I guess it comes down to trust. If your in a monogomous relationship then i see no problem but if you think hes screwing alot of other ppl, then I think that she should make him wrap it.
Same on his side, the trust issue.....if you think shes missing the pill on purpose or whatever, then do it....but if you are postive that she is taking them on time every day, then i see no problem.
Interactions.....some antibiotics, St, Johns wort (herb), a couple others that are rarely used...most pharms put a warning lable on them.....just make sure that she takes it at the same time everyday...that is where it can lose potency...
Interactions.....some antibiotics, St, Johns wort (herb), a couple others that are rarely used...most pharms put a warning lable on them.....just make sure that she takes it at the same time everyday...that is where it can lose potency...