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Which cycle for contest prep ??
My first show is june and was wanting input on which cycle you guys prefer? Stats are 6'2 265 by 10 weeks out ( 257 right now). Plan on running it for 9 weeks. First cycle is:
Test testosterone propionate 100 mg ed
Winstrol - stanozolol (oral) 50 mg ed
trenbolone ace 75 mg ed
Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - 400 mg may go upto 600 ( continued from bulking )
Primobolan - methenolone - ?? dose
anavar 40 mg ed
Tren 75 mg ed
Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - 400 mg may bump it upto 600?
Will also throw in Halo the last two weeks, as well as run Clenbuterol.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.. Thanks
My first show is june and was wanting input on which cycle you guys prefer? Stats are 6'2 265 by 10 weeks out ( 257 right now). Plan on running it for 9 weeks. First cycle is:
Test testosterone propionate 100 mg ed
Winstrol - stanozolol (oral) 50 mg ed
trenbolone ace 75 mg ed
Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - 400 mg may go upto 600 ( continued from bulking )
Primobolan - methenolone - ?? dose
anavar 40 mg ed
Tren 75 mg ed
Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - 400 mg may bump it upto 600?
Will also throw in Halo the last two weeks, as well as run Clenbuterol.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.. Thanks
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