im sure ill take some flack here for this (because im not sure what im asking either at this point) but I really want to discuss it with some people who have been there. this is in the powerlifting section because competing and my #'s are all im concerned about (looking beast in the mean time doesn't suck but you get my point).
im wanting to get some opinions on when to take a jab at it lol. I AM NOT TRYING TO DO THIS TOMMORROW, JUST HAVE SOME QUESTIONS.
me-23 5'7" 180 12-14% s460-b260-d475 trained off an on since highschool, and been religiously on linear progression for about six months. once again I DO NOT consider these stats to be where I would want to be when taking the plunge. what I think I am asking is when do you guys think I should? I once told myself 1250 but that seems to be coming sooner than later.
I just don't want to use and never progress again without it. is this possible.
say you were in my shoes and you wanted to compete march-may 2015 what would be the best case regarding aas use? none at all, wait and be on my first cycle then, or have a cycle under my belt at that point and be on the second? again long-term strength gains are my goal and I do plan on using at some point. I just want some opinions on when it would be most beneficial for my goals and what I should be shooting for
thanks if you read this and have something to share
im wanting to get some opinions on when to take a jab at it lol. I AM NOT TRYING TO DO THIS TOMMORROW, JUST HAVE SOME QUESTIONS.
me-23 5'7" 180 12-14% s460-b260-d475 trained off an on since highschool, and been religiously on linear progression for about six months. once again I DO NOT consider these stats to be where I would want to be when taking the plunge. what I think I am asking is when do you guys think I should? I once told myself 1250 but that seems to be coming sooner than later.
I just don't want to use and never progress again without it. is this possible.
say you were in my shoes and you wanted to compete march-may 2015 what would be the best case regarding aas use? none at all, wait and be on my first cycle then, or have a cycle under my belt at that point and be on the second? again long-term strength gains are my goal and I do plan on using at some point. I just want some opinions on when it would be most beneficial for my goals and what I should be shooting for
thanks if you read this and have something to share