has anyone had any experience with xenical? I just started dieting for my competition and am 16 weeks out. My friend had an underactive thyroid and is on synthroid, cytomel and xenical. I am researching now. Just curious. Thanks for any information.
Xenical is a "fat-trapper", it blocks about 1/3 of the fats you injest from being digested, in turn, you just eliminate the fat in your bowel movement. I experimented with this "supplement" when it came out, it works woders if you are on a bulking diet and want the FAT steak(for it's protein content) but you want the fat downgraded. I would say it's not really a good idea for cutting, because it's true use is in obesity, as a results, a good cutting diet (50/30/20 = protein/carb/fat) contains only 20%fat from healthy fats, and blocking these from digestion is really not a feasible idea. Nor, in fact, is it a smart idea.