Welcome to MSG's FAKES PAGE!! I hope this information is helpful.
If our economic history has shown us anything, it is that even in the face of restrictions a market will always exist in some form to meet high consumer demand. Alcohol prohibition had produced many fortunes for those willing to take risks, as has the current war on drugs. You will not be able to eliminate a supply of anything without first eliminating the demand because someone will always be there to cash in on the risk. In 1990 the United States government passed legislation which added anabolic steroids to it's list of controlled substances. This is at the same time in which the public was catching on to these drugs in great numbers. What the government had done with the new restrictions was not eliminate the steroid market but reduce the ability of the athlete to purchase a clean, legitimately produced American pharmaceutical. Make no mistake, current controls are very effective. Inventories are tightly monitored by the government now. It is no longer possible for a drug company to sell cases of product out the back door (a common practice before the 90’s). With the demand for illegally obtained steroids so great, the underground market was not going to just disappear. It was simply forced to find new sources of inventory.
The large volume steroid dealer was faced with two choices. The first is to import steroids. Supply is not a problem as very few countries have the tight controls of the United States. Areas like Mexico and S. America, Western Europe, SE Asia and the former Soviet block prove to be excellent locations for anabolics, with little or no government hassle. But with the new U.S. drug controls one has to be very careful, and crafty, to get large volume shipments inside the states for sale. This has caused a shift wherein hard drug suppliers (cocaine, heroine) begin to control the market with their ability to use existing smuggling routes for the new money item, anabolics. The second option open to the underground marketer is to produce the drugs themselves. One can very quickly acquire the needed materials to manufacture a good looking copy of a legitimate pharmaceutical. The low production cost of fake steroids against a high demand market has proven to be a very lucrative for many. These counterfeits account for a majority of all items sold on the black market today.
Counterfeit steroids had actually been seen as early as the late 80's, but were scarce then. When found these drugs were generally acceptable products. Cleanliness was an issue but not usually your money as the raw ingredients were easy to get in bulk from American producers. A quick call to Upjohn could get you testosterone esters by the kilo. But starting in 1991, the raw ingredients could no longer be purchased without DEA paperwork. Many decided to cash in anyway and replicate anabolics without caring if the content of their products were actually steroids at all. Flooded with counterfeit items of low quality, the black market will never again be an easy place to shop.
One must be aware that money should be a secondary concern when coping with the existence of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Today we take for granted that drug products we purchase are manufactured in a sterile environment, with filtered air that is free of contaminants. The illicit producers do not provide us this safety. Money is the issue to them, not safety. Injectables are a special worry as this method of delivery bypasses much of your bodies natural defenses. Bacteria or toxins could prove very harmful if injected into your body. It is not uncommon to hear of stories in which an athlete had become very ill from using a counterfeit product. And these stories are increasing in frequency. Like no other time one must stay educated to protect money and health.
If you do not obtain steroids via a doctor or N. American pharmacy, this book will provide you with the skills you need to make intelligent purchases. The current situation is not all that grim. Counterfeit marketers thrive on ignorance. Most people make purchases with little or no research beforehand and that is the market counterfeiters need. It is my hope this book will assure you will not be one of them.
This section deals with the most general attributes to look for when attempting to spot counterfeit anabolics. Before starting, it is important to stress the fact that underground manufacturers are much more advanced today than they were 6 or 8 years ago. The fakes of today are generally much better looking and harder to recognize than they used to be. The methods mentioned in this section are mostly inadequate for counterfeit identification as only the sloppiest of fakes will fail here. Marketers have recognized some years back that in order to be competitive (and remain in business) they had to update equipment and put together a nicer item. Do not be overconfident if your items pass the following tests.
10 Years ago, many fakes were put together as the below suspension is. The counterfeiter uses the same label for both the box and vial to save time and money. In general, be suspicious of any box which carries a sticker instead of print. The only exception I can think of would be 10 packs of a few testosterones in Thailand.
When underground manufacturers first began to duplicate ampules, many were quite unusual in appearance. Some leaked, contained air bubbles in the glass or were very uneven. Some were so crooked they would fall over should you try to stand them on a desk. One would want to make sure all ampules they were to purchase are consistent in size and shape, do not leak and look professional in appearance. Oil levels should be even when they are lined up and the solution clean (free of particulate) when drawn into a syringe. It should also be sized proportionately to the volume it contains. The below ampule is very odd, as it can hold about 4 or 5ml, but is a 1ml Sustanon clone. Very fake.
100 tablet pill bottles are the crudest of all steroid knockoffs. Very easy to assemble, just about anyone looking to produce a fake could find the resources to do this. You will not find any 100 tablet bottles with loose pills on the black market which are real. The few exceptions are so statistically rare it is best not to even consider such an item.
One will want to examine the expiration date on the box/vial they are purchasing to determine if it was stamped or printed onto the item separately from the rest of the writing. Legitimate drug manufacturers print the boxes and labels in bulk, then run the lot number/exp dates at the time of packaging. Countrfeiters often include these dates with the rest of the printing on the box, avoiding the need for an extra piece of equipment. It is best to see some form of stamp or indent which would tell you for certain it was added at a later time.
Machine stamping on Spanish Primobolan and generic Clomid from Greece.
Stamping on an Anabol Label.
Computer labeling on Spanish Winstrol. Unfortunately with this kind of printing it is difficult to discern if it was done at a later time than the rest of the box.
Many counterfeits look like the following:
The above two counterfeits clearly have dates printed with the rest of the box. The only exceptions I could think of off hand are Clenbuterol from Bulgaria and certain boxes produced by Jelfa/Polfa in Poland, which appear to have all printing done at the same time. This is very rare among legitimate items, so avoid all others.
In most countries a pharmaceutical company is required to meet a specific set of regulations when manufacturing a drug product. This helps us when evaluating our black market anabolics, as counterfeiters often do not have the resources to keep up with these regulations (few do) and cut corners in order to release a product. Here I will discuss some attributes to look for which will hold true for all of the drugs produced in the specified country.
United States:
First, it is first very important to stress the fact that steroids are a controlled substance in the United States. If you think this makes little difference to the underground community, think again. Current controls are very effective at keeping American products off of the black market. It is much easier for the illicit dealers to import or manufacture their own products than it is to get any volume of legitimate American anabolics to distribute. Be leery of every American item you see, it is in all probability a fake. The best rule is to avoid all American items unless you can personally trace them back to a pharmacy.
The FDA does provide us with a couple of strict requirements which to date are not being met by counterfeiters. The most predominant is that all legitimate American drugs cannot carry a label which will easily be removed from the vial/bottle. It is to be so saturated with glue that you would need a razor blade and saintly patience to remove it, small piece by small piece. This is to protect the public from the possibility drug mislabeling. I have never seen a counterfeit in which the label could not be peeled off the bottle quickly, in one or a few large pieces. Underground labs just do not have the needed machinery, which provides us the most efficient method for spotting fake American drugs.
If you are unsure you can also moisten your thumb and rub the expiration date on the box and label. Quite often the ink on the counterfeit will smear and rub off. The real item may streak slightly, but will remain relatively intact and readable.
Also, being a schedule 3 controlled substance all human and veterinary steroids are required to bear the following tag (CIII). The only exception would be cattle implant pellets which are technically not controlled. Many counterfeiters are still duplicating items which were manufactured before 1991 when this tag was not present.
All drugs produced in Italy will bear the pictured drug identification sticker. The sticker itself is white, bearing red and black print although sometimes this information is found stamped directly onto the box. Never purchase a product labeled with an Italian manufacturer if this area is not present. Also, you can likely trust the product if you do see it. Drugs from Italy will also use abbreviations like Prep, Scad and Del for the counterpart of Lot #, manufacture and expiration dates.
Greece also has a drug ID sticker which must be present on all drugs sold. Counterfeiters to date have not attempted to duplicate these stickers. The sticker itself rests on a laminated surface and can be peeled off of the box to be affixed elsewhere. Do not purchase any Greek drug without this sticker and likewise, Greek drugs with this sticker can be trusted. Also of note, drugs from Greece will use the abbreviations Lot, Man and Exp for date stampings.
Spanish drugs do not bear a sticker but have an area on the box which contains a bar code and some drug information. This area will have indentations in the cardboard, so as the be removable if you tore the surface. You can likely trust the product if it possesses this. Spanish drugs use the abbreviations Lote and Cad for lot number and expiration date.
Drug boxes from Portugal also contain a specific area to look for. It is rectangular and contains a bar-code along with some pricing information. This is sometimes seen as a sticker but most commonly is printed, not stamped onto the surface. It is likely that a counterfeiter would have little difficulty reproducing this printed area, so the sticker will provide the greatest assurance. Drugs from Portugal will use the abbreviations "Lote:" and "Val. Ate:" for lot number and expiration date stampings.
All legitimately produced French drugs will bear a rectangular sticker somewhere on the surface of the box. The text is often slightly different item to item, but all such stickers will contain one or two vertical break marks where the label could be separated. This is a physical cut in the label. Counterfeiters which have bothered to reproduce this sticker print on a simple dashed line. Don't be fooled by this.
Counterfeit Gear Specific Descriptions (FROM ELITEFITNESS)
Anadrol (oxymetholone):
Legitimate oxymetholone tablets have become increasingly more difficult to find on the black market over the past few years. It is still possible to find a real item but one must wade through a pile of junk to find it. Listing the popularly seen brand names I will tell you what and what not to look for.
Anadrol: In 1998, after a long hiatus, Anadrol will again be sold in the United States. Economic disinterest in this product led to its removal from the market some years back. Positive effects seen in new HIV/AIDS studies appear to have revived interest in the drug. Years ago, fakes were circulating of unbelievable accuracy. Every charactersitic of the packaging was copied to perfection (except for active ingredient of course). Bottle was of exact shape and size, label printed and stamped perfectly, drug insert included and tablets stamped with exact U.S. markings. This item fooled alot of people. We currently cannot enlightled you on the new packaging but can provide some advice. With tight controls do not purchase any U.S. oxymetholone product unless you can trace it to a pharmacy yourself. (Note: Just about every dealer claims to get items off of pharmacy shelves. Don't believe this unless you can verify it yourself.)
Anapolon (UK): Anapolon from the UK is a widely counterfeited item. The legitimate preparation is difficult to obtain in Europe and almost impossible to find in the U.S.. When seen it will in all probablility be fake and should rightly be avoided. If you take the risk, here are a couple of things to look for. First, make sure the Batch dates are stamped into the face of the box with black ink. It will be in the center, under the Anapolon 50 title. A commonly seen fake has these dates printed on the side, not face of the box. The label on a legitimate Anapolon bottle will also display these dates with noticeable indentation which can be felt with a thumb rub. The fakes up to this point have possessed labels which are smooth to the touch. It should be noted that these fakes contained properly stamped tablets and detailed packaging (barring a few mistakes). They have circulated for years and the creators are likely honing their skill. Fakes may be even more difficult to spot the next time around. This is a high risk item.
Counterfeit Anapolon from Mexico. When these tabs began circulating they seemed to contain an acceptable amount of oxymetholone. Recently this has changed and completely worthless tabs have been found. One should trust only the legitimately produced Anapolon which comes in strips.
Counterfeit U.S. Anadrol from Syntex. This particulr fake looks very impressive. Even the tabs are correctly stamped with "Syntex 2902". Upon use though one finds no active ingredient. U.S. Anadrol by Syntex is long gone so one should avoid all such products seen on teh black market.
Counterfeit oxymetholone. Take notice of the strip. This particular fake has been seen in other styles including 25 tab strips with the same basic design.
The date stampings on this fake are incorrectly placed on the side, not face of the box.
Anapolon (Mexico): Yes, Anadrol can be found in Mexico but it is difficult to locate. This item is not available to general pharmacies and is sold only to hospitals and special clinics. Fakes are abundant but easy to avoid if you know what to look for. Legitimate Anapolon comes in foil and plastic push through strips of 20 pink tablets. The back of the foil bears the print: clave 1709, Oximetolona, Anapolon 50, Syntex (etc.). At this time one could safely consider this item legitimate. What you want to avoid are the Anapolon bottles with loose tabs. Most of these bottles contain 50 pink tablets, which have the American Anadrol markings (Syntex/2902) stamped into each pill. Often, these tablets are sold loose so be careful. Although pink in color like the real item, pills marked as such are fake. It should be noted that many in the past have found these fakes acceptable, so they may have actually contained oxymetholone. Recently though, some have complained about these being worthless so things have likely changed. Trust only the strips.
Anapolon (Turkey): Recently we have been coming across Anapolon which has made its way here from Turkey. This item is real and at this point I have not heard of any bogus copies. These are packaged in a foil & plastic push through strip of 20 tablets, 1 strip per box. The back reads Anapolon Tablet, Oksimetolon 50mg in black ink. A low risk item, this is a good buy when found.
Hemogenin (Brazil): Hemogenin from Brazil is one of the more commonly seen oxymetholone brands here in the U.S.. These come 10 tablets to a strip, 2 strips per box. The strips are plastic with a very shiny foil back. Printed in light green ink is the name Hemogenin with the Syntex and Sarsa company logos repeated in a diagonal pattern. Recently these strips have been reduced in size. The newer version contains 2 tight rows of 5 tabs with the same green print on the foil backing. Looking at the tablet side of the strip, we notice a yellow tint to the foil. These "yellow" strips are considered the safer buy as the previous, larger strip has been copied with good accuracy.
Oxitosona (Spain): This item was pulled from production in 1993. All products bearing this brand name should be considered fake.
Oxitosone (various): Oxitosone is a made up brand name an underground lab decided to use when marketing a fake Anadrol. Avoid anything with this name.
Oxymetholone (Korea): I have not been able to more closely examine this item to date, but I will report that some athletes have located a brand of oxymetholone via mail-order, listed as being produced in Korea. These tablets are bottled, bearding a red/black label. To date I have heard good reports so this may very well be a legit item if you are ordering from a Korean mail-order firm.
As a rule, do not purchase any generic oxymetholone strips. All of the legitimate strips in existence will have a brand name, not the generic. These are all fake.
Searle "Anavar" is long gone so obviously anything carrying this brand name is bogus. It's odd that these bottles are still all over Mexico. Today one can only trust Oxandrin from The U.S. , and Oxandrolone from Italy. The U.S.Oxandrin is too costly (Approx $4/tab at the pharmacy) to make it's way to the black market in much volume leaving us with only the Italian product. Some mail-order services are offering custom made 5mg and 10mg capsules, but this should be considered "buyer beware" as there is no way to verify these before use.
Andriol (testosterone undecanoate)
Andriol is a very difficult item to duplicate so your odds are good when purchasing this. Available in a number of countries, it is packaged in both bottles (30 and 60 capsules) and foil strips of 10 (all foil, no plastic). With legit Andriol we are looking for a brownish colored capsule which contains an oil inside. It is completely sealed and does not pull apart. DV3 and ORG are printed on the surface of the capsule. These would obviously be a bit difficult to copy, which is probably why I have only seen one fake at this point. Easy to identify, the fake circulating is a generic strip which contains 10 unmarked red pull-apart capsules. Inside the capsule one will find a very strong smelling powder, not an oil. It is unknown what the powder actually is but it is definitely not a legitimate preparation of testosterone undecanoate, so avoid. Since all of the legitimate capsules are sold under a brand name (Andriol, Androxon, Pantestone, Restandol, Undestor or Virigen), any item bearing only the generic name "testosterone undecanoate" would be fake.
Clenbuterol has been counterfeited over the past few years but not to the same extent that anabolics have. Legitimate versions of clenbuterol are cheap and supplies abundant so the black market has not really needed to manufacture a large volume of fake product. What has happened is that a few unscrupulous producers in the U.S. have bottled ephedrine or similar tablets and placed on it a clenbuterol label. They are likely hoping the ephedrine would produce a similar stimulant effect and the fake will go unnoticed. So right now we are looking at a few crudely put together products, not accurately duplicated fakes. If you know what not to purchase you likely be able to protect yourself without difficulty. Clenbuterol is not produced in the U.S., so avoid anything bearing a U.S. company name. In fact, avoid all loose bottles of tablets. Clenbuterol should only be trusted when found in foil or foil/plastic strips with a proper brand name. Spriopent, Novagam and Oxyflux from Mexico are the most common brands here in the U.S. and all are safe buys. From Europe, one should look for the popular brand names of Spriopent, Broncoterol, Clenasma, Monores, Contraspasmin and Ventolase. The Bulgarian Clenbuterol is also a safe buy when packaged in strips.
Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate):
Today Deca is one of the most widely duplicated drugs in the world with fakes taking on many different forms. Since it is marketed in so many countries throughout the world, it will no doubt always be a tricky buy. I will start by running down some of the more popular items currently on the U.S. black market.
From Mexico, the Organon Redi-jects are a safe buy but often too expensive to be found here in much volume (too bad). Norandren in a 50ml bottle from Brovel Mexico is a good buy, just make sure the cap has the raised "Laboratorios Brovel" marking all such products should carry (see: testosterone enanthate fpr photo). Although legitimately manufactured this item may be underdosed and slightly dirty. This is the only legitimately produced large volume vial of Deca you will likely see on the black market so avoid all others which are larger than 2ml.
Copies of the Greek Extraboline have been abundant lately and can be identified by an overlapping label placed on the vial and noticing that the box is devoid of the Greek Drug ID sticker. These vials seem to contain Deca, but reportedly at about 1/2 the labeled dose.
There is also a large volume of U.S. Steris product in green boxes with gold print circulating the black market. Be careful, these are very fake to spite their professional appearance. The label peels right off the bottle which is an immediate indicator. They do seem to contain active steroid though, but perhaps underdose.
The Deca-Pronabol amps from India, Three 200mg/2ml amps to a tray, are a safe buy but unfortunately not as popular here as we would like.
Infar Deca (100mg) from India has also been seen as of late and is a legitimate product.
The Norma Hellas vials from Greece (generic), packaged in a small blue box containing a single 2ml vial of 200mg, are another safe buy we would like to see more of.
Retabolil, "Russia Deca", is another legitimate brand (50mg) being found in the States. These amps are found with 2 distinct labeling styles, silk-screened red/yellow ink and a simple paper label with black print. Both are legit as another resource incorrectly lists the paper labeled amp as fake.
It is interesting that IP Deca (The counterfeit lab discussed elsewhere in this book) has gained an strong following as it is really the only 200mg/ml Deca available to athletes in any quantity on the black market today.
Aside from some of the U.S. products and the Norma Hellas product from Greece, you will not come across any legitimate ampule/vial bearing only the generic label "nandrolone decanoate". There are piles of fake ampules in circulatin which bear just the generic name. Trust none of these! Purchasing only products which bear some form of a brand name is an excellent rule to live buy.
Do not purchase any Deca in a strength of 200mg/ml. N. America is the only region which produces nandrolone in such a strength. Everywhere else you will find only 50mg and 100mg per ml. Counterfeit producers like to label their product as 200mg because it sells for a higher price, but don't be fooled. All such preparations are fake.
All legitimate Organon vials/ampules of Deca-Durabolin will have a paper label attached to it. Anything bearing this brand name which has printing directly on the glass is fake and should be avoided.
Dynabolon (nandrolone undecanoate):
Dynabolon is a unique nandrolone ester which is produced only in Italy and France. Rarely found in the U.S., should it appear it will likely be legitimate. There are fake loose ampules in circulation, but are poorly made and few in number. Currently this item can be trusted if it comes in the form of a 1ml ampule with the accompanying box and paperwork.
These fake Deca boxes are all over Mexican tourist areas. One should avoid any item from an American company when south of the border as steroids are rarely imported into Mexico. Fakes are abundant.
Bogus 2ml ampule, a very common item on the black market.
Deca from IP, a reputable underground lab. This item should contain legit ingredients in proper amounts, but beware of IP copies!
Current popular fake circulating in the U.S.. It does appear to contain a Deca in a slightly lower dose than labeled.
Fake European Deca. This particular item did contain real Deca, but again, it is fake so consistency might be an issue.
Counterfeit Extraboline. This particular fake appeared to contain a low dose of nandrolone, probably about half the labeled amount.
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone):
Clandestine manufacturers have been cashing in on the limited supply and high demand of methandrostenolone tablets for well over a decade now. The years have brought fourth a vast number of fakes, far too numerous to be cataloged. But since there are only a handful of legitimate companies still producing this drug worldwide, it is not difficult to avoid all the junk that is out there. So lets start with some of the more popular versions here in the states.
The Pink Anabol tablets, shaped like pentagons, are probably the most popular D’s here today. They are made in Thailand and packaged only in tubs of 1000. These tubs are commonly broken up and the tabs sold loose. Up until recently one could have complete trust that they were buying the real item when seeing these tablets but unfortunately, things have changed. Europe has noticed a high volume of bogus Anabols, identical to the original in shape and color but devoid of real ingredient. Here in the U.S., the complaints have begun and Anabol is no longer considered a sure buy. Currently the real item far outnumbers the fake, so statistically you still do have a good chance with this product. However, it is unknown for how long this will remain to be. To be on the safe side you may want to become more familiar with your source and preferably, try to locate the original tub when making a purchase.
Pronabol from India is another popular one. I hear it is not seen much in the Indian pharmacies anymore but is reportedly still being exported in bulk. This item comes with a crafty duplicate, so one must be careful. Both the real and the fake item are packaged in a vacuum sealed, foil strip of 10 tablets. 10 strips fit into a box. The tabs in both are white, with a score mark on one side. The only noticeable difference between the two is the printing color on the foil. The real item has blue ink on the face, with a very light purple tint to it. The fake has all the exact print as the real but the ink is a much deeper purple which could not be confused for any shade of blue. I have included both photos. Less detailed fakes have also been circulating, so one should avoid any other item bearing the name Pronabol.
Reforvit: This veterinary injectable from Mexico is prepared in 10ml and 50ml vials and contains the equivalent of 5 tablets (25mg) per ml. It is generally sold on the black market for a much better price than the other forms available. One must be careful to avoid fakes though, even when shopping in Mexico. The real item has a peel off metal lid which reads (AQUI/ABRI) on the part which is removed. The fakes that have been seen to this point bore only a plain silver lid. If you have the item in your possession, you can also do a quick test to see if you've got the real thing. With Reforvit, the injectable solution is based in propylene glycol, not oil. Added water will mix with the propylene glycol and force the steroid out of the solution as it is not water soluble. 1/2ml Reforvit and 2 1/2 ml water inside a syringe should work fine for this. After mixing, you will notice that the liquid will being to cloud up. This is the steroid precipitating out of the solution. Should you fail to notice any crystals form, you have an item with no steroid.
The fake uses a more stocky vial and does not bear "AQUI/ABRI" on the pull-off cap.
Russian D (METAHAPOCTEHOROH): Dianabol from Russia is one of the most popular and difficult to spot counterfeits currently available. The packaging is quite simple, just 10 strips of tablets held in a rubberband with 2 pieces of paper. The fakes generally look exactly like the real item so there is no easy way to pick out the legit one. I can point out a few things which may help but must emphasize that this is the highest risk item under this category. One particular fake has come to my attention, which possesses a different sealing pattern on the strips than the real. The photos are provided to compare, but unfortunately this was only one easier to spot fake. The majority of the fakes circulating cannot be detected without using them first. I have also received a few newer style Russian D strips as of late. These strips are white plastic with a more intricate printing pattern. At the time of this printing I have not yet been able to verify that these are being produced by the legit manufacturer, but can say they are being used with good results. The photo is provided.
The Fake strip is on top. Notice how the sealing pattern differs between the two.
The New look? The tabs are beginning to circulate.
Bionabol: These tabs from Bulgaria have been circulating recently and are of good quality. Fakes are around as well so be sure to purchase them only in the correct 40 tablet container. The real item is not produced in jars of 100.
Anabolex: These 3mg tabs from the Dominican Republic are currently a safe buy. They come in a white plastic strip of 10 tablets, 10 strips to a box. Note that each pill contains an added 1.5mg of Periactin, used as an appetite stimulant. It's an antihistamine and may cause drowsiness.
Metanabol from Poland and Stenolon from the former Czech Rep are legit brands, but be sure to purchase these only in strips of 20 tabs.
Methandon from Thailand is another legit item, but packaged like Anabol. 1000 small white tablets come to a tub. These are rarely seen in the U.S. but should be considered real when found in the original container.
Nerobol from Hungary is legit but only purchase this in 10 tablet strips, 2 strips to a box.
Naposim from Rumania is a legit brand but is rarely seen here in the U.S.. Reportedly the packaging of this dbol has changed from bottles of 20 tabs to foil and plastic strips.
Humabol: Tons of this fake Dianabol are circulating the states currently. Humabol is not a real brand name, nor is Dianabol produced in Greece. Avoid.
Some rules to live buy:
The old rule of trusting the blue tablets no longer holds true and should be forgotten. The only "blues" currently made are by underground labs, not real producers.
Dianabol is only made in the following regions: E. Europe (Former Soviet countries), Thailand, Mexico as a veterinary injectable only, India, Germany as a veterinary injectable only and the Dominican Republic. Never Buy Dianabol from elsewhere! Italy and Greece are popular choices of fake marketers but these countries do not produce any legitimate methandrostenolone.
Aside from the Russian generic (spelled in Cyrillic something like METAHAPOCTEHOROH), no legitimate Dianabol product will bear only the generic name (methandrostenolone or methandienone). There are tons of generic strips circulating, but they are all fake. Purchase only the previously mentioned brand names.
Fake reforvit. This bottle is slightly more stocky than the legit and did not carry the "Aqui Abri" stamp on the silver peel off cap.
Equipoise (boldenone undeclyenate):
Counterfeit bottles of this veterinary injectable are quite common on the U.S. black market. Again, knowing which preparation to buy can save you much hassle. For starters, the most common fakes are of the brand name Equipoise which is produced by Solvay only in the U.S. and Canada. With the tight controls placed on controlled substances in N. America it is unlikely you will come across the legit item. Avoiding all such bottles and looking for products produced south of the border is a much safer practice. From Mexico we have three version which are found in the U.S., each considered a safe buy. Maxigan from Inpel (50ml vials), Equi-Gan from Tornel (10ml and 50ml vials) and Crecibol by Unipharm (10ml and 30ml vials) can all be considered legitimate at this time. Ganabol, produced in a number of S. American countries, is probably the most popular brand found in the states. Seen in two strengths (25mg/ml and 50mg/ml) and in four sizes (10,50,100 and 250ml), none of these vials are currently being duplicated and are a safe buy. As always, it is no doubt a matter of time before things change. Vebonol from Germany and Switzerland is another legitimate brand name but is rarely seen here in the U.S.. Australia also produces Vebonol along with a few other brand names. All are rarely seen here and are probably not being counterfeited.
IP equipoise. This item is from an underground lab which has been producing very acceptable products. Beware of copies, look at the testosterone cypionate section to aquatint yourself with the vial characteristics.
Finajet/Finaject (trenbolone acetate):
The only legitimate preparations of trenbolone acetate worldwide are the U.S. cattle implant pellets Finaplix and Revalor. All other versions of Finajet have been discontinued worldwide for over a decade now. Counterfeit manufacturers often still produce this, so don't waste your money.
These cattle implants are the only remaining legitimate preparations which contain trenbolone acetate.
Human Growth Hormone (somatropin):
The high price of human growth hormone has provided a very strong motivation for the creation of counterfeit product so one must be cautious when purchasing it. A large percentage of the GH found on the black market will in actuality be relabeled HCG which bears a very close resemblance. Fear not, a trip to the corner drug store provides us with a cheap and effective way to test our product. A home pregnancy test works by detecting HCG in the urine, which will be present during pregnancy. In this case we want to use it to determine if there is HCG in our growth hormone vials. Just apply a small amount of the mixed solution to the test and wait for the result. A positive will let you know that you have been swindled.
Both HCG and HGH are packaged in 2 separate vials which are mixed before use. One vial contains a sterile solution, the other a powder. With both the powder will not be loose but in a solid disc (lyophilic). The few fakes which are not relabeled HCG vials will likely contain some form of loose powder, avoid.
Halotestin (fluoxymesterone):
Halotestin is not in high demand on the black market and is therefore not a big money item to counterfeiters. If shopping for this you will likely be able to trust your purchased product. The current popular item in the states are Mexican Stenox tablets in foil/plastic strips of 20.
Laurabolin (nandrolone laurate):
Mexican Laurabolin has become very popular here in the states and is thought to be a superior product to the Brovel product Norandren. This is likely due to the fact that Laurabolin does not appear to be underdosed as the Brovel items are. Laurabolin has been copied, but at this time the real thing is easy to recognize. Legit Laurabolin 50ml vials have ML markings raised into the glass on the side. The counterfeit makers are currently using smooth bottles, avoid these. The Laurabolin brand name is also seen on a few preparations in Europe, but these items rarely circulate in the U.S..
Make sure you see raised ML markings in the glass before purchasing Mexican Laurabolin.The label is covering much of the markings on this particular bottle, but they can be felt under the paper with a thumb rub.
With oxandrolone it is not at all difficult to protect yourself from counterfeits as there is really only one legitimate preparation which an athlete will find on the black market. This is the Italian preparation Oxandrolone. Legitimate Oxandrolone tablets are found in foil and plastic strips of 15 tablets, 2 strips per box. The plastic on each strip is white and the tablets cannot be seen before opening. This is the only real packaging and these tablets are never sold loose in bottles.
There is a version of this steroid manufactured in the U.S., sold as Oxandrin, but due to it's high price and tight controls you will not find it on the black market in volume. One should only purchase this if it can be traced back to a pharmacy.
The old Searle brand name of Anavar is long gone. Anything bearing this name is bogus and should be avoided. Underground producers south of the border are still holding on to this, as can be seen if you visit many of the Mexican border towns. These fakes are still very abundant where you'll find American tourists.
Parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate):
This hard to find injectable produced only in France has been duplicated by many with good accuracy. One must take caution when looking for Para, as it is a very high risk item. Fakes ampules no doubt outnumber the legit on the black market. In a few steps I will tell you how to determine the legitimacy of your item. To begin with, make sure the ampule contains 1.5ml and has red silk-screening directly on the glass which will not rub off. Next, look at the back of the box. Here you will want to see a crisp bar-code in the upper right corner. If it is not present or appears sloppy between the lines, you have a fake. Lastly, look at the label on the side of the box. It is here where the crafty copies all fail. A legitimate ID sticker on Parabolan will have 2 vertical indents, roughly separating it into thirds which would break apart. At this time the fakes which I have seen either did not contain any break mark at all or contain a dashed line which is printed, not cut, into the surface.
Notice the sloppy barcode and uneven color bars on the back of the fake parabolan box.
The real label has two vertical breaks cut into it, the fake uses a printed on dotted line.
Primobolan (methenolone acetate, methenolone enanthate):
Currently all 5mg Primobolan tablets found on the black market can be trusted. These are produced in various S. American countries and will be packed in both strips and bottles. Counterfeiters have not yet paid much interest in these lower dosed tablets, so they are a safe buy.
There are no 50mg primobolan tablets in production anymore. Counterfeiters were duplicating these in high volume before they were removed from the French market in 1993 and there are likely fakes still in circulation. Avoid all of these!
25mg tabs are still manufactured in Europe and S. Africa and can be found on occasion inside the U.S.. Fakes are currently not a problem, but with the removal of the 50mg version this will likely change. The 25mg tablet would be the new money item for duplicators so it is no doubt a matter of time before fakes circulate. The 5mg tabs, while much more costly, would be the safer buy.
All 50mg ampules found on the black market can currently be trusted as no duplicates have been seen to date. Counterfeiters have given their attention to the more expensive 100mg ampules.
100mg ampules have been copied with good accuracy, so this is a more tricky buy. The U.S. has been flooded with the new style Spanish ampules this past year, green writing with a blue dot on dark glass. Most are legitimate but fakes are floating as well. Reportedly these can be identified by a larger than normal blue dot on the ampule head. These are rumored to contain a low dose nandrolone and generally do go unnoticed as fakes when used. Fetching a higher price, one should be a little more cautious with the 100mg amps. It would be safest to purchase these only when accompanied by box and paperwork.
Sustanon 250 (testosterone blend):
Sustanon 250, the popular multi-component testosterone, can be found in all corners of the black market. It is produced in a number of countries and is in high demand among athletes. Counterfeit marketers have been cashing in, so take caution. Here are some guidelines when looking to purchase this.
For starters, the Nile Co. Sustanon from Egypt and Sustanon 250 from Pakistan are the only versions we have seen which bear silk-screen lettering directly on the ampule glass. All other legit ampules of Sustanon will have a paper label. Many fakes are circulating with silk-screening, so look out for these. Also, Sustanon is only produced in 1ml ampules and redi-ject syringes (Mexico only). Never purchase a multi-dose vial with a Sustanon label. The Mexican redi-ject syringe is a safe buy, but we have been hearing stories of underdosed product circulating. At this time the problem seems isolated. There is also a popular copy of the Infar product from India, which has a paper label. It can be identified by noticing the rounded corners on the label, as the real Infar item is squared at the edges.
Durateston: This south American version of Sustanon has become popular as of late. The ampules contain blue silk-screen writing on the surface of glass. At this point fakes do not appear to be a problem.
Omnadren 250: This is a multi-component testosterone very similar to Sustanon. Legit ampules bear black or red silk-screen directly on the glass, which is easy to remove with your thumb. Currently fakes do not seem to be a problem.
The Freezer Test: For a quick test, drop an ampule or redi-ject into your freezer. 250mg is very close to the limit 1ml of oil will hold in suspension. Once in the freezer, the temperature of the oil will drop reducing the total amount of steroid which can be dissolved. Quickly, you will notice the oil cloud up. This is the steroid precipitating out of the solution. If the oil in your product remains clear, you do not have a legitimate product.
Counterfeit Sustanon, bearing the name Loniton. This is a non-existant brand name. This particular amp looks odd immediately as it is much too large for 1ml and could prob hold as much as 4 or 5ml.
Testosterone Cypionate:
Eight years ago this oil based injectable was found in abundance on the black market. Today, the tight controls placed on anabolics have made this item almost impossible to find. Aside from the U.S., Spain is the only country producing testosterone cypionate. Since the real U.S. item is highly unlikely to be found, only the 2ml ampules from Leo in Spain can be trusted. Counterfeits of the various American versions are everywhere, so be warned.
Testosterone Enanthate:
Unlike cypionate, testosterone enanthate is widely produced throughout the world. Found in a wide variety of packaging, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what to purchase. Here are some helpful guidelines when shopping. The only Multi-dose vials which are safe to buy are those from the two Mexican companies, Brovel and Tornel. The Brovel item is counterfeited, but can be trusted if the vial cap has the raised "Laboratories Brovel" stamping in the metal. Legitimate American vials, as discussed earlier, will be a rare find whereas fakes are abundant. Avoid all American testosterone unless you are absolutely sure of the source. The rest of the testosterone enanthate you will likely come across will be 1ml ampules at a strength of 250mg. For these you can use the freezer test to determine authenticity (See: Sustanon).
Counterfeit U.S. Cyp by Steris. This particular product contained no active ingredient.
Fake Goldline cyp.
Current popular fake cyp. This item does appear to contain testosterone, although seems to be slightly underdosed.
IP cyp. This underground lab has been including real steroids in labeled amounts (or above). Be careful not to purchase bogus copies though. Notice the vial, all IP injectables come in this same style, small neck bottle.
Current popular fake enanthate here in the U.S.. This item does appear to contain testosterone, although seems to be slightly underdosed.
Testosterone Suspension:
Counterfeit Canadian Malogen label
Fake U.S. Suspension. This item is easy to spot as the box and bottle both contain the same stick on label.
All legitimate Brovel products will now carry this top.
Testosterone Heptylate:
Produced only in France, this item is rarely seen on the U.S. black market. When found, it can be trusted if the ampules are still packaged in their original box and foil covered ampule tray. Again, the freezer test would be a good way to determine legitimacy.
Testosterone Propionate:
Counterfeits of testosterone propionate are more difficult to find than enanthate or cypionate. It is not in as high a demand as enanthate, so counterfeit marketers often avoid it. At this point one can probably trust most of the ampules which circulate. As a rule, purchase no other multi-dose vials except for the Brovel product from Mexico and Testogan from the Dominican Republic. With Brovel, remember to look for the raised lettering on the cap. The few fakes which have been seen are in multi-dose vials of American or European origin, avoid these. One in particular is a duplicate of the American Steris product. The box is green shade with gold lettering (see the enanthate/cypionate photo). Generally one will notice a swelling and soreness for a few days after an injection of testosterone propionate as the compound is often irritating. This is used as an indicator by many, knowing that if that soreness were absent they were likely not injecting real propionate.
Testosterone Suspension:
Waterbased testosterone suspension is rarely produced outside of the North America. Fakes of such preparations are abundant, so be very careful. It is best to avoid all U.S. and Canadian items unless they can be personally traced back to a pharmacy. Left on the black market are the rarely seen Indian product Aquaviron and the Czech Agovirin, both in ampules. At this time they can be trusted.
Winstrol (stanazolol):
Winstrol, both in tablet or injection, is a popular target for counterfeiters. Being that the legitimate item is not widely manufactured, knowing what to look can help us a great deal.
The best advice from the beginning is never to purchase an item, tablet or injection, which bears only the generic name stanazolol. All of the legitimate products worldwide will carry a specific brand name.
Winstrol-V, the multi-dose injectable produced in America and Canada, is the one duplicated most by counterfeiters. With tight controls you will likely not see the real thing anymore, so avoid all of them. If you want to risk it, make sure the steroid crystals separates deeply and quickly when the bottle is at rest. The particles in real Winstrol-V are also too large to be drawn into an insulin syringe.
Occasionally in Mexico you will cross a shop that carries the Australian veterinary injectable Stanabolic in 20ml vials. This practice is not common, but at this time fakes are not either so these can likely be trusted.
For the injectable, the only legitimate items left which are seen on the black market are the Italian 1ml vial (with rubber stopper) and Spanish 1ml ampule, both from Zambon. Copies of the Spanish ampules are common, but easy to spot. As with Winstrol V, the particles will separate out of the solution if the ampule is left to sit for a length of time. The crystals are smaller and can be injected with a higher gauge needle than their N.American counterpart, so don't let this alarm you.
With Winstrol tablets, again, the key is knowing what to purchase. To begin with, know that the brand name Stromba is a very high risk. These tabs are 5mg, not 2 like Winstrol tabs are usually, so they add extra incentive for counterfeiters. The Belgian product (in strips) may be legitimate, but is rarely found in the U.S. Also avoid all American tablets unless you can personally trace them back to a pharmacy.
The Zambon tablets from Italy and Spain are currently a safe buy. The Italian item is packed in strips of 10 tabs, 2 strips to a box. The Spanish comes in strips of 20, only one strip in a box. In both products the tablets are pink in color.
Menabol from India is another legitimate tablet, but not seen here in much volume. This can be trusted when found in strips of 10 tablets, 10 strips to a box.
Bogus Box and strip of Stromba. This particular item was found circulating in Eastern Europe. It appeared to be worthless.
Fake Winstrol, very common in Mexican border towns. This item is reportedly very dirty and should be avoided
Fake IP injectable. Does contain acceptable ingredients.
International Pharmaceuticals:
Drugs bearing the name International Pharmaceuticals go under a seperate section as acceptable counterfeits. This underground lab has been operating for years and produces items which are often held in high regard by the many athletes who use them. It is of note that they produce the only 200mg/ml Deca which an athlete can safely purchase today. Be careful, even these IP products have been copied. Make sure your injectables are encased in a tall, thin, multi-dose vial shown in the photograph. You may see other items under the IP name, and reportedly the name of Paynes Labs as well. I would only say that aside from the 10ml injectables and displayed tablet strips, I cannot say much about their legitimacy.