B. Its a great feeling. Perhaps starting week 6 I will clean up the diet.

I am doing 200mg Primo/wk for weeks 9-12. Would you reccomend trying to shed excess fat at this point? Or just keep calories up (but clean) and try to hold on to as much mass as possible?

"Show me a good and gracious loser... and I'll show you a failure." -- Knute Rockne

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Posts: 2155
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 08, 2001 01:45 AM

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I still don't see the problem, congratulations on your gains and when your done get some cynomel, ECA or DNP and cut. . .


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:33 PM

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Kodiak, not sure if I have the balls to go the DNP route. I still need to do some more research on T3. I don't want to fuck up my natural production for life. As of now, I've going with Clen/ECA after the cycle.

"Show me a good and gracious loser... and I'll show you a failure." -- Knute Rockne

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