Perfume or cologne fucking gags me, and I just frigging love it when people virutally leave puddles of the shit where ever they walk or on whatever they touch (just adore it when my hands stink after pushing a supermarket cart) ... my fucking cat had to get stitches out last night and apparently the tech who held her was of the "the cheaper the perfume the more you should use" school. 12 plus hours later and my cat still stinks like an old whore.
I'm considering dropping an anonymous complaint to the vet in the mail. Can't help but wonder if I think it stinks what the poor damned animals think.
I don't get it, smoking not cool, offends other people, smokers accept it. Tell someone their perfume makes you want to hurl and you're the asshole (yeah, I have told people their perfume was making me ill -- work situation, I couldn't get away but I was sneezing, coughing and miserable -- all they were was offended)
I'm considering dropping an anonymous complaint to the vet in the mail. Can't help but wonder if I think it stinks what the poor damned animals think.
I don't get it, smoking not cool, offends other people, smokers accept it. Tell someone their perfume makes you want to hurl and you're the asshole (yeah, I have told people their perfume was making me ill -- work situation, I couldn't get away but I was sneezing, coughing and miserable -- all they were was offended)