Sep 563 – Steroid use started earlier than you think!
In this podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Steroid use started earlier than you think! • Haver athletes always look...
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In this podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Steroid use started earlier than you think! • Haver athletes always look...
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In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate Revisited • The history...
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In this podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Possible issues with Steroids and pregnancy • The question of 'will ster...
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Hello All today marks the start of a new year and with that said here is the official start of my 10 week bridge log. Here is my...
Balls have shrunk into raisins with steroids You are going to love plumping up the balls on gonadorelin they said. Well I’m open to doing it. When m...
I’m looking to stock up on different liver support supplements ahead of my next cycle going to be running a couple orals at the same time with my in...
My cholesterol levels are very bad right now total cholesterol is high good cholesterol is low and bad cholesterol is high this all started when I sta...
Hello Y'all, I'll be training my shoulders and abs today with a quick DB home workout. No fuss, no drama, just quick work, enjoy! #1. DB R...
I’ve been training for about 6 or 7 months and so far I’ve made good gains in my lower body wondering what are some fast ways I can build up my up...
I just recently started to date an Indian girl and she really likes to cook some Indian food I would like to return the favor and cook her some food a...
Good morning, My smith machine only full body workout starts today and I'll typically be posting updates on my log thrice/week on Mondays, Wednes...