I totally went off on him on his bb forum last year ! Needless to say I was banned in minutes...he is such a jackass. I would love to see him walking down the street.
I must be one of the few that doesn't have a problem with this guy. So he lies alot (allegedly).......its not like alot of other bodybuilders haven't lied.....allegedly (remember the Flex Wheeler car jacking incident??). Ok he looks ridiculous.....but thats only because he doesn't follow the norm. The 25 inch arms looked ok.....but now it is getting silly lol. So what if he wants to fill himself up with oil?? Good luck to him I say. It isn't as if other bodybuilders don't do stupid things......
I don't mind the guy at all, allthough I never would want to look like him. He see's himself as a freak/sideshow and not as a competitive bodybuilder. I mean if the guy were to enter shows looking like that and then complain when he lost, that would be a totally different story. But this guy just wants to be a freak, he's not hurting anyone except maybe himself.
He's no different than the people who have 1000's of piercings or body's completely covered in Tatoos. So what if you don't belive he's never touched synthol, I mean there is tons of bodybuilders that use the shit and lie about how much AS they take.