Hi, yes i have used that drug and it is my favorite definitely. I think it is the best of all AAS for women. I have only used it and winstrol, but the wintrol upset my menses rather a lot. The primobolan did not distrub it at all. Yes, the 25mg is still there, it is Primbolan-S by Schering.
well in 89-1991 out of mex proviron 25mg and bolan5mg came in foil and it was not uncommon to see 20tabs a day of the bolan go along with 25 of the pink 2mg winny tabs. the liver was working!!!!
My ex girlfriend loved primo..she did the 50mg tabs i think, not positive, unless they only make 25mg but i think it was 50mg...she did 1 tab a day and gained 14 lbs.