Modafinil: Science Makes Sleep Obsolete by George Spellwin
Dear friend and fellow athlete,
Modafinil, the generic form of 'Provigil', 'Alertec', 'Vigicer', and 'Modalert' is a memory-improving and mood-brightening stimulant that will give you the boost of energy needed to stay awake - even all night long. It keeps you wide awake by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the area of the brain that controls sleep and wakefulness. However, its pharmacological profile is notably different from amphetamines and Ritalin.
Current research suggests modafinil is a safe, effective and well-tolerated agent. It is long-acting and doesn't tend to cause racing heart rate. The Aerospace Medical Association wrote that modafinil is more like caffeine than amphetamine in terms of safety, and yet, as effective as the amphetamines.
Modafinil is currently classified as a non-narcotic Schedule IV controlled substance under United States federal law; in the US, it is illegal to import by anyone other than a DEA-registered importer without a prescription.
"The development of modafinil brings to light a crucial social question.
What would be the impediment for its use, if a compound such as modafinil
is more like caffeine than amphetamine in terms of safety, and yet, as
effective as the amphetamines?"
This quote is from an article published by the Aerospace Medical Association about the recently approved drug modafinil. It has come to my attention that many elite bodybuilders and athletes are using the drug modafinil (the generic form of 'Provigil', 'Alertec', 'Vigicer', and 'Modalert') in order to optimize their sleep cycles and obtain peak performance while they are awake. Modafinil is such an interesting drug, because it enables someone to remain awake for a very long time, say three or four days, without needing sleep. And what makes Modafinil special, is that while it promotes a prolonged wakefulness, it is not stimulating in the way amphetamine, cocaine, or coffee are stimulating.
Modern society demands that we achieve peak performance and that our need to sleep not interfere with our ability to achieve. Some of you probably work out at the gyms called 24-Hour Fitness - where you can train day and night. Or perhaps you work the overnight shift. Or perhaps you need to stay awake for an extended period of time in order to prepare for an exam. Or perhaps you are an executive who has to be awake for both the Nikkei and the NASDAQ.
Controlling time has always been one of man's driving forces - witness the proliferation of Starbucks on every corner. And with modafinil, science is close to making sleep unnecessary. Imagine if you will, how much you could accomplish if you only needed to sleep for say 8 hours twice a week. Well, this is not science fiction, but has in fact become a reality. After taking modafinil, users often remark, "I can't tell any difference." But many hours later, they realize that their attention and wakefulness are the same as much earlier and they experience no fatigue.
The armed forces needs soldiers that can resist fatigue for extended periods as well as maintain high levels of physical performance. Given this need, it is not surprising that the Armed Forces in general and the Air Force in particular are experimenting with modafinil for keeping troops and pilots alert for extended periods of time. The Pentagon cannot afford a soldier to make a single error as such a mistake could have devastating consequences. At the same time, the demands of service can necessitate that a soldier remain awake for an entire week without sleep.
In the recent American bombing missions, pilots have needed to fly from Missouri to Afghanistan without stopping. In the Persian Gulf War, pilots were frequently prescribed Dexedrine when flight durations were long. And in fact, in excess of 60% of pilots said that Dexedrine was "essential" to accomplishing their mission. This time around, modafinil has been studied and for pilots, it has shown to be effective at keeping them awake and focused.
Athletes have found modafinil to be particularly effective with their training. Especially athletes like bodybuilders who require a great deal of focus to achieve the desired results. Has any of this ever happened to you? You are mentally exhausted after a long day of work, but you have not done any physical activity at all. And so your training suffers. You began a workout, but became fatigued part way through. And so your training suffers. Some days, you are lacking in the mental focus necessary to train optimally. Your work or school schedule prevents training. Sometimes, you lack the physical energy necessary for an optimal workout. In all these situations, athletes have found modafinil to be helpful.
Modafinil is an eugeroic drug, (which simply means "good arousal"). While on modafinil, users typically feel focused and calm. And once the modafinil user ceases taking the drug, he is able to have a natural restorative nights sleep and awake refreshed in the morning. There are only two eugeroic drugs in existence at this time: the older adrafinil and the newer modafinil. Both drugs were developed by Lafon Laboratories of France.
Modafinil is currently classified as a non-narcotic Schedule IV controlled substance under United States federal law; in the US, it is illegal to import by anyone other than a DEA-registered importer without a prescription.
Adrafinil, in contrast, does not currently have FDA approval and is unregulated in the United States, although it is used in France and elsewhere in Europe. Adrafinil is a prodrug; it is primarily metabolized into modafinil (Provigil), resulting in nearly identical pharmacological effects. Unlike modafinil, however, it takes time for the metabolite to accumulate to active levels in the bloodstream. Effects usually are apparent within 45-60 minutes when taken orally on an empty stomach.
And here's some links to discuss Modafinil on the Forums:
Yours in sport,
George Spellwin
The Most Controversial Fitness Site On The Net!
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