I will start by saying I will try to get pics soon. Anyway, as of last night I was 4.3% @ 209#. I have 199# of lean mass and ...oh yeah I forgot to mention I am dropping to Lt/Hvy class for only the second time in 8 years! I went from 7000calories a day to 2400 a day...basically my lunch before! It was nessary as I had about 205 pounds lean mass and needed to starve some off. I can hear you all now...why the fuck is he doing this???? Answer my son and my woman and my health....in that order. In the light of my quad tear injury I came to the realization that I am 36yo now and this was a horrific injury. I was up to 1200# leg presses post injury but my squat was shit. ( I do not do squats now) I could tell this was not productive and dangerous for me. My rotators hurt my elbows hurt mt back...everything. I ntrained Dorian Yates style for 10 years. I mean 600# squats every fucking week for 3 years! gave me 30" quads but my knees are shit. 525# personal best bench at 228# 405 for reps every week. Torn bicep from 405 bent row.....I am beaten up..I admitt it..but I will never be broken. I now train fast as a MOFO> as one older gym member said "you train like the damn devil!" I do 18 sets of back in 25min. and I am talking bent rows 315# for 15-20 reps hypers and the free chins 20 reps first round then I rest one minute and roll again. i do 3 rounds then I pick 3 more exercises and roll again 3 rounds and I am done! Its a mother fucker. I train every thing this way. Now why the weight class drop. Well my legs are now about 27 inches. which will take 6# off me or so. Thats bad at nationals. The last and biggest reason is the dosages. For me to be a heavyweight at nationals I was shooting and swallowing 2500+mg a week and I was at 1/2 the dose of most in the top 5 I talked to. I was doing 1/4 the Hgh. I wil not do that to myself or my loved ones. Here the kicker. For me to be a Lt/Hvy I am barly doing 400mg a week and my weight is not dropping well even at 400mg! I can basically coast as far as gear goes...even take dare I say it......TIME OFF! Its just the logical thing to do I think...All my judge friends liked me better as a Lt/ Hvy anyway. Thanks for that after I abuse myself for 8 years! Well there you have it!