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urijah faber one of the best?


New member
i watched this guy fight three fights in the wec (which the talent there is limited considered to pride or ufc) but this guy is bad. he dominates everyone he steps into the cage with. i saw that has him listed as #7 pound for pound. what do you guys think could he hold his own in the big shows (ufc or pride)?
If the UFC got a 145lbs division, he would do awesome IMO. But at 155 too many fighters would over power him (sherk, penn, gomi.)
with his Cali style,all around mad skills and cool appearance,UFC may start a 145lb class just for the pay per view possibilities
Yea and with Jens Pulver down to 145 that could make an interesting match up. Eventually I think the 145 lb division would die out though, not enough powerful strikers to make the fights exciting, so the ones who dominate will be wrestlers IMO.
He's a cool guy and he's a monster on the mat. I've trained with him a few times and I towered him at 6' but he picked me up and tossed me around like it was nothing. Stout 145 to say the least, good instructors I have the same for muay thai and BJJ. Yet like it was said earlier its the size difference at the 155 division that would most likely do him in.
Sasaka said:
If the UFC got a 145lbs division, he would do awesome IMO. But at 155 too many fighters would over power him (sherk, penn, gomi.)

Don't forget Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto at 145
chaos229 said:
He's a cool guy and he's a monster on the mat. I've trained with him a few times and I towered him at 6' but he picked me up and tossed me around like it was nothing. Stout 145 to say the least, good instructors I have the same for muay thai and BJJ. Yet like it was said earlier its the size difference at the 155 division that would most likely do him in.
what gym do yall train at
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