The stools are light brown. No problem with regularity. I go twice a day. Easy to expel. They are floaters, easy to flush. Smells like shit to me, LOL, seriously though, not 'that' bad.
No abdominal pain. My urine colour is from almost clear to dull yellow, and brighter but not too bright yellow a few hours after I take my Multi-vitamin.
Eye whites, white.
I saw my doctor today. She said nothing can be done and some people are this way. A complete let down as I expected. I currently take in almost ziltch fat and all my symptoms have ceased (gas, bloating, headache, nausea..), great albiet I cannot 'in good health' just subsist on protein and carbs all my life..
I told my doctor about my low oral temperature and bradycardia. Shes took blood and is running tests for iron and the hemaglobin (sp?). The results will be in in about 3 days..
If you have any ideas I would be so greatful!!!!!!! Its so hard when everyone gives you up for crazy!