She is hypothyroidic and the levoxyl has done nothing for a while even with increased dosage. She has now got a script for cytomel.
Should she continue the levoxyl(t4) AND cytomel(t3) or taper off the levoxyl, or just quit taking th levoxyl altogether. The primary car Physician does not know the answers. The other side effect she is greatly looking forward to is the obvious with the cytomel. She is going with .50 mcg a day. Hopefully someone experienced or a dr. can answer this.
Should she continue the levoxyl(t4) AND cytomel(t3) or taper off the levoxyl, or just quit taking th levoxyl altogether. The primary car Physician does not know the answers. The other side effect she is greatly looking forward to is the obvious with the cytomel. She is going with .50 mcg a day. Hopefully someone experienced or a dr. can answer this.