Here's an interesting article that I thought could help some of you ladies out there. Although the intro would piss me off if I was a woman, I think this article has some substance. Please keep bumping for knowledge.
Women: The Other White Meat
by Grendel
"Training women is a very touchy issue (hahah); many personal trainers go about it entirely the wrong way because they believe their job is keep a client happy, not to make the client see results. Lets travel in our minds eye to a little Gym called Silver’s Gym where the club music is blaring and Mr. Brawn is training his client, Tawnie Kitten the stripper…
“Now Tawnie what are you goals?”
“Uhmm. Well, like you know, I like wanna look good, but like ugh, I don’t want those big muscles like in the magazines”
“Ok, fine. Now lets go over here to the free weight section…”
“Free weights, noooo. Those will make me too big, I put on muscle very quickly. I don’t want big arms…”
“Ok, lets go to this machine here and put it at 50 pounds.”
“50 pounds! Are you crazy, I told you I didn’t want big muscles!!!”
“Ok! Fine. Pick up those pink dumbbells, the 100 milligram ones, do 2 sets of 20 reps ok”
“Sure, wow, I feel the burn…”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Now, unless you happen to be on the few men training or dating a woman who really understands weight lifting, you are going to run into similar training problems. Women always think they are going to get huge immediately (they all say my arms get really strong without working them) and so they want to do high reps with the same weights for years and years and years…Now, a buddy of mine is a hardass trainer and when women clients come to him he puts them on a standard workout like a man would do, just at a proportional weight. Immediately the women will say, “I don’t want to get big arms, I don’t want to look huge.” At this point my friend will point to some skinny guy in the gym and say, “Lady, you see that guy. He has been busting his ass for years to get “huge” and still hasn’t gotten there. Don’t worry.” This tends to help placate them.
This article is intended to correct many of the problems I see in the way a lot of women train and eat. This advice on diet and training is not written for experienced female athletes. However I will also cover, since this is Anabolic Extreme, the issue of pharmaceuticals and women.
Women and Training:
Studies show that there is no difference between the muscle structures of men and women. Pound for pound, women are just as strong as men. The problem of course is that women carry, on average, 10 percent more body fat then men. This means that 120 pound woman would have to be compared to say a 95 pound guy. Anyway, this means that women’s muscle responds with hypertrophy to the same sort of stimulus that men’s muscles do. This means that an exercise must be taxing to the point of triggering muscle trauma so that growth begins.
The key difference between men and women is that women wake up knowing they can get laid that day. Well, yes, that is of course true, but the key difference between training men and women is looking at hormone levels. Without using anabolic steroids, women have, obviously, less testosterone. This means it's harder for them to put on lean mass and also harder for them to recover from strenuous workouts. What can we take away from this? Simply that while a workout for a woman should incorporate concepts like failure training, it is crucial that women have more rest and recovery time then men do.
I find that a 2 days on, 1 day off split is ideal for women. I recommend that the hardcore training approach championed by Anabolic Extreme be used. A sample female chest workout would be:
2 sets of 40 flyes
3 rest pause sets of incline press
2 rest pause sets of flat bench with dumbbells
This is not significantly different then how a man would train. However, the total volume is lower. Women should be encouraged to use as heavy of weight as they can move. It is not the weight that’s going to make them big, it's the presence of androgens in their blood. If they are not taking male hormones they will never look like men nor the women in the Ms. Olympia. That “look” is not a product of heavy training, it’s a product of very androgenic steroids and extremely low body fat.
Women should make sure to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times per week. Women generally have slower metabolic rates then men and the cardiovascular exercise will help elevate the metabolism. If, however, a women finds that her increased cardiovascular exercise is causing her to eat more then perhaps cutting back on cardio is a good idea
Women and Diet
Once again, women should eat like male athletes just adjusted for weight differences. High protein diets are ideal for women particularly when combined with low-carbohydrate intake. Many women find that the low carbohydrate diets also help with water retention, which is nice.
Nutritionally, women need more calcium and more iron then men do. A diet rich in protein will help with iron but a good mult-vitamin supplement is also important. Too much iron is not desirable, however. Calcium requirements can be met with dietary supplements or by eating low-fat milk products. On a low carb diet, cheese is an excellent source of calcium for women.
Women and Pharmacology
Now we get to the fun stuff! Let's pause for a second here. Ever seen a birth control pill, it's about 2 mg of estrogen (or progesterone). 2 mg. How many of you would take 2 mg of dianabol or winstrol! None. However, women are more sensitive to hormone fluctuations. Male bodybuilders tend to be very gung-ho about their steroid use. Hmm, they say, 1 anadrol works great so next time I will take 3! Yeah, that’s the way to my pro-card! While this attitude is destructive and stupid in men, it's going to be far worse if this sort of over-dosing is applied to women. Think how much that one little pill changes them or how different they get when their hormones flair. Having said that no doubt sexist comment, I will move on. Bottom line: Don’t over-drug your female clients, friends, or lovers! Women respond very well to low-dosages of drugs men take like tic-tacs. Also, don’t use dynamite on a roach. If your wife wants to drop 10 pounds before the holidays, don’t put her on a stack of T3, DNP, and clenbuterol. Have her try some ephedrine. Ok, well, without further delay….
Cytomel (T3)
This is a great drug for women. I think this is probably the best fat burner a woman can use. Women’s metabolisms are much slower then men and this drug makes significant differences in their body composition. I have seen a girl lose 20 pounds in less then a month using just 50 mcg of cytomel per day. Let me tell you this was not 20 pounds of water; she looked amazingly different and she kept the weight off when she stopped. I recommend a dosage of between 25-75 mcg depending on weight. If a girl is over 150 pounds then 50-75 mcg is decent. I could consider 50 mcg to be ideal for most women, although I suggest starting off at 25 or 12.5 and working up the dosage every 2 or 3 days. I do not recommend more then 6 weeks on this drug at a time. Upon stopping T3, I recommend the use of guggulsterones (Gugulbolics by Syntrax or Metabolic Thyrolean by Prolab).
Another good drug for women. I find that a dosage of 60 mcg per day is a good starting place, but the dosage can be tapered up towards 100 mcg per day. I advocate the standard 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off pattern of use. Some people seem this think that the anti-catabolic properties of clenbuterol are more apparent in women. I have not seen anything conclusive to prove this point and I am generally skeptical. However, I do recommend that cytomel be combined with clenbuterol if the women is not taking anabolic steroids; this will help prevent loss of lean muscle mass.
The ECA stack works wonders on women as well, and I would suggest starting off with a product like Adipokinetics or Ripped Fuel if the women just wants to lose a few pounds. Not only is ECA a thermogenic, but it does help to blunt hunger which is a very important component of fat loss.
Yes, I know that everyone hates it when ole Grendel trots out his friends the amphetamines, but as I have said before they are the standard in hunger-suppression. Generally speaking, prescription amphetamines are not needed. Dexatrim (phenylalanine) works very well as does norephedrine (which is contained in many fat burners). However, if these OTC products are not working, prescription amphetamines may be useful.
If you were to tell a doctor that your girlfriend was taking steroids, you would see the man’s head explode in front of you. If you told him that she was taking anti-estrogens for bodybuilding purposes, he would implode completely, annihilating all matter and energy. Dan Duchane, in BodyOpus, mentioned that his female clients were noticeably harder when taking nolvadex. He rationalized that by blocking the actions of estrogen in the body, the women were somehow being put into a more anabolic state or at least holding more water.
Honestly, I would rather a woman took deca for the muscle gains and took some OTC supplement for the water retention. I think I can safely say that women are far more hormonally balanced then men and minor changes really upset the whole picture. I would steer women athletes away from Nolvadex. If anything, you want the body to be able to respond to the increase of testosterone in the woman’s body, this would help keep masculinizing side effects to a minimum. Under no circumstance should a woman use Clomid or HCG; both of these are extremely potent fertility medicines.
Steroids (In General)
If you flip through a bodybuilding magazine and find pictures of female bodybuilders that look like men, it's because they have been abusing very androgenic steroids like testosterone. Unless the woman’s goal is to be a ripped 200 and compete in the Ms. Olympia, they shouldn’t even think about using testosterone. Remember that steroids are classified as both anabolic and androgenic. Testosterone is the base drug used for comparison. Most synthetic steroids are designed to be more anabolic (promote muscle growth and protein accumulation) then androgenic (promoting male secondary sexual characteristics). Women want to steer away from highly androgenic steroids like testosterone and towards drugs with low scores like winstrol, anavar, deca-durabolin, and primobolan.
Highly androgenic steroids create the following side effects in women:
Deepening of the voice
Menstrual irregularities
Enlarged clitoris-maybe I will finally be able to find the damn thing
Acne or oily skin
Development of facial hair
Change in skin texture
These sorts of side effects are called virilization and not all are reversible. The deepening of the voice, for instance, is generally not reversible. I personally find all these side effects to be extremely undesirable in women, which is why I again urge all women away from any high androgenic steroid compound. Furthermore, taking estrogen in addition to anabolic steroids is not sufficient to prevent the development of these side effects.
Obviously people love to exaggerate and tell the urban legend of the 5 inch clitoris on the fitness competitor that they knew. Generally, this is not the case.
Having given an over-view and an explanation of why I condone certain drugs, I will now proceed to a break down of the drugs I do think a woman may safely take. I must say, really, that I do not recommend steroids to women at all. I guess a more accurate description is that these are a list of safer drugs that women can use with less probability of negative side effects.
Stanazalol (Winstrol) 10 mg per day
Methenolone (Primobolan) 50-100 mg per week
Oxandrolone (Anavar) 10-20 mg per day
Nandrolone (Decadurabolin) 50-100 mg per week
If you read my other articles on Anabolic Extreme, you will see that I do not advocate tapering. This is only in application to male athletes. With females using anabolic steroids, I recommend starting at very low dosages and slowly increasing until a good rate of development is observed. On the next cycle, there would be no need to taper once this starting point has been established. The dosage values I have listed along side the drugs above are starting points.
I do not know if there are any real experts at administering anabolic steroids and other drugs to women for the purposes of athletic enhancement. Women using such drugs walk a very fine line that too frequently is trampled. I do not like the Ms. Olympia look, although I respect the dedication, drive, and talent needed to get to that level. I think most women are going to turn to steroids and other drugs for the same reason their male counterparts do, either because they need to take their bodies to a higher level or because they are eager for a quick fix.
Please take care if you are a woman considering using anabolic steroids. Think carefully about your goals, especially your long-term goals. The stress of these drugs on your hormone system and your body may have far reaching ramifications. And that’s all I am going to say about that. "
Women: The Other White Meat
by Grendel
"Training women is a very touchy issue (hahah); many personal trainers go about it entirely the wrong way because they believe their job is keep a client happy, not to make the client see results. Lets travel in our minds eye to a little Gym called Silver’s Gym where the club music is blaring and Mr. Brawn is training his client, Tawnie Kitten the stripper…
“Now Tawnie what are you goals?”
“Uhmm. Well, like you know, I like wanna look good, but like ugh, I don’t want those big muscles like in the magazines”
“Ok, fine. Now lets go over here to the free weight section…”
“Free weights, noooo. Those will make me too big, I put on muscle very quickly. I don’t want big arms…”
“Ok, lets go to this machine here and put it at 50 pounds.”
“50 pounds! Are you crazy, I told you I didn’t want big muscles!!!”
“Ok! Fine. Pick up those pink dumbbells, the 100 milligram ones, do 2 sets of 20 reps ok”
“Sure, wow, I feel the burn…”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Now, unless you happen to be on the few men training or dating a woman who really understands weight lifting, you are going to run into similar training problems. Women always think they are going to get huge immediately (they all say my arms get really strong without working them) and so they want to do high reps with the same weights for years and years and years…Now, a buddy of mine is a hardass trainer and when women clients come to him he puts them on a standard workout like a man would do, just at a proportional weight. Immediately the women will say, “I don’t want to get big arms, I don’t want to look huge.” At this point my friend will point to some skinny guy in the gym and say, “Lady, you see that guy. He has been busting his ass for years to get “huge” and still hasn’t gotten there. Don’t worry.” This tends to help placate them.
This article is intended to correct many of the problems I see in the way a lot of women train and eat. This advice on diet and training is not written for experienced female athletes. However I will also cover, since this is Anabolic Extreme, the issue of pharmaceuticals and women.
Women and Training:
Studies show that there is no difference between the muscle structures of men and women. Pound for pound, women are just as strong as men. The problem of course is that women carry, on average, 10 percent more body fat then men. This means that 120 pound woman would have to be compared to say a 95 pound guy. Anyway, this means that women’s muscle responds with hypertrophy to the same sort of stimulus that men’s muscles do. This means that an exercise must be taxing to the point of triggering muscle trauma so that growth begins.
The key difference between men and women is that women wake up knowing they can get laid that day. Well, yes, that is of course true, but the key difference between training men and women is looking at hormone levels. Without using anabolic steroids, women have, obviously, less testosterone. This means it's harder for them to put on lean mass and also harder for them to recover from strenuous workouts. What can we take away from this? Simply that while a workout for a woman should incorporate concepts like failure training, it is crucial that women have more rest and recovery time then men do.
I find that a 2 days on, 1 day off split is ideal for women. I recommend that the hardcore training approach championed by Anabolic Extreme be used. A sample female chest workout would be:
2 sets of 40 flyes
3 rest pause sets of incline press
2 rest pause sets of flat bench with dumbbells
This is not significantly different then how a man would train. However, the total volume is lower. Women should be encouraged to use as heavy of weight as they can move. It is not the weight that’s going to make them big, it's the presence of androgens in their blood. If they are not taking male hormones they will never look like men nor the women in the Ms. Olympia. That “look” is not a product of heavy training, it’s a product of very androgenic steroids and extremely low body fat.
Women should make sure to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times per week. Women generally have slower metabolic rates then men and the cardiovascular exercise will help elevate the metabolism. If, however, a women finds that her increased cardiovascular exercise is causing her to eat more then perhaps cutting back on cardio is a good idea
Women and Diet
Once again, women should eat like male athletes just adjusted for weight differences. High protein diets are ideal for women particularly when combined with low-carbohydrate intake. Many women find that the low carbohydrate diets also help with water retention, which is nice.
Nutritionally, women need more calcium and more iron then men do. A diet rich in protein will help with iron but a good mult-vitamin supplement is also important. Too much iron is not desirable, however. Calcium requirements can be met with dietary supplements or by eating low-fat milk products. On a low carb diet, cheese is an excellent source of calcium for women.
Women and Pharmacology
Now we get to the fun stuff! Let's pause for a second here. Ever seen a birth control pill, it's about 2 mg of estrogen (or progesterone). 2 mg. How many of you would take 2 mg of dianabol or winstrol! None. However, women are more sensitive to hormone fluctuations. Male bodybuilders tend to be very gung-ho about their steroid use. Hmm, they say, 1 anadrol works great so next time I will take 3! Yeah, that’s the way to my pro-card! While this attitude is destructive and stupid in men, it's going to be far worse if this sort of over-dosing is applied to women. Think how much that one little pill changes them or how different they get when their hormones flair. Having said that no doubt sexist comment, I will move on. Bottom line: Don’t over-drug your female clients, friends, or lovers! Women respond very well to low-dosages of drugs men take like tic-tacs. Also, don’t use dynamite on a roach. If your wife wants to drop 10 pounds before the holidays, don’t put her on a stack of T3, DNP, and clenbuterol. Have her try some ephedrine. Ok, well, without further delay….
Cytomel (T3)
This is a great drug for women. I think this is probably the best fat burner a woman can use. Women’s metabolisms are much slower then men and this drug makes significant differences in their body composition. I have seen a girl lose 20 pounds in less then a month using just 50 mcg of cytomel per day. Let me tell you this was not 20 pounds of water; she looked amazingly different and she kept the weight off when she stopped. I recommend a dosage of between 25-75 mcg depending on weight. If a girl is over 150 pounds then 50-75 mcg is decent. I could consider 50 mcg to be ideal for most women, although I suggest starting off at 25 or 12.5 and working up the dosage every 2 or 3 days. I do not recommend more then 6 weeks on this drug at a time. Upon stopping T3, I recommend the use of guggulsterones (Gugulbolics by Syntrax or Metabolic Thyrolean by Prolab).
Another good drug for women. I find that a dosage of 60 mcg per day is a good starting place, but the dosage can be tapered up towards 100 mcg per day. I advocate the standard 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off pattern of use. Some people seem this think that the anti-catabolic properties of clenbuterol are more apparent in women. I have not seen anything conclusive to prove this point and I am generally skeptical. However, I do recommend that cytomel be combined with clenbuterol if the women is not taking anabolic steroids; this will help prevent loss of lean muscle mass.
The ECA stack works wonders on women as well, and I would suggest starting off with a product like Adipokinetics or Ripped Fuel if the women just wants to lose a few pounds. Not only is ECA a thermogenic, but it does help to blunt hunger which is a very important component of fat loss.
Yes, I know that everyone hates it when ole Grendel trots out his friends the amphetamines, but as I have said before they are the standard in hunger-suppression. Generally speaking, prescription amphetamines are not needed. Dexatrim (phenylalanine) works very well as does norephedrine (which is contained in many fat burners). However, if these OTC products are not working, prescription amphetamines may be useful.
If you were to tell a doctor that your girlfriend was taking steroids, you would see the man’s head explode in front of you. If you told him that she was taking anti-estrogens for bodybuilding purposes, he would implode completely, annihilating all matter and energy. Dan Duchane, in BodyOpus, mentioned that his female clients were noticeably harder when taking nolvadex. He rationalized that by blocking the actions of estrogen in the body, the women were somehow being put into a more anabolic state or at least holding more water.
Honestly, I would rather a woman took deca for the muscle gains and took some OTC supplement for the water retention. I think I can safely say that women are far more hormonally balanced then men and minor changes really upset the whole picture. I would steer women athletes away from Nolvadex. If anything, you want the body to be able to respond to the increase of testosterone in the woman’s body, this would help keep masculinizing side effects to a minimum. Under no circumstance should a woman use Clomid or HCG; both of these are extremely potent fertility medicines.
Steroids (In General)
If you flip through a bodybuilding magazine and find pictures of female bodybuilders that look like men, it's because they have been abusing very androgenic steroids like testosterone. Unless the woman’s goal is to be a ripped 200 and compete in the Ms. Olympia, they shouldn’t even think about using testosterone. Remember that steroids are classified as both anabolic and androgenic. Testosterone is the base drug used for comparison. Most synthetic steroids are designed to be more anabolic (promote muscle growth and protein accumulation) then androgenic (promoting male secondary sexual characteristics). Women want to steer away from highly androgenic steroids like testosterone and towards drugs with low scores like winstrol, anavar, deca-durabolin, and primobolan.
Highly androgenic steroids create the following side effects in women:
Deepening of the voice
Menstrual irregularities
Enlarged clitoris-maybe I will finally be able to find the damn thing
Acne or oily skin
Development of facial hair
Change in skin texture
These sorts of side effects are called virilization and not all are reversible. The deepening of the voice, for instance, is generally not reversible. I personally find all these side effects to be extremely undesirable in women, which is why I again urge all women away from any high androgenic steroid compound. Furthermore, taking estrogen in addition to anabolic steroids is not sufficient to prevent the development of these side effects.
Obviously people love to exaggerate and tell the urban legend of the 5 inch clitoris on the fitness competitor that they knew. Generally, this is not the case.
Having given an over-view and an explanation of why I condone certain drugs, I will now proceed to a break down of the drugs I do think a woman may safely take. I must say, really, that I do not recommend steroids to women at all. I guess a more accurate description is that these are a list of safer drugs that women can use with less probability of negative side effects.
Stanazalol (Winstrol) 10 mg per day
Methenolone (Primobolan) 50-100 mg per week
Oxandrolone (Anavar) 10-20 mg per day
Nandrolone (Decadurabolin) 50-100 mg per week
If you read my other articles on Anabolic Extreme, you will see that I do not advocate tapering. This is only in application to male athletes. With females using anabolic steroids, I recommend starting at very low dosages and slowly increasing until a good rate of development is observed. On the next cycle, there would be no need to taper once this starting point has been established. The dosage values I have listed along side the drugs above are starting points.
I do not know if there are any real experts at administering anabolic steroids and other drugs to women for the purposes of athletic enhancement. Women using such drugs walk a very fine line that too frequently is trampled. I do not like the Ms. Olympia look, although I respect the dedication, drive, and talent needed to get to that level. I think most women are going to turn to steroids and other drugs for the same reason their male counterparts do, either because they need to take their bodies to a higher level or because they are eager for a quick fix.
Please take care if you are a woman considering using anabolic steroids. Think carefully about your goals, especially your long-term goals. The stress of these drugs on your hormone system and your body may have far reaching ramifications. And that’s all I am going to say about that. "