New member
hey whats up guys?
about me:
230lbs 21%bf
been in fitness for 18+ years
Im a former combat athlete turned instructor and just received my brown belt in GJJ on 8/31/15. Also, Im considering competeing again in submission grappling but thats atleast 1 1/2 away.
For most of my lifting "career" I did a powerbuilding approach. Simply to keep my strength high while looking good. The last 2 years I basically got on a Cleans kick and got obsessed with picking up heavy things and pushing them over myu head
I basically worked on every variation the the Clean you can imagine and even found nedw ways to do them.
Anyways its taken a toll on my body and now for the next 10 weeks-?? Im gonna concentrate on a pure bodybuilding approach.
Obviously I need to cut bodyfat, so which SARMS should I go with and at what dosage and how long should I run them?
My goals are:
1. Maintain muscle and strength
2. increase my endurance
3. not have to starve myself in the process
how do research SARMs compare to those in supplement form like Osta shred?
lastly, which company is the best to go with?
Sorry for the long read guys, just wanted you to know my experience.
about me:
230lbs 21%bf
been in fitness for 18+ years
Im a former combat athlete turned instructor and just received my brown belt in GJJ on 8/31/15. Also, Im considering competeing again in submission grappling but thats atleast 1 1/2 away.
For most of my lifting "career" I did a powerbuilding approach. Simply to keep my strength high while looking good. The last 2 years I basically got on a Cleans kick and got obsessed with picking up heavy things and pushing them over myu head

Anyways its taken a toll on my body and now for the next 10 weeks-?? Im gonna concentrate on a pure bodybuilding approach.
Obviously I need to cut bodyfat, so which SARMS should I go with and at what dosage and how long should I run them?
My goals are:
1. Maintain muscle and strength
2. increase my endurance
3. not have to starve myself in the process
how do research SARMs compare to those in supplement form like Osta shred?
lastly, which company is the best to go with?
Sorry for the long read guys, just wanted you to know my experience.