I have read BodyOpus, and McDonald's book (The Ketogenic Diet) and I also am a Swolecat client.
First, Duchaine is THE MAN and BodyOpus is an awesome work. For anyone who is serious about learning and dieting - read it.
With all due respect to Dan D., some points in BodyOpus are not exactly 100% correct and were shown to be so in later studies. Lyle's work goes into that and a LOT more as well.
Lyle discusses Keto, CKDs, TKDs and more balanced approaches and the good/bad points of each.
Swolecat is kickass though. His program is NOT a CKD diet, its a different approach, I have been on it for a few months. I EAT all day long I am shedding fat and have even put on some lean mass as well.
Swole does paid consults - when you buy his diet, you tget that AND his time and support as well. So out of respect for him I will not provide details of what his diet is, but it works very well.