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  Lean out first then mass!!!!

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Author Topic:   Lean out first then mass!!!!

Cool Novice

Posts: 17
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 06, 2001 01:53 PM

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Just got back from Mexico, and brought back some goodies with me.
Sos. 250 redijects, primoteston,sten,durateston,clen.(liquid and tabs), and cynomel. S**t, couldn't get my hands on clomid, deca., nor eq., but I'll get those later.

Well I read an article a while back on the advantages and disadvantages of leaning out first and then going for mass. I plan on dieting for 3 weeks, trying to consume no more that 20 carbs.(Keto diet)daily and then start my cycle the first of Feb.(500mgs of sus, d-bol the first 4 weeks and either 400mgs of deca or eq)

Well my ? is if I should use the cynomel or clen. during this three weeks of dieting. I was planning on using the cynomel and keeping the clen. for after the cycle. Cynomel was going to be used like this:

Cytomel at 25mcg per tab 21 day cycle


Day's 1-3 is 25mcg
Day's 4-6 is 50mcg
Day's 7-9 is 75mcg
Day's 10-12 is 100mcg
Day's 13-15 is 75mcg
Day's 16-18 is 50mcg
Day's 19-21 is 25mcg

What are your opinions? By the way I have already done a search on how to take the liquid clen. , but I couldn't find s**t on it, can you give me some doses(Brogal, Compositum, Ambroxol/Clenbuterol, .01mg)

Thanks for any info. and input you can give me.


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1019
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 06, 2001 01:56 PM

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Use the Clen, a little advice for future reference. Never use T3 for dropping bodyfat without some form of anabolic in there.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 191
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 06, 2001 02:02 PM

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Cynomel will metabolize fat and protein. If you use it without anabolic supplementation, you'll end up losing a lot of muscle along with the fat.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 17
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 06, 2001 02:33 PM

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Well would it be could to do this cynomel cycle after your mass cycle to lose any unwated fat even though your off the juice?

What do ya'll think about this clen. cycle

Clen at 20mcg per tab 17 day cycle


Day 1 is 20mcg
Day 2 is 40mcg
Day 3 is 60mcg
Day 4 is 80mcg
Day 5 is 100mcg
Day's 6-7 is 120mcg
Day's 8-10 is 140mcg
Day's 11-12 is 120mcg
Day 13 is 100mcg
Day 14 is 80mcg
Day 15 is 60mcg
Day 16 is 40mcg
Day 17 is 20mcg

Take 1-2 tabs every 2hrs until max dosage for that
day is reached.Do not take clen past 5.00pm.

Any doses on the liquid form of clenbuterol?


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1019
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 06, 2001 02:40 PM

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If you use the T3 without any steroids at the end of a cycle without any gear your are gonna lose much of that hard earned muscle.

Clen that is far too light to be of any effect. Try and start off higher 3-4 tabs/day minimum more like 5 or 6 and after a few days on that use 7 tabs for the remaineder of the cycle. You basically want to be on 140mcgs for as many days as possible. Dont run it over 16 days in my opinion.

Use the T3 with your cycle at 25mcgs/day to aid in protein synthesis.

Bottom line use T3 without any gear and you are going to sacrifice quite a bit of muscle, not just the fat. You see when using T3 in higher doses (25mcgs and higher) it becomes very catabolic and without steroids it will not be possible to keep hold of your muscle.


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Cool Novice

Posts: 17
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 06, 2001 03:05 PM

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Thanks Iron,

I'll stick to the clenbuterol for about 16 days and then just use some Xenadrine for the remainder of the three weeks. Last thing I want to do is to just give up the mass that took hard work to build. Taking a pill of cynomel daily during a mass cycle helps aid protein synthesis? Does this mean is helps breakdown the protein so it can be absorbed more quickly?

PS any clue on liquid clenbuterol doses?


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