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  If Test increases Sex drive then...

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Author Topic:   If Test increases Sex drive then...

Cool Novice

Posts: 23
From:West Cola, SC USA
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 05, 2001 02:13 PM

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why do you hear of people losing sex drive in the late cycle, what I mean , is even though your nuts shut down, if you have Test in your body, u should always have a sex drive even if your nuts are not of normal size, what do you think.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 02:18 PM

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For you to have a more constant sex drive, you would keep having to increase the Test. This is because your nuts are shutting down due to negative feedback mechanism and this hormone called inhibin is released by the sustentacular cells in your testes. What clomid does is increase LH levels that directly work to increase steroid hormone synthesis and release (Testosterone). Test can't. I find it ironic that these big time juicers go around like they're the shit just injecting like a gram of test a week and can't even rock that bitches world doing cardio with the fake tits... It's sad... That's why i don't fuck with the test, that and the acne complications...

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posted January 05, 2001 02:46 PM

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Yikes!!! this place is out of control.


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Cool Novice

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posted January 05, 2001 03:40 PM

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I just got off a cycle of aratest and deca. Never had any trouble with anything shutting down. Matter of fact i am 2 weeks off mu cycle and am feeling wonderful and the nuts are so powerful I could shoot a whole in the wall.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 03:42 PM

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lol @ ulter!!!!!!!!!!

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The Man Child

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posted January 05, 2001 03:51 PM

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Test is was brought me to the dance, so I'll live and die by it no matter what!!!

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The Ghost

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posted January 05, 2001 04:04 PM

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"I find it ironic that these big time juicers go around like they're the shit just injecting like a gram of test a week and can't even rock that bitches world doing cardio with the fake tits... It's sad... That's why i don't fuck with the test, that and the acne complications..."

This one screams intelligent, doesn't it? So let me get this one straight. If you inject test and increase the amount of testosterone in your system by 1,000%, your sex drive will be non existent because your natural test will shut down? So I am assuming that you believe that synthetic test isn't molecularly close enough to natural test to promote sex drive, but it is close enough to build massive amounts of muscle? I suppose all the doctors that went to school for 10 years, and prescribe test for sexual dysfunction don't know what they are doing, do they? ANYWAY!

Gettinbig2, it should be obvious to you now that you will have to sift through much of the information on this board to get the correct answers you are looking for. If you take test by itself for muscle building purposes, a very nice side effect is that your sex drive will increase more than you could possibly imagine. When you stack test with other drugs, then you may run into problems with your sex drive.


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Posts: 2132
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posted January 05, 2001 04:20 PM

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Ghost, while this is true and many times on a test cycle your sex drive will increase dramatically. I speak from experience when I tell you that at the end of the cycle some of use have a rough month or two waiting for the boys to refill and wind to come back in the sail. . .test, especially at high doses can have some serious implications on your bodies LH, FSH, and ultimately libido functions. . .The good news is its nothing that Clomid, and proviron and viagra for a few weeks can't correct.


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 04:28 PM

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Wow, I'm not sure where that guy came from. There is more to the male sex drive than testosterone. In fact, test is just a small part of the equation. Have you noticed that the first two weeks your on androgenics that you are a raging sex machine? One of the major reasons for this is the stimulation of the pituitary gland. Other hormones that might affect sex drive like, GH, Seratonin, Dopamine, LH'es....there are many more. When you cycle, you shut the production of most of those WAY DOWN. This is why depression is often a result of cycling. My post cycle recovery (before I found out about short cycles) has always included things like 5-HTP, DHEA, Velvet Beans, Tribulus, and of course clomid/hcg. Hopefully that helps. BTW, where did that guy come from???

Who is the meanone:
Personal trainer, nutritional advisor, Former nationaly reconized wrestler, and working on a degree in hormone therapy (Biochem actually).

Owner of "The Anabolic Clinic"
- because of the information it contains, I am not permited to post the URL. If you would like to know it's URL Please email me at: [email protected]

UPDATED: 01/02/01
New Section for experiments and thier results!

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The Ghost

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posted January 05, 2001 04:49 PM

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"BTW, where did that guy come from???"

Are you referring to me MeanOne? Oh and by the way, testosterone increases GH production around 21%, so your statement is extremely incorrect. And when increase the amount of test (no other AS) in your system, you will not depress the production of any of those hormones. If that were the case, then why do we experience a huge increase in sex drive when we go through puberty? Because that is when our testosterone levels increase the most, as do all other levels of hormones in the body. If test supressed levels of other hormones, then we would have never developed into adults.

Kodiak, yes I agree. After the end of your cycle you will most certainly experince a decrease in libido. Obviously if you reduce the amount of exogenous test while endogenous production has been halted, this is going to happen. I was speaking of sex drive while on test.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 05:36 PM

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TG, I will refrain from telling you what my opinion is of your intellegence, or knowledge. I will just give you the facts.

"Brain chemistry, the male sex drive, and affects of Anabolic Steriod administration" Dr. Fred T. Williams, 1993. Medical Economics listing number: 1258-w2

Who ever told you that the body produces 21% more GH while on is well...WRONG! For the first 2 weeks, this is very likely, do to the increased sensativity of the pituitary gland, but after this, you are just being mislead. The body is systematic. Learn this please! How do you think testosterone production is controled? By a simple signal? Well how easy, of course. Wrong. It's controlled by several of the above mentioned hormones, so when you make your body drop it's natural production...it does so by decreasing those hormones. (Thank you!)

Now then, what does this have to do with puberty? What are you thinking? When the male begins to enter puberty, it's SYSTEMATIC. This meaning that increased test ratios are so because of the increase in other hormones. Same with GH. Notice how as studies have proven, in older age groups, not only is test lower, but GH Seratonin, dopamine...yada yada. Educate yourself, then come to the discussion with something to prove.

(Sorry for the attitude displayed towards him, everyone else. I have been attempting to control this, but I get enraged when someone starts not only posting mis-information, but disputes correct information.)

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 05:54 PM

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 06:01 PM

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And to say that you don't put test in your cycle to prevent the problems of libido etc. "like the big-time juicers" is moronic. Anabolics will shut your nuts down too, just not as quickly. And when this happens the anabolics are not androgenic enough to keep your drive alive so you have no libido. I think you should always use test as a base unless you are on a short cutting cycle using a drug like primobolan.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 06:06 PM

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Testosterone does increase GH and IGF-1

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 06:21 PM

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All I know is that 500/wk of sustanon for 8 weeks gives me an up and down sex drive. I actually had more sex drive post cycle on clomid. Weird, huh?

"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 06:53 PM

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i stay on clomid pretty much year round and have never ever had a problem with sex drive. I think DEFINITELY that test should be in any cycle, and is always the base of my cycles. Test is what makes a man a man, it is my kryptonite!! anyways, about the GH releases, i've always read and heard it increased it, but i don't believe everything i read and hear, if you wouldn't mind quoting a section from that excerpt you had, i would love to read it of look into it.

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posted January 05, 2001 07:09 PM

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MeanOne No need to apologize here. The premise of the argument was so ridiculous I bailed on this thread immediately. (NO FLAME) So IMO you should be applauded for staying with this until everyone "got it". The rate at which your maturity level is growing is a joy to watch. Really.


The Other Board. Click

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 09:34 PM

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DRR, directly typing anything from the Economics Medical Reference Library would be considered copyright infringment, but I can give you the basic facts from the study.

Subjects 1-32 (ages 18-35)
Administration: 400mgs of Enanthate a week.
day 1, blood test revealed elevated levels of GH, Seratonin, LH hormone and of course, test.
Day 14, The elevated levels had begun to fall to normally ranges.
Day 21, LH hormones levels very low, GH levels have fallen some 20% below normal.
Day 28, LH hormones still remain heavily depressed, GH has fallen another 15% below pre-study ranges, free floating seratonin has begun to fall, by an average of 10% across the group.
Day 35, No better news...
Day 42, Levels of the tracked hormones, which were GH, Seratonin, Dopamine, and LH'es had all fallen well below pre study test ranges.
The other 25 subjects involved in the cycle were placebo only. Their hormone levels increased slightly during training.

Anyone notice how many people on this board enjoy playing with guns? LoL, scrolling down this post I just saw picture of gun after gun. Hee hee, I guess there is one thing better then a big roid'ed out freak in a fight...the good ole' gun.


Who is the meanone:
Personal trainer, nutritional advisor, Former nationaly reconized wrestler, and working on a degree in hormone therapy (Biochem actually).

Owner of "The Anabolic Clinic"
- because of the information it contains, I am not permited to post the URL. If you would like to know it's URL Please email me at: [email protected]

UPDATED: 01/02/01
New Section for experiments and thier results!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 10:02 PM

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Do I smell an invite of MeanOne back to anabolic fitness???

If it's not hard it's not worth doing...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 12:35 AM

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test goes in: Dick goes up

test stops going in: Dick goes down

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 12:37 AM

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LoL, that's not always the case Delt. For some yes, for others no.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 03:43 AM

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interesting Mean one, and im not doubting you, but where did you get that study, i like to read stuff like that and would be interested in reading it!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:WA, USA
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posted January 06, 2001 04:13 AM

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MeanOne, nice post. When are you graduating...looks like you could teach the class.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 06, 2001 05:36 AM

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I basicly have an unlimited library of medical reference information, and studies given my area of education. I spend maybe 2-3 hours a day or night, just reading them, taking notes, and keeping them in mind when developing my clients cycles.

If you live in a large city, go to the largest library's main branch. Once there, ask for help in find medical reference material. They should direct you to a vast section. Most likely you find PDA's, Economics Medical Articles (if not entire volumes of books), and countless studies. The trick is shifting through all the crap you don't care about to find the ones dealing if hormones, and anabolic steriods. It's not something you can just go to the library and walk out 15 minutes later with 10 books. If your really interested, plan on investing some hard time, and get a tiny pellow to put on those HARD chairs because they weren't made to hold the glutes of a 240lb. bodybuilder in comfort, let me tell you.
Also, one little edition: Melatonin - I forget that's a big one in helping along the male sex drive.
I will be graduted hopefully here in a few months once I finish up some onsite work and type up my evalutions and conclusions about the study I am preforming (for school). You guys should like this - it's basicly determaining whether the contractile ability of a single bundle of muscle fibers in a petrie dish will contract with a greater force (IE, distance of shirnkage) when an electric current is applied to them..in the presence of ATP or not. That's the basic frm of it, it's a bit more complex (vastly so), but I will let you guys know what the results are when all's done and finished.


Who is the meanone:
Personal trainer, nutritional advisor, Former nationaly reconized wrestler, and working on a degree in hormone therapy (Biochem actually).

Owner of "The Anabolic Clinic"
- because of the information it contains, I am not permited to post the URL. If you would like to know it's URL Please email me at: [email protected]

UPDATED: 01/02/01
New Section for experiments and thier results!

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