Since a lot of scientific jargon and abstracts is hard for some to swallow I'll show why overtraining+ undertraing is good.
1) Overtraining decreases your test levels increases cortisol.
2)How ever, your body gets used to less test so it becomes more receptive to it. That is how a guy with lower test levels can be pretty muscular, his body is more efficient at utilization of test.
3)Doing less intensive workouts after high intensity high volume workouts stops overtraining and test levels rise back up as stress hormone cortisol levels drop.
4)Your body is still efficient at converting test to muscle (for a limited time) so in effect you get your normal or even slightly higher testestorone levels but with higher testestorone utilization.
It is like injecting yourself with mild anabolics. Ofcourse you must use good judgement to make sure that you dont overtrain for too long and use proper recuperative workouts.
1) Overtraining decreases your test levels increases cortisol.
2)How ever, your body gets used to less test so it becomes more receptive to it. That is how a guy with lower test levels can be pretty muscular, his body is more efficient at utilization of test.
3)Doing less intensive workouts after high intensity high volume workouts stops overtraining and test levels rise back up as stress hormone cortisol levels drop.
4)Your body is still efficient at converting test to muscle (for a limited time) so in effect you get your normal or even slightly higher testestorone levels but with higher testestorone utilization.
It is like injecting yourself with mild anabolics. Ofcourse you must use good judgement to make sure that you dont overtrain for too long and use proper recuperative workouts.