New member
I have been having trouble getting into ketosis all week. Ketosticks show small traces at best and I think that it is the fact that it is wet that makes it look pinkish rather than actual ketones.
I keep track of everything I consume on an excel workbook (used on my pocket PC). The following link will take you to a folder that contains my diet for this week (week 4) up to lunch today (except for day 1, Sunday. I was out and did not keep trakc of my macros). If anybody has the time, please take a look through it and let me know if anything looks suspicious.
I keep track of everything I consume on an excel workbook (used on my pocket PC). The following link will take you to a folder that contains my diet for this week (week 4) up to lunch today (except for day 1, Sunday. I was out and did not keep trakc of my macros). If anybody has the time, please take a look through it and let me know if anything looks suspicious.