Deepsquat said:I have an extremly hard job ...well now that I have 8 years seniority it is only hard 2 days a week...the rest of the week I get to do relitivly easy jobs...but the tough day ...I pick orders for a magor grocery store chain lift 30-50000lbs each day ....depends on the orders ...for instance an order in the bakery aisle ...where bags of flour and sugar and cake mix ..weigh in a 50 lbs a piece ....a 5000lbs order and 30 minutes to do it in is not unusual ....I don't know how the hell the little guys at my work do it! ...and to top all that off you walk 6-8 miles per day! These numbersa I am quoting are not bullshit the bottom of the page of and order sheet it tells us how much the order have to guess on the walking distance ...but i have measured it out with a pedometer.
As for how this affects my training are pretty beat at the end of the day so preformance in the gym is usually not 100% of you best. most people that start at my job lose 10-15 pounds the first month ....the skinny and the fat.
Deepsquat...I did the same thing for a couple years. And yeah it will make you or break you. Have to keep drinking water ALL DAY...and up the caloric intake. Your body adjusts to it overtime as your work capacity increases. In fact I am about to go back to selecting next week. So I know it wont be a great week in the gym because I will be sore. But your body adapts.