I'm about 5'10 165lbs bf% no idea but I'm guessing its probably somewhere close to %20. I'm currently cutting. So far I've lost 3lbs in the past 3 weeks. All suggestions, opinions and tips greatly appreciated. TIA.
Day 1 : Chest + Back
Dumbell Incline Press 4 X 6/8/10/
Good Mornings 4 X 6/8/10/ ( can't do deadlifts yet due to injury )
Bent-Forward Cable X-overs 4 X 6/8/10/
T-Bar Rows 4 X 6/8/10/
Close grip chin ups 2 X to failure
Day 3 : Legs
Squats 3 X 10
Leg Press 3 X 15
Hamstring Curl 3 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 1 X 25
Seated Calf Raises 1 X 25
Day 5 : Shoulders + Tris + Bis
Standing Barbell Press 4 X 6/8/10/
Reverse Overhead Dumbell Laterals 3 X 10
Barbell Curls 4 X 6/8/10/
Skull crushers 4 X 6/8/10/
Machine Curls 3 X 10
Cable Pressdowns 4 X 6/8/10/
30mins of cardio on days 2,4,6
Rest on Day 7
3 sets of 10 Decline crunches for Abs 3 days a week.
Day 1 : Chest + Back
Dumbell Incline Press 4 X 6/8/10/
Good Mornings 4 X 6/8/10/ ( can't do deadlifts yet due to injury )
Bent-Forward Cable X-overs 4 X 6/8/10/
T-Bar Rows 4 X 6/8/10/
Close grip chin ups 2 X to failure
Day 3 : Legs
Squats 3 X 10
Leg Press 3 X 15
Hamstring Curl 3 X 12
Standing Calf Raises 1 X 25
Seated Calf Raises 1 X 25
Day 5 : Shoulders + Tris + Bis
Standing Barbell Press 4 X 6/8/10/
Reverse Overhead Dumbell Laterals 3 X 10
Barbell Curls 4 X 6/8/10/
Skull crushers 4 X 6/8/10/
Machine Curls 3 X 10
Cable Pressdowns 4 X 6/8/10/
30mins of cardio on days 2,4,6
Rest on Day 7
3 sets of 10 Decline crunches for Abs 3 days a week.