Maybe I can make a carefull observation:
The people that are really into low rep "power movements", such as power cleans, people like Bfold and Coolcol seem to favour the Yates style, which is obvious as you keep torso more erect, allowing more weight to be used, where as the bb dudes trade using less weight due to torso leaning forward for a more direct "feel" in the back muscles.....
Both basic power movements and isolation movements have their place in bodybuilding. It's the gains in strength with the big raw movements that allows you to do a good amount of reps with a relatively heavy weight using an isolation movement, which is where things start to pay off.....
Maybe we could incorporate both styles into a back routine. Lets just drop t-bars rows and do 2 bent row in one workout, like
session 1-6:
5 * 5 yates style overhand grip, continous explosive up, moderate eccentric
12-10-8 torso perp. to floor reverse grip, hold peak contraction
session 7-12:
5 * 5 yates style reverse grip, continous explosive up, moderate eccentric
12-10-8 torso perp. to floor overhand grip, hold peak contraction
I think that should cover most bases....
I feel the T-bar is to bent rowing what pulldown machine is to weighted chin, The pulldown works and is easier, but chinning is the real thing....