I never used EQ before but heard you have to inject quiet often. Any help would be appreciated on reccomended dosages and how often, and how long a cycle of EQ should be for. Thanx
I plan on hitting about 300mg/week for about 8 weeks along with 25mg winny/day. I would do more Eq, but I have limited supplies. Gains will vary from person to person, but as long as you are not looking for a lot of weight, I think you will be pleased with the results.
In my next cycle I was planning on doing 450mg per week, does anyone think I should bump it up to 600mg will be stacking it with sust throughout and d-bol in the beginning and primo and anavar in the end.
My first EQ run, I took 150 mgs twice a week... and got good gains. If I had to do it again, at a BARE MINIMUM I'd hit 100 mgs eod.
A good start would be 150 eod, in my opionion.
I always take it EOD, because well... I love the shots.
I'll be hitting 1200 mgs a week soon.
Currrently doing 600mg of EQ weekly along with 100mg of Prop every 3rd day! It's been 2 weeks and I'm up 6 lbs I'm thinking mostly from the Prop! Give the EQ 10 more days and it should be flowing nicely. Mass
My first EQ run, I took 150 mgs twice a week... and got good gains. If I had to do it again, at a BARE MINIMUM I'd hit 100 mgs eod.
A good start would be 150 eod, in my opionion.
I always take it EOD, because well... I love the shots.
I'll be hitting 1200 mgs a week soon.
Damn Bro, you sound like a perfect candidate for that no ester 150mg/ml sold in the 150ml jug by our international friend. Said to have 15-20% more EQ because there's no ester. I'd love to hear who's tried this stuff.