It could be anything; not learning to do something, not hooking up with someone, etc.
There is a catch though, when it comes to women for instance:
(College)I met a chick last summer who I know showed interest in me(I caught her looking at my butt, would always look for me when I came to the store she worked at, and I got her #; I called her a couple times, and she called me once.
However, this one time late at night, I returned an earlier call I got from her probably between 12-1am. I was a little drunk(highly buzzed), and I think she knew it. I tried to get her to come over and she most likely interpretted it as a booty call, even though I told her we had people over and were just chillin playin cards. I played it like I was just teasing her, and said goodnight like it was no biggie, but I think I did some trust/comfort level damage with that one.
After that, I tried calling her two or three times total and she didn't answer; I didn't leave a message at all. I knew what was up. I tried talking to her at her work when I saw her about getting together and just got the "I'm busy" reply, which she was, working/taking classes; but I still knew in the back of my mind I fucked things up. I tried to have her sit down and talk with me, but no go. Asked her why she never answered her phone and she said she "lost it".
So I backed off, and just treated her as a friendly acquaintence talking occasionally, and haven't brought up anything about "hooking up" since last fall.
She displayed the same type of behavior as before when I knew she was interested in me, (aways turning her head looking for me when I walked/drove by).
I know since I've met other girls since then I shouldn't care less about this missed chance, but the fact that I never had this one when I know I could have kinda irks me. The fact that she probably thinks I'm someone I'm not(just another guy looking for random sex) also bugs me, and that there's no easy way to tell her now.
She is graduating at the end of the summer, and part of me wants her to just get out of town now so I never have to see her again; the other part wants to tell her whats up, even if nothing happens.
I hate bringing up the past.
I think the bottom line is that I want to know what the hell she is thinking/feeling, but how can I drag this out of a girl who I've put on edge once already?
The weird thing is I don't care about having sex with her nearly as much now as just knowing what she is thinking/feeling.
I just felt like getting my thoughts out.
There is a catch though, when it comes to women for instance:
(College)I met a chick last summer who I know showed interest in me(I caught her looking at my butt, would always look for me when I came to the store she worked at, and I got her #; I called her a couple times, and she called me once.
However, this one time late at night, I returned an earlier call I got from her probably between 12-1am. I was a little drunk(highly buzzed), and I think she knew it. I tried to get her to come over and she most likely interpretted it as a booty call, even though I told her we had people over and were just chillin playin cards. I played it like I was just teasing her, and said goodnight like it was no biggie, but I think I did some trust/comfort level damage with that one.
After that, I tried calling her two or three times total and she didn't answer; I didn't leave a message at all. I knew what was up. I tried talking to her at her work when I saw her about getting together and just got the "I'm busy" reply, which she was, working/taking classes; but I still knew in the back of my mind I fucked things up. I tried to have her sit down and talk with me, but no go. Asked her why she never answered her phone and she said she "lost it".

So I backed off, and just treated her as a friendly acquaintence talking occasionally, and haven't brought up anything about "hooking up" since last fall.
She displayed the same type of behavior as before when I knew she was interested in me, (aways turning her head looking for me when I walked/drove by).
I know since I've met other girls since then I shouldn't care less about this missed chance, but the fact that I never had this one when I know I could have kinda irks me. The fact that she probably thinks I'm someone I'm not(just another guy looking for random sex) also bugs me, and that there's no easy way to tell her now.
She is graduating at the end of the summer, and part of me wants her to just get out of town now so I never have to see her again; the other part wants to tell her whats up, even if nothing happens.
I hate bringing up the past.
I think the bottom line is that I want to know what the hell she is thinking/feeling, but how can I drag this out of a girl who I've put on edge once already?
The weird thing is I don't care about having sex with her nearly as much now as just knowing what she is thinking/feeling.
I just felt like getting my thoughts out.