im trying to get my shoulders bigger, which core excercises should i do for them? i currently do military press, lateral and front raises and the shoulder press machine but no results really.
the military press is the cornerstone of any shoulder exercise.
if you aint seeing results then you're not doing something right.
remember bro...
I do a variation of a hang clean... and upright row combination...
I have my grip about shoulder length, elbows pointed out, palm down... I rapidly pull the weight up to maybe my lower chest (the bar is away from my body, and not close, much like the hang clean FIRST motion, and not the opright row)... I then reset, and pull again... my shoulders have shown tremendious growth doing this...
I think, the deadlifts, barbell rows and my hammer front military press with 4 plates on each side also help.
I do a variation of a hang clean... and upright row combination...
I have my grip about shoulder length, elbows pointed out, palm down... I rapidly pull the weight up to maybe my lower chest (the bar is away from my body, and not close, much like the hang clean FIRST motion, and not the opright row)... I then reset, and pull again... my shoulders have shown tremendious growth doing this...
I think, the deadlifts, barbell rows and my hammer front military press with 4 plates on each side also help.
But seriously...I got good results with overhead dumbell press
Right now I do overheard barbell press because I can't life the heavier dumbells at this point. Anyone know if barbell overhead are presses pretty good too? I haven't been doing them long enough to notice results.
What do your splits look like?? My shoulders really responded well when I lifted my chest and my front delts on the same day and then hit my rear and side delts on back day. I switch between this and giving my delts there own day every 2 months or so.
i like standing military press. i think standing makes a big difference. for a good variation you can do a push press. if the weight is light enough you can even clean the bar from the ground.
Yes... what ever 4 plates is on that front military hammer... I knock out about 4-5 of them... I don't think it is TOO impressive, as my shoulder limits my freebar lift substantially...